Just when the situation was awkward,

Bai Xiaoxiao walked to the pink-haired girl, took her arm, and whispered in her ear:

"Huihui, what are you doing?"

He also pinched the flesh on He Yunhui's waist.

"Ah! It hurts! Sister, why are you pinching me?"

"You still have the nerve to ask? Do you know what you are doing?"

Bai Xiaoxiao glared at He Yunhui fiercely.

How can a girl ask someone if they want a maid in public?

Is this a serious illness?

Bai Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked at Xu Tiandao:

"May...Xu Tian, this is my cousin He Yunhui, she is young and immature, please don't mind it."

Her face was already red with shame.

She couldn't help but recall the encounter in the women's restroom.

Just as Xu Tian was about to reply, He Yunhui rushed to speak:

"I'm not small! I'm 36...Hmm~!"

Before she finished speaking, Bai Xiaoxiao covered her mouth.

"If you say another word, I won't buy you any more papaya tea from Michelle Ice City."

Hearing this, He Yunhui's eyes suddenly widened!

She shook her head fiercely!

As if to say...

No! I won't talk nonsense anymore!

Seeing this, Bai Xiaoxiao loosened her hand.

But at this moment, He Yunhui rushed directly in front of Xu Tian, knelt on the ground, and hugged Xu Tian's thighs.

""Xu Tian, can you teach me how to become stronger?"

She raised her head and looked at Xu Tian with her big watery eyes.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned!

What's going on?

Bai Xiaoxiao covered her cheeks helplessly with her hands when she saw this scene.

"I don’t know her, I don’t know her."

Xu Tian:"......" o((⊙﹏⊙))

He dared not move at all!

His legs were tightly held, sandwiched between the White Rabbit candies.

Soft and fluffy!

He could faintly smell a fragrance~

It didn't seem like a synthetic perfume, but more like his own body odor! He

Yunhui's hands and feet were wrapped around Xu Tian's thighs.

Seeing that Xu Tian didn't react, she couldn't help but pout.

"Humph! If you don't agree, I will keep pestering you!"

There was a hint of resentment in her voice.

Hearing this, Xu Tian came back to his senses.

【Option 1: Wait and see who can’t stand it first! Completion reward: Immortