The more you play, the more you will be in trouble.

Sasuke has fallen in love with playing tricks on people. He finally knows what it felt like when Orochimaru played tricks on him in the second Chunin Exam. No wonder Orochimaru has such a bad taste. It turns out that playing tricks on people is really addictive.

But it's not enough. The pleasure now is not enough! He needs more!

Sasuke dispersed the Chidori in his hand and slowly put his hands together to form a seal. The speed was not fast, after all, it was a ninjutsu he had just copied.

The corners of his mouth raised an arc: "Ice Release·Dragon Breaking Tiger!"

This is not a real ice release. It just relies on water release to control ice and snowflakes. Kakashi can copy it, so why can't he copy it with a pair of three magatama? He just knew that this ninjutsu can only be used in the ice and snow, so he was too lazy to copy it.

The purpose of using it now is also very simple, to add a straw to the mentality of Langya Avalanche that is on the verge of collapse.

The condensed snowflakes turned into tigers and rushed towards Langya Avalanche, covering it with powerful power and cold breath.

"You guy!" Anger appeared on Langya Avalanche's face, and he was furious!

"Ice Release·Dragon Breaking Tiger!"

The ninjutsu used by Sasuke is indeed not as powerful as the one used by Langya Avalanche. After all, it is just a copy without practice, but it is enough to deal with the ninjutsu used in a hurry.

Langya Avalanche watched countless tigers kill each other on the snow and die. He subconsciously made seals with his hands and wanted to use more powerful ninjutsu.

When Sasuke saw this, he made the same move as Langya Avalanche and taunted, "Are you going to use a new ninjutsu? I suggest you think about it again."

Langya Avalanche paused in his seal, his face flushed red, and he couldn't stop his murderous aura and anger, but he had to think about what Sasuke said.

Chao! Sharingan is disgusting!

Kakashi, I hate you!

Seeing Langya Avalanche's face turn from red to black and finally to purple, Sasuke couldn't suppress his inner joy, and before he knew it, a happy smile appeared on his face.

You dare to mock our Konoha ninjas as flowers in a greenhouse? Sakura's mentality is better than yours. Sure enough, a frog in a well will always be a frog in a well.

Naruto, I'm almost done here, don't ask me to help you then.

Indeed, facing an opponent with a problem in mentality, even if it is a senior ninja, Sasuke is confident that he can win, it's just a matter of time.

Naruto's situation was simple. Dongxiong Frost Rain had already fallen down. His armor had completely collapsed. Half of his body was almost destroyed by the Rasengan, leaving only muscles and flesh. His blood was spilled on the snow. From a distance, it looked like flowers blooming in the snow.

Naruto stood up and looked at Dongxiong Frost Rain who had fainted. Then he turned his gaze to Tsurugi Fubuki who had stabilized in the sky: "Your companion has fallen down. You should also come down to die. Don't worry, it won't hurt."

Tsurugi Fubuki looked very ugly. While she hated Naruto, she was also thankful. Fortunately, she didn't rush up just now. Otherwise, she would be the one lying on the ground now.

She looked at Dongxiong Frost Rain lying on the ground and swallowed hard. If it weren't for the chakra armor that blocked most of the impact, Dongxiong Frost Rain would probably have been broken by now, the kind of broken that couldn't be put together.

Naruto looked at Tsurugi Fubuki with a smile, his voice full of joy: "How about this, you also know that I am kind-hearted, so I promise you that I will never let you feel any pain, wait a moment, I will condense a bigger Tailed Beast Ball to help you get rid of it, okay?"

Tsurugi Fubuki: "..."

Do you have any misunderstanding about the word kindness!

She wanted to roar at Naruto, but unfortunately she couldn't, she could only fly in the sky in frustration without saying a word, and then silently told herself that this guy couldn't fly, and she could use long-range ninjutsu to harass him all the time.

As soon as she said it, Tsurugi Fubuki took a deep breath, formed seals with both hands, and waved the wings behind her fiercely at Naruto: "Ice Release·Tan Fubuki!" (Original)

The waving of the wings condensed into a storm out of thin air, and the falling snowflakes were condensed together by the storm, and countless snowflakes turned into sharp blades and rushed towards Naruto.

Naruto jumped up to dodge the attack, flipping and dodging among the sharp blades of snowflakes, speaking loudly as he dodged: "Even if you don't agree, don't reject it in this way. Let's talk it out nicely. It's fine if you just throw snowflakes randomly, but you even hit your companion!"

The place where Dong Xiong Frost Rain fell was not far from Naruto, and the indiscriminate attack ninjutsu of "Turtle Blowing Snow" of course covered him in it. Naruto could dodge but he couldn't. The sharp blade snowflakes would fall on him, making his already injured body worse.

"Shut up!" Tsurugi Blowing Snow gritted her teeth, turned around and waved her wings again, this time she consumed more chakra.

She didn't believe that a little kid's chakra could match her, a senior ninja with chakra armor to provide recovery!

"Ice Release·Turtle Full Blowing Snow!" (Original)

This technique is more powerful than Turtle Blowing Snow in terms of attack range and attack strength, and it lasts longer. Even if Naruto can dodge, he will definitely be hit by this ninjutsu!

