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Naruto probably understood what Kurama meant: "Is that Ippon Kanjutsu really that powerful? Which one is more powerful, the Tailed Beast Ball?"

"Ninjutsu depends on the user." Kurama shook his head He said: "For example, the Tailed Beasts, there is a difference between the Tailed Beast Balls that Shukaku uses with all his strength and the Tailed Beast Balls that I use with all my strength. That guy can only raze Konoha to the ground, but I can blow up the entire Land of Fire. God, this is the difference. "

"If it is a small-sized Tailed Beast Ball, you don't need the Ichiban Kanju, four Ichiban Kanju are enough to cut the Tailed Beast Ball, and if it is a full-strength Tailed Beast Ball, Ichiban Kanju is also enough. Unstoppable. "

After all, the Tailed Beast Ball is a range damage, while the Crossing Hand is a single target damage. Small Tailed Beast Balls can be cut by the Crossing Hand to avoid damage, just like the Fourth Raikage used the Crossing Hand to cut Kurama's Tailed Beast Ball Like jade.

However, if it is a large-sized Tailed Beast Ball, the damage done by the Penetrating Hand cannot be cut directly, which will cause the Tailed Beast Ball to explode directly. With the powerful force of the large-sized Tailed Beast Ball, it cannot be blocked unless the Third Raikage has the strongest shield. , the Fourth Raikage is still a little bit immature compared to his father.

"And this is in the case of a head-on collision." Kurama recalled, "The Fourth Raikage's speed is enough to keep up with you... and keep up with the Fourth Hokage. Flying Thunder God Technique can even keep up with Space-Time Ninjutsu. I don't need to describe how fast it is, right? "

Naruto looked confused. He really didn't have any impression. After all, whether it was Space-Time Ninjutsu, He had never seen the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Forget it, it's useless to say anything." Kurama rolled his eyes, "Just remember, when you go to the Book of Sealing next time, if you can't find the ninjutsu you want to learn, just write down the Flying Thunder God Technique. , learn if you can, don't force it if you can't learn. "

Minato has a talent for space ninjutsu, Naruto should have inherited some of it, even if he can't learn Flying Thunder God, it should be no problem to strengthen the summoning technique.

"I understand. "Naruto nodded obediently, "What should I do next? Grandma Tsunade is still unwilling to help me with treatment."

Tsunade... this is a problem.

Kurama touched his chin and said, "Tsunade won't give You are probably being treated because of hemophobia, and it is not enough to treat you with silent means, so she did not say it directly. I guess she has been observing your injuries for these days. "

To treat Naruto, surgery is necessary. Blood, Tsunade can't stand the sight of blood, and wants to throw it to Shizune, but Shizune's level is not good enough, so she can only delay it temporarily, while observing Naruto, she is also planning a treatment method in her mind.

"Hemophobia?" Naruto sat up from the ground, a little confused, "Do medical ninjas also suffer from hemophobia?"

"That's because of what Tsunade experienced, which left her with a psychological trauma." Kurama looked at Naruto, "I can tell you this. With your personality, you might be able to do something to provoke her."

Naruto tilted his head to express his doubt.

Kurama showed an ambiguous smile, stood up and lay down in front of the cell door: "On the eve of the Third Shinobi World War, Tsunade proposed a war system called 'Medical Ninja', that is, each three-person team is equipped with a Medical ninjas, to improve the survival rate of ninjas. "

"But no one in Konoha agreed at that time. They thought that medical ninjas were a waste of resources and had no combat effectiveness, so they voted unanimously against it. Only one person agreed with Tsunade, and that person was Kato Dan , that is, Tsunade's later lover. "

"Oh!" Naruto's eyes lit up, and then he was a little confused, "I know medical ninjas, they are all very powerful, why did the village think that medical ninjas were useless at that time?"

" Because they have no fighting power. " Jiu Lama opened his mouth and uttered this simple and excessive reason.

Naruto was speechless: "I don't know what to say... Then what?"

"Then Kato Dan died." What Kurama said made Naruto stunned, but Kurama didn't care what Naruto thought and continued "Kato Dan died tragically, but he could have been saved. Unfortunately, there was no medical ninja. When Tsunade arrived, Kato Dan had already died."

"It was probably because of this incident that Tsunade The medical ninja system was implemented almost violently, and a system was set up for medical ninjas on the battlefield, and then the Third Ninja World War began.

Naruto felt a little upset for some reason: "Did it succeed?"

"I'm very glad , Tsunade succeeded. "Kurama smiled and said, "It can be said that because of the medical system, Konoha's casualties were almost reduced to the minimum, and countless ninjas were saved by this system.

, and fought for Konoha again. Those pedantic old guys also saw the role of the medical ninja system, so... the medical team was born. "

"What happened later?" Naruto's eyes lit up again.

"Later, Tsunade's brother also died." Kurama said expressionlessly.

Naruto was stunned.

Kuroma smiled at his expression: "Her brother's name is Naroki, and his death was more miserable than Kato Dan. Kato Dan at least kept his body intact. Naroki fell into the enemy's trap and was killed by the detonating talisman. His internal organs were hollowed out, leaving only an empty shell, and Tsunade... was the one who agreed to let him go to the battlefield. "

"Witnessed the death of the person you love, and twice, a lover, a relative, both took the necklace representing the Senju clan from Tsunade, and made a vow to become Hokage, but in the end... died on the battlefield, and she didn't catch up twice. ”

So, Tsunade shut herself off and closed her heart. After the war, she left Konoha. From one of the three ninjas who dominated the ninja world, Princess Tsunade became a well-known casino tycoon, and she always wore a string of emerald green necklaces around her neck.

Kuroma looked up at Naruto: "You know, what hurts Tsunade the most is not the death of the two. The death of ninjas is inevitable. Every ninja knows this, but what she can't accept the most is that every time... every time they shouldn't die."

"If the medical ninja system had been established earlier, her lover would not have died. If she hadn't agreed to Nawaki's willful request, her brother would not have died. She attributed all the mistakes to herself, so the fear in her heart made her stay away from herself. She... suffered from hemophobia."

"Hearing this, do you understand Tsunade a little bit? "

Naruto lowered his head in silence. Kurama didn't know what he was thinking, but he believed that Naruto's unexpected behavior would make Tsunade... more autistic.

There was no way. Naruto was too similar to Rope Tree. Tsunade didn't dare to look directly at Naruto.

There was another reason why she didn't treat Naruto for so long. She didn't want her "brother" to go to the battlefield again, nor did she want to watch "Rope Tree" die in front of her again.

Poor, Tsunade, the Sannin, was really pitiful.

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