Li Xiu’s body was wrapped in a series of weak dimensional power, around Li Xiu’s body was a monstrous sea of blood, the sea of blood was filled with anger and resentment, the energy of the entire sea of blood was extremely pure, but it was eroded by various negative energy, so that if others absorbed it, they would definitely go crazy and become a rational beast.

The sea of blood has spread all the way to the black hole to the primordial dimension, and from the endless sea of blood, you can see how tragic and terrifying the original battle was, and this sea of blood is the source of the waterfall!

“Is this the primordial dimensional main plane?”

Li Xiunan said to himself.

This is the main plane of the original dimension!

The Primordial Dimension Main Plane that was destroyed because of the Great War I!

The void is the plane crystal wall that was broken in that great war, and the blood-red liquid is the blood transformed by the fall of the dimensional god-level powerhouse in the great war!

With a wave of his hand, a ripple appeared in the space, and Li Xiu disappeared from the place.

Come here, then take a look.


A few days later, Li Xiu planned to leave the main plane of the original dimension, although this is the main world of the original dimension, the senses are quite fresh, but the world has been damaged, there is nothing to look at, let alone the creatures, there is no place in the whole world that is not broken, and Li Xiu will lose interest after watching it for a few days, and it is better to return than to spend time here.


Just as Li Xiu was about to return, as if he felt something, Li Xiu looked in one direction.

That place, if he hadn’t made a mistake just now, seemed to have a familiar breath?


With a flash of essence in his eyes, Li Xiu stepped out of the torn void and disappeared.

In the next second, in a small world full of infinite energy, Li Xiu’s figure appeared out of thin air, ignoring this small world containing majestic energy, Li Xiu looked ahead, looking at the center of the small world.

“It’s really a dream!”

Li Xiunan said to himself.

Yes, Yume!

In front of him, a mass of Origin Power that exuded a faint vitality was slowly absorbing the surrounding energy, and if it weren’t for the energy overflow and Li Xiu’s sensitive perception, Li Xiu really wouldn’t have been able to find it just now.

“Could it be that the dream appeared in the primordial dimension is my reason?”

Li Xiu thought thoughtfully.

In the middle of a ring, Li Xiu shook his head and didn’t think much about it, whether he sent her to the primordial dimension or not, since he now met Meng’er who was condensing, there was naturally no reason to care, first help Meng’er be reborn!


As soon as the word came out, the energy of the whole world began to boil, Li Xiu stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the vast dimensional power burst out from Li Xiu’s hand, and in an instant, the energy of this world immediately turned into a huge vortex and converged towards Li Xiu’s palm, one after another handprints pinched, Li Xiu beat a stream of pure energy into the origin of Meng’er.


A wave of suction emanated from Meng’er’s Origin, and with the help of Li Xiu, Meng’er’s Origin began to grow and condense at a speed visible to the naked eye.


More than a hundred days later, the energy of the entire space had been exhausted by Li Xiu, and looking at Meng’er who was condensing and forming, Li Xiu secretly said: “That’s it, since the energy is not enough, then use my energy.” ”

Although Meng’er left a back hand before the big battle, but the preparation work was still not enough, the energy she had prepared at the beginning had been exhausted, with the slow speed of Meng’er absorbing external energy and the original main dimension plane was also broken Aura was originally insufficient, if Li Xiu did not help her, Meng’er did not know when she would be reborn, Meng’er also called her father, Li Xiu naturally would not care.

Then, use your own energy!


With a low roar, more than 120,000 dimensional divine powers gushed out, Li Xiu’s handprint pinched, and the dimensional power was constructed into runes by Li Xiu into the Meng’er Origin, with the supply of Li Xiu’s energy, the Meng’er’s Origin immediately accelerated and condensed, and soon, a small baby appeared in front of Li Xiu’s eyes.

“Oh… Baba. ”

The innocent baby looked at Li Xiu, blinking her eyes milkily, and stretched out her hand to let Li Xiu hold her.

“Little girl, your origin has not been restored, let’s continue to recover first.”

Beckoning, Meng’er flew into Li Xiu’s arms, stretched out her hand to Meng’er’s eyebrows, a brilliant light bloomed, and Meng’er fell back into a deep sleep.

“When Meng’er would call me dad, was it because of this, I used my origin to help her be reborn, so she felt affectionate to me, and subconsciously called me father.”

Looking at the sleeping dream, Li Xiunan said to himself.

“Everything has a cause and effect, let’s follow the original trajectory.”

After thinking about it, Li Xiu made a decision.

It is not far before the time of his return, and he can’t take care of Meng’er at all, so taking the original path is the best choice!

Holding the dream step out, Li Xiu left from the small world.

One after another dimensional power appeared under Li Xiu’s eyes, a magnificent golden glow overflowed from Li Xiu’s eyes, stretched out his left index finger, Li Xiu drank lightly: “Break!” ”


In an instant, the boundless void began to shatter, and a huge crack appeared in the void on Li Xiu’s fingertips, and a stream of plane power came out of the crack, looking at the crack, Li Xiu’s heart moved, the power of the dimension blessed, the originally unstable crack gradually began to stabilize, and finally turned into a black hole and appeared in front of Li Xiu’s eyes.

Dimensional gods all have the ability to leave the dimensional plane and enter the dimensional main plane and the dimensional world, not to mention Li Xiu, with Li Xiu’s current strength, forcibly opening a passage from the main dimensional world to the dimensional plane is simply not too simple, it can be done easily.

Exhaling a breath, the dimensional power turned into a majestic energy that enveloped Meng’er’s body, and after ensuring Meng’er’s safety, Li Xiu opened his hands, and the invisible power around Meng’er’s body slowly flew towards the black hole.

“Ding! Time is coming, ten, nine…”

The voice of the system sounded from Li Xiu’s mind.

“Just after everything is dealt with, it’s time to settle the final reckoning.”

Standing with his hands in his hands, a faint smile appeared on Li Xiu’s face.

Now, he has become a dimensional god, this chess game, there is no need to play anymore, he already has the qualification to directly lift the chessboard!

When the final matters are dealt with, Li Xiu can go to a more magnificent dimensional world, and Li Xiu is looking forward to this…

A few seconds later, the mysterious ripples streaked through, the brilliant brilliance rose, and Li Xiu disappeared from the place.

Return, real time and space!

The final reckoning… It’s arrived!


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