However, this technique has a disadvantage, that is, the condensation time will be longer than Turtle Blowing Snow, but it doesn't matter, I am flying in the sky, that guy can't hit me!

Tsurugi Blowing Snow feels that she can still win!

Naruto stopped and looked at the scene, shaking his head helplessly: "There is really no love for companions."

After saying that, he suddenly smiled: "But didn't I tell you? The Tailed Beast Jade is originally a ninjutsu used by the tailed beasts for long-range combat!"

He showed his right hand, and soon a Tailed Beast Jade was condensed in his hand. Seeing that Tsurugi Fubuki began to condense chakra, Naruto pointed his right hand at her without hesitation. With Naruto's chuckle, the fist-sized Tailed Beast Jade flew out instantly.

"Ninjutsu·Tailed Beast Jade!"


Another roar, accompanied by another bright light in the sky, Naruto smiled and looked at the scene, the light and the loud noise seemed to be just his background.

But the next moment, he couldn't laugh anymore.

But a figure flew out from behind Naruto like an arrow, with two shining blades in front of him, and Tsurugi Fubuki's sarcastic voice: "Kid! Don't underestimate the jonin!"

The sharp blade passed by, accompanied by Naruto's face full of horror, Tsurugi Fubuki's short knife condensed with ice in his hand slashed across Naruto's body, one cut off Naruto's neck, and the other cut off Naruto's waist.

Blood splattered, until this moment the fragments falling from the sky were actually broken ice.

Ice clone!

Naruto thought of this.

Tsurugi Fubuki watched this scene, and the smile on her face became more and more unbridled: "Little boy, remember to tell the god of death when you go to hell that the one who killed you was a jonin from the Snow Country..."

"I think it's too embarrassing, so let it go."

Naruto in front of him turned into smoke, and the snow suddenly exploded. Naruto jumped out from under the snow with a calm face, and the Rasengan in his hand was directly imprinted on Tsurugi Fubuki's chest: "Have you forgotten that I am still a perception ninja?"

The huge Rasengan landed on Tsurugi Fubuki's chest, and the powerful force began to explode with the disordered rotation of chakra.

Naruto and Tsurugi Fubuki faced each other with a sarcastic smile on their faces: "Kurouma told me that the ninjas of you Snow Country are all arrogant and think you are invincible. I didn't believe it. Which ninja dares to say such a thing?"

"Now it seems that you are all arrogant. You actually use the clone-inducing tactic to deal with a ninja with perception ability. You have really stayed in your comfort zone for too long. You almost forgot what the battle between ninjas is like?"

Naruto did not hide his sarcasm at all, and his face was full of pride: "Kurouma once said: Arrogance is the root of destruction, and the arrogance of ninjas is the beginning of their death."

"Too naive, you two, obviously have the same chakra strength as the Sound Four, but you can't even compare to any of them."

"The stronger the person, the more they can perceive their own weakness, unless they can surpass humans, and you probably have long forgotten what "self-reflection" is."

Tsurugi Fubuki widened her eyes and looked at Naruto in disbelief.

She... indeed forgot that this guy was a perception ninja, and was indeed arrogant enough to think that a clone tactic could kill Naruto, because under normal circumstances, even if the clone tactic didn't work, she could rely on the chakra armor to block the opponent's attack and then counterattack.

But now she is facing Naruto who has the ability to defeat the chakra armor.

She dodged the Rasengan at the beginning, but this... she couldn't dodge it.

In a trance, the light and the storm turned into silver gauze draped over Naruto, and the red chakra kept shining. Tsurugi Fubuki seemed to see the mighty, huge orange-red monster standing in the snow, grinning with sharp teeth, and the scarlet pupils were full of murderous intent.

"Monster... ..." Tsurugi Fubuki said this at the last moment.

Watching Tsurugi Fubuki being knocked away, Naruto scratched his head: "Why is this guy...

Why are you still cursing?"

Kurouma lay in the sealed space, his face blank: "I don't know."

As he said that, Kurama shivered all over, he hurriedly hugged his nine tails and wrapped himself up like a quilt: "Let's not talk about that, when will your mission end, the Snow Country is so cold."

Naruto was full of black lines: "What temperature can you feel in the sealed space? And you are obviously a tailed beast, are tailed beasts afraid of cold?"

"Who told you that tailed beasts are not afraid of cold!" Kurama retorted righteously, "Even if I was thrown next to Son Goku, I would feel hot, right? Besides, none of the tailed beasts use ice escape, I'm not used to it."

"I feel you are fooling me." Naruto replied unhappily.

"Whatever you think. "Kurouma looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, and pursed his lips and stopped talking.

He couldn't possibly tell Naruto that he was just fooling Naruto.

Because the tailed beasts... are indeed not afraid of the cold, after all, they are chakra aggregates.

But this does not prevent Kurama from being afraid of the cold, that damn earth memory is like this, because he is a southerner who has never seen heavy snow, and even a little snow in the south can freeze people to death, let alone such heavy snow.

Anyway, that's what the memory of that humble southern earthling told him.

Naruto looked at Kurama in the sealed space. At this moment, Kurama had shrunk into a ball, hugging his nine tails tightly like a dumpling. From a distance, who knows that this is a tailed beast ball.

Naruto's face showed disgust: "This is a monster, shame."

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