The chakra of Naruto is not weak, as can be seen from the fact that he can learn Rasengan, Sage Mode, and Rasengan Shuriken in a short time.

Naruto is the real Naruto when there is no chakra disturbance in his body from the tailed beasts.

Although he is better than Sakura and Tsunade, he can definitely be compared with Shizune. In addition, Naruto's own chakra is very huge, and there is also Kurama's chakra as support. It is definitely not a problem to store the Yin Seal in a year.

What's more, this ninjutsu was originally used by the Uzumaki clan. The Uzumaki clan has a per capita chakra, so even if they don't have such exaggerated chakra control as Sakura, they can master the Yin Seal in a short time.

Of course, the problem of chakra and control has been solved, and the last problem is the real difficulty.

That's right, the sealing technique.

Naruto probably forgot this point. After hearing what Kurama said, he became excited. He clenched his fist and looked at Tsunade and said, "I want to learn!"

Tsunade didn't know that Naruto had communicated with Kurama, but since Naruto wanted to learn, then teach him. It's not a big deal anyway.

She nodded: "In this case, you will learn chakra control techniques from me in the next time, and you can learn about the introduction of sealing techniques with Jiraiya in your free time. When you have an idea of ​​sealing techniques, I will start to teach you how to make a 'pool'."

"No problem!" Naruto agreed without hesitation.

Practice, nothing is more important than practice!

Oh, no, there is more.

Naruto touched the back of his head and smiled: "Grandma Tsunade, can you help me heal my body?"

Tsunade suddenly realized that if Naruto hadn't said it, she would have almost forgotten that this guy's injury hadn't healed yet. It was all because he used the tailed beast chakra to do bad things every day, causing Tsunade to forget that this guy was still injured and couldn't mobilize chakra.

But then again, he was obviously seriously injured, but he kept using the tailed beast chakra. Wasn't he really afraid of death?

Speechless, Tsunade still had to help Naruto heal first. This guy's health was really bad, even worse than when he left the village before, all because he used Kurama chakra from time to time during this period.

There was nothing much to say about the rest of the time. Anyway, he was caught by Tsunade to learn Yin seals, or caught by Jiraiya to learn sealing techniques.

Since Tsunade's hemophobia was cured, she also began to treat Naruto's body. Although he fell asleep every time because of anesthesia, Naruto was still a little scared when he woke up looking at a bed of blood.

Can you imagine that scene? Tsunade and Shizune forcibly pulled Naruto into the room with a 'smile', and then directly physically anesthetized Naruto to sleep. When he woke up, Shizune packed up the various medical instruments next to him with a look of aftertaste, while Tsunade sat next to him and drank.

Every time Naruto woke up, he saw a bed of blood. If there was no strange damage to his body, he really doubted what Tsunade and Shizune did with his body.

Asked Kurama, he also had a complicated face and said earnestly: "I suggest you don't know."

This made Naruto afraid of Tsunade. If he could not feel that his body was indeed recovering, he would have wanted to find a lecherous sage and run away.

In this way, more than a week passed, and they were ready to return to the village. Tsunade had also confirmed that she would take over as the fifth generation Hokage, which was also a good thing, although Naruto had no idea when Tsunade had agreed with Jiraiya.

The night before leaving, Kurama suddenly pulled Naruto, who was lying on the bed reviewing the introduction of sealing techniques, into the sealed space.

Naruto asked curiously, "What's wrong, Kurama?"

Kuruma's face was a little heavy: "Naruto, you know, there will be a day when the fledgling will be released. Although I am reluctant, I must make such a painful decision, that is, to let go of your hand and let you fly freely!"

Although his expression was heavy, Kurama's tone was full of tears, and Naruto was full of questions.

Kuruma looked at Naruto's face full of questions and said slowly: "I mean, you stay here, I will go out to buy you an orange... No, I am going out to find a way to become stronger."

"You also need to become stronger?" Naruto widened his eyes in surprise.

In his memory, he has never seen a stronger existence than Kurama. He almost thinks that Kurama is the most powerful existence in the world, and now Kurama actually said that he wants to go out to become stronger?

Hiss, Naruto took a breath.

"I still

Too weak. "Kuroma lowered his head and looked at Naruto, "In order to face a guy, I need to increase my strength to surpass all the tailed beasts, and now what I need is to gather the chakra of all the other tailed beasts."

This 'all tailed beasts' does not refer to the nine tailed beasts, but also the ten tails.

Naruto was stunned. This seemed to be the first time that Kurama told him clearly what he was going to do. Naruto touched the back of his head: "Then do it, I believe you."

Kuroma raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I know you believe me, but I still have to tell you, and this matter needs your help."

"No problem." Naruto nodded without hesitation, "How should I help you?"

"Same as last time, shadow clone, and then help me hide it from Tsunade and Jiraiya. "Ku Lama said," The technique I am going to learn cannot be known to anyone else. No one can know it. When I come back, I will take you to a place where I can increase my strength to a level beyond that of a shadow, so that you can grow to at least the level of a shadow. "

If we must say, excluding the factors of injury and Kurama's chakra, Naruto's strength is about that of a Genin to a Chunin. If he learns the Diamond Seal, Yin Seal and Rasengan, his strength should be able to grow to the level of a particularly Jonin.

With Kurama's chakra, Naruto can have the fighting power to rival a Jonin, but to be called a Kage requires not only fighting power, but also tactics, knowledge, command and other factors. But in terms of fighting power, Kurama can also be called a Kage.

I've got it wrong. In short, Kurama now senses the power of the Eight-tailed Gyu-ki in the distance. He communicates with the Gyu-ki, reunites at night, and then goes directly to Kame Island to learn the Eight-tailed Tail Clone Technique on Kame Island.

So he needs Naruto's Shadow Clone support now.

Naruto also nodded and climbed up from the bed. He glanced at the people in the next room quietly, and then gently made a seal: "Ninjutsu·Shadow Clone Technique! "

His body has begun to recover in this week. Although he still cannot mobilize chakra, at least he will not feel pain if he uses a little bit of Kurama's chakra, and it will not aggravate his injuries.

As the smoke emerged, another figure of Naruto appeared beside him. With the rising of red chakra, the body of the shadow clone Naruto gradually turned into a tailed beast.

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