As a mysterious highness from a higher level world above the primordial dimension, he has this capital to despise the creatures of the dimensional plane, but unfortunately, the mysterious highness does not know that Li Xiu’s metamorphosis is not at all imaginable by the dimensional plane…


Li Xiu’s face was calm, and a ripple emerged, and Li Xiu left directly from the Origin Universe and entered the Sea of Chaos.

BB or something doesn’t make sense, since it’s so awesome, then it’s good to fight.


Mysterious Highness.

Ma Pi, he is so awesome, he hangs the sky so much, his identity is so terrifying, and as a result, this Dao Zun ignores him?

Good gas.

His Highness Mystery’s face turned a little green.

“Very good!”

Taking a deep breath, His Mysterious Highness’s face was grim and tearing the void away from the Origin Universe.

There is still Origin Creation in the Origin Universe, what if in the Origin Universe because of the great war affecting the Origin Creation, His Mysterious Highness does not want to let any problems with the Origin Creation, Li Xiu went to the Sea of Chaos to fight, which is exactly in line with the wishes of His Mysterious Highness.

Of course, Li Xiu will go to the Sea of Chaos for almost this reason, their level of powerhouses fighting has too much impact on the plane, even if the crystal wall level of the Origin Universe plane is very high, it is impossible to resist, if one accidentally breaks the Origin Universe, then it will not be embarrassing.


In the depths of the sea of chaos, two figures stand proudly in the chaotic qi, and the violent chaotic qi is like a well-behaved child in front of these two figures, not to mention the fury, even close can not do it, dare not do it, all far away from the two figures.

The invisible qi machine rose from the two people, the breath seemed ethereal, but it was thick and depressing, the time and space around the two had been frozen, and the terrifying qi machine had even been crushed in time and space, and cracks were densely spread around the two people’s bodies.

The two of them were like stubborn stones in this sea of chaos, their postures had never changed, and even their eyes did not have any waves, as if they had stood in the sea of chaos for an unknown number of years.

Maybe a second passed, or maybe ten thousand years passed, and suddenly, among the two, a young man with a white dress and a golden pattern… Moved!

In an instant, a long knife filled with blood mist appeared in the young man’s hand, and a set of cyan armor pierced the young man’s body.

“Blood Slaughter!”

A knife slashed out, the sky shook, the entire sea of chaos seemed to shake at this moment, a loud noise spread in all directions, a large number of planes collapsed at this moment, the destructive aura evolved one vision after another shining in the sea of chaos, and the enchanting blood-colored rainbow rushed straight towards another person across time and space.

Li Xiu, dressed in white and victorious snow, with a calm face and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, rushed straight to his Changhong, and there was already a Changhong reflection under his eyes, and at the moment when Changhong was about to approach Li Xiu, Li Xiu immediately struck!

“The sixth layer of the Secret Law of the Ultimate Essence of Matter.”

As soon as his mind moved, a steady stream of power was born from Li Xiu’s body, as if it came from the cosmic flood waste, as if from the ancient primitive power rushed to Li Xiu’s body, and an invisible roar resounded in Li Xiu’s body, and the space around Li Xiu directly collapsed into endless darkness.

Zheng Zheng Zheng !!!

The sword roared in the heavens, the Taichu Ten Thousand Realms, the Dao Jade Sword appeared in Li Xiu’s hands, and the Taichu Hongmeng Armor appeared on Li Xiu.

“Sword without firmament!”

His lips moved slightly, and Li Xiu spit out four words.


The Dao Jade Sword sword radiance surged and condensed, a heavy virtual shadow flashed behind Li Xiu, there were thunder cloth nine heavens, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, there were stars all extinguished, there were heavens collapsing and destroying ten thousand worlds, infinite visions turned into magnificent energy poured into the Dao Jade Sword, the sword swung, time and space stood still, and the sword radiance turned into a golden rainbow and rushed towards the bloody Changhong.


The sword mangs attacked Changhong, one after another sword intent surged with sword intent, and the energy aftermath spread in all directions, in less than three seconds, the sword mangs polished the sword intent and rushed to the mysterious highness, facing the sword mang, the mysterious highness swung the sword to block, although the sword mangs were shattered, but the mysterious highness took a step back.

The two made a move, Li Xiu stood in place without moving, His Mysterious Highness took a step back, and it was already clear who was strong and who was weak!

“Damn it!”

His Mysterious Highness roared with an ugly face.


With one step, the sea of chaos shook, and the mysterious highness disappeared from the place.


Li Xiu’s eyebrows raised slightly, his figure flashed, and Li Xiu also disappeared.

Next second.


One after another afterimages swept by, Li Xiu, who had been standing still, and the Mysterious Hall disappeared from the place in an instant, and in the next second, the sound of qi and blood roaring bloomed, wisps of blood mist overflowed, and the sound of Dao blood and flesh colliding was like a thunderstorm, resounding throughout the entire heavens and realms.

Countless powerhouses in the heavens and realms were alarmed at this moment, and the aftermath of the battle between Li Xiu and the mysterious highness made countless creatures in the heavens and realms tremble.

“What level of powerhouse is this!”

“Hey, every second there will be plane destruction under their attack.”

“It’s terrifying.”

“What kind of progression is this.”

“How can there be such an existence in the heavens and realms.”

“In this way, all the heavens and realms will be destroyed by them.”

One by one, the powerhouses of the heavens showed fear and swallowed, facing the battle between Li Xiu and His Mysterious Highness, the powerhouses of the heavens were already numb, and it was difficult to imagine why there was such an existence in the world.




One after another streamers broke through the space and instantly descended from the earth to the edge of the universe, the light dissipated, and Xiao Yan and the others walked out of the streamers.

“It’s the breath of the master.”

Luo Tiantian said in a deep voice.

“Master is fighting someone else.”

Yang Jian said with a bright look.

“Senior sister, what should we do now.”

Changsheng looked at Xiao Yandao.

As Changsheng spoke, the rest of the people also all looked at Xiao Yan, as the only sister of Li Xiu among everyone, Xiao Yan’s status among the apprentices and servants was faintly higher, so generally if Li Xiu was not there, everyone would also ask Xiao Yan.

“Leave it to your brother, don’t you still believe your brother.”

Xiao Yan with the mask only showed a pair of cold eyes, and his voice calmly echoed between the universe, although he said that, there was still a hint of worry in the depths of Xiao Yan’s eyes.

Even if he knew that his brother was invincible, even if he knew that his brother was very strong, he was still a little worried when he saw Li Xiu and others fighting against Xiao Yan.

[PS: I will update five sheets today, and I will find it tomorrow, ask for all kinds of support, your support is the biggest driving force for the author to move forward! ] 】

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