
The human-faced spider was equally unwilling to be outdone!

Its eight thin legs swung quickly, and the white transparent spider silk shot towards Xu Tian's brow like a sharp sword.

Xu Tian's eyes were firm, he gripped the handle with both hands, and chopped vertically with force!

A cold light flashed!


The steel knife and the spider silk intersected together, creating sparks of fire!

The energy of both sides collided, generating a violent gale!

All the dead trees around were blown away, and some of the dead grass on the ground was directly blown into powder by the fierce gale!

Floating in the void.

Xu Tian and the human-faced spider did not retreat a single step, staring at each other in a stalemate.

Xu Tian glared:"What are you looking at?"

The human-faced spider exposed its fangs:"Squeak!"

Xu Tian:"Dashabei!"

The human-faced spider:"???"

【Resentment value from the human-faced spider +999! 】


You can actually understand what I say?

Xu Tian raised his eyebrows!

This human-faced spider looks like it is only at the level of Silver Nine Stars.

But there seems to be some mysterious power blessing on its body, and its real combat power is comparable to that of the initial gold level!

Its IQ is not comparable to those of the strange beasts in the outside world.


Xu Tian's spiritual power surged all over his body and madly merged into the steel knife in his hand!

The human-faced spider was obviously struggling, and dozens of spider silks shot out of its mouth!

But this time, it did not continue to attack the steel knife.

Instead, it bypassed the frontal attack and directly formed a curve to attack the back of Xu Tian's head!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking through the air was accompanied by a fierce gale!

""Damn it! Lao Liu! You're playing dirty tricks!" Xu Tian cursed.

Then a white light flashed around him, and he disappeared instantly.

The human-faced spider saw that its attack had missed, and it stood there in a daze.

But with the previous experience of attacking Xu Tian without success, it quickly adjusted itself.

It retracted the spider silk, and with fierce eyes, it carefully scanned the surroundings to prevent being attacked by a sudden attack!

But after a long time, there was still no movement.

The body of the human-faced spider began to tremble slightly.

Often, unknown...This is the most frightening thing.

I don't know where Xu Tian will start his attack.

Just when the human-faced spider was about to escape from here and find a wide field, the ground suddenly began to shake violently!


A drill rushed out from the ground!

The human-faced spider had no time to react at all, and the human face in its abdomen was directly drilled through!

The eyes were full of fear!

At the same time, a cold light flashed, and the human-faced spider was directly split into two halves!

【Ding! Kill the Level 3 Beastman-Faced Spider, experience +30!】

【Level: Level 2 (190/200)】

"It seems that if you want to kill a level 3 alien beast, you have to use your wits!"

Xu Tian took back the sky drill and wiped the black blood off the steel knife.

He walked to the side of the human-faced spider that had been split in half and took a white crystal from its forehead.

【Ding! The human-faced spider's 'beast crystal' has been detected’!】

【Beast Crystal: Can be attached to one's own spiritual skills to exert even more powerful power! 】

Xu Tian carefully looked at the beast crystal in his hand, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"The spider silk of this human-faced spider is really good. I tried my best but couldn't cut it. If it is attached to the Yuan-devouring spider silk, I wonder what effect it will have!"

Thinking of this,

Xu Tian quickly took back the corpse of the human-faced spider and found a safe bush to hide.

After checking that there were no other threats around, he took out the beast crystal.

He placed the beast crystal on his forehead.

The next moment, the beast crystal was visibly integrated into his body until it disappeared.

In Xu Tian's sea of consciousness, he could see......

The moment the beast crystal entered the body, the Element Devouring Spider King opened his eyes, his eyes gleamed with excitement and joy.


The invisible spider silk quickly entangled the white beast crystal.

With spider silk as the medium, waves of majestic energy continued to flow into the body of the Element Devouring Spider King, and then fed back to Xu Tian.

For a moment, the Element Devouring Spider Silk became sharper, and its ability to withstand pressure was greatly enhanced. It was no exaggeration to say that it was impervious to water and fire.

Seeing this, Xu Tian was overjoyed.

I didn't expect there to be such a hidden benefit!

However, this is also a probability problem.

After entering the secret realm, Xu Tian had killed eight strange beasts, but only the human-faced spider contained beast crystals.

It can be seen that beast crystals are not so easy to obtain.

【Notice: Member Xu Tian is the first person to absorb the beast crystal, blessing points +1! 】

A voice came from the sky again.

Xu Tian smiled and didn't make a fuss.

Because......I'm used to it.

If other people heard this, they would definitely be looked down upon!

Others didn't get any blessing points.

But he was used to it.

He didn't pay too much attention to this aspect, and had a Buddhist mentality.

After all, the real effect of the blessing points has not yet been revealed, and no one knows what substantial effect it has!

Xu Tian squatted on the ground, stroking his chin and thinking carefully.

"With my current strength, it's OK to kill a level 3 monster alone, but if there are too many, it will be a bit dangerous."

"Should I stay in the Level 3 Exotic Beast Area or enter the Level 4 Exotic Beast Area?"

Xu Tian was a little confused for a moment.

He looked at the rankings....

【First place: Xu Tian, level 2 (190/200)】

【Second place: Bai Xiaoxiao Level 2 (60/200)】

【Third place: Wang Hu Level 2 (40/200)】

【Fourth place: Liu Qiang, level 2 (5/100)】

【Fifth place: Cao Yi, level 1 (86/100)]

So far, 4 people in Novice Village 666 have reached level 2.

Only a few hours have passed.

"It seems that the first round of tasks is quite simple!"

Xu Tian thought for a moment and made a decision.

"I should find a level 3 monster to kill first, and then I can kill it when I reach level 3." Thinking of this, Xu Tian collected his thoughts, held the long knife in his hand, and continued to wander around the level 3 monster area. But he didn't notice that in the bush he just left, a red ant the size of a fingernail emerged from the soil. Its antennae moved back and forth, making a strange sound.

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

As the action fell, more and more red ants crawled out of the soil one after another.

Immediately, they rushed towards Xu Tian like a sea of blood.


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