The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Naruto had forgotten how he walked to the Hyuga clan, and he had forgotten that he could ask Hinata where the gathering point of Team 8 was after she woke up. In short, he had forgotten everything, even his apology to Sakura.

All the emotions, all the apologies, all the uneasiness turned into a feeling called confusion at that moment. He numbly raised his feet and walked like a zombie, and then numbly handed Hinata to them in the cannibalistic eyes of the Hyuga gatekeeper ninja.

Then he fled in a panic.

Kurouma was rarely silent, hiding in the sealed space as if he didn't exist. He didn't say a word when Naruto was confused, and the whole fox seemed to be silent as if he was autistic.

He was not really autistic, but was a little speechless for a while. He was not as confused as Naruto, but he was a little confused.

I really didn't expect that Hinata, who was usually shy and didn't dare to say a word, would dare to lie on Naruto's back and confess directly. Kurama, who had just fed Naruto chicken soup, didn't even react before he was intercepted.

I still had a long paragraph of chicken soup to say, but I didn't say a word. There was no need to say it, because Naruto couldn't listen to it now anyway.

Naruto, who had been beaten and scolded since he was a child, hated by others, and disliked by Sakura, was actually confessed by a girl at this moment, and the most outrageous thing was that Kurama had a sense of good and evil, and Naruto was also somewhat influenced by Kurama to feel the kindness of others.

The moment Hinata confessed, her kindness was so bright that Kurama's dog eyes, no, it was the fox eyes.

To be honest, he had never seen anyone show such terrible kindness to Naruto in his life. In addition to Minato and Kushina, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade and others also had kindness, but their kindness was always maintained, very solid and huge.

But compared to the kindness shown by Hinata when she confessed, it was real.

Kurama couldn't describe it at all.

In a word, Hinata is superman!

It was obvious that Naruto could also sense it. Although not as clear as Kurama, he could distinguish between kindness and malice, so he understood the moment he heard Hinata speak that Hinata was not joking, it was real.

So he was confused.

Hinata likes him? At this moment, it was like a ball of twine in his brain that kept winding, and then he couldn't find the head and tail after winding around, and he could only watch the twine become more and more tangled, and all he could do was... just watch.

Naruto didn't know what was going on in a trance. He subconsciously returned to the place where he practiced before. Looking at Jiraiya sitting on the side of the training ground, he blinked blankly.

Jiraiya took a sip of wine and looked at Naruto and said subconsciously: "You actually went to slack off? Do you know how long I have been looking for a suitable teacher for you? You actually went to slack off!"

To be honest, if Naruto didn't know that Jiraiya was beaten into the hospital by Tsunade yesterday, he might really feel a little guilty now.

Of course, the point is not this. The point is that his brain now doesn't support him to think about the loopholes in Jiraiya's words in a roundabout way, or he didn't listen at all.

"Ah?" Naruto looked at Jiraiya blankly.

Jiraiya: "..."

Shocked, this guy didn't mock himself?

It was not until then that Jiraiya realized that something was wrong with Naruto. He stood up from the stone and walked to Naruto's side, looking at Naruto strangely: "What's wrong with you? You look absent-minded?"

"I..." Naruto subconsciously wanted to answer, but he stopped abruptly the next second.

He didn't want to say it.

"Tell me." Jiraiya was even more curious, "What could have made you, a heartless person, become like this? Did you meet a ghost?"

"Lecherous sage..." Naruto still did not refute, but said woodenly, "Let's continue to practice, I want to master the Rasengan before tomorrow."

Jiraiya: "..."

No, there must be something wrong with this guy. Jiraiya crossed his arms and looked at him with a scrutinizing look: "Look at you like this, is it related to the girl named Haruno Sakura?"

Kurouma: "You guessed it right, don't guess next time."

Theoretically, it is indeed related to Sakura. Theoretically, this incident was indeed caused by Sakura. Theoretically...

Theory is bullshit, does this incident have anything to do with Sakura?

This guy became like this because of Hinata's sudden confession.

Kurama held his mouth in the sealed space: "Naruto, you are not suitable for training now. I suggest you take a day off."

Naruto looked dazed: "Oh, then I'll take a rest today."

Jiraiya, who called a teacher to let Naruto practice Rasengan, said: "...Are you talking to me?"

Naruto looked at Jiraiya: "Kurouma, the lecherous sage asked me if I was talking to him."

Kurouma, Jiraiya: "..."

Kurouma covered his face: "It's over, Naruto's CPU burned out."

Jiraiya's face was numb: "I'm getting more and more curious about what happened to you, but you really can't practice like this, so you should go back and rest."

Naruto's current state is very wrong. Seeing Jiraiya calling Kurama, and then seeing Kurama calling the lecherous sage, this is no longer a blank expression. His brain is broken.

"Okay, Kurama." Naruto replied to Jiraiya, and then...

Walked directly to the training ground and began to condense chakra. Judging from the posture, he should be preparing to practice Rasengan.

Kurama, Jiraiya: "..."

Jiraiya was full of questions. To be honest, he had never been speechless as many times as today in his life. Didn't he say he was going to rest? Why did he go to practice right away?

He really wanted to pull Kurama out of Naruto's body and interrogate him, but Kurama couldn't come out, so they couldn't talk. The only way was to let Naruto use the shadow clone, and then release the control of the shadow clone and let Kurama take over.

But to be honest, Jiraiya didn't think Naruto could understand what he said in his current state.

Forget it, let him be, and ask others what happened later.

Jiraiya nodded, looked at Naruto's condensing chakra, thought about it and felt that he should teach him.

Then before he could say anything, he saw a blue chakra ball appear in Naruto's right palm, held in Naruto's hand, and its chakra was extremely stable. Except for the wind driven around, there was almost no overflow of chakra.

Jiraiya's bottle fell to the ground.

He rubbed his eyes violently, blinked hard, and then was stunned: "Just...learned it?"

Yes, that azure chakra ball was a complete, flawless, pure Rasengan.

No, wasn't Naruto still gathering chakra when he waved and left yesterday morning? How come his chakra control ability suddenly reached this level?

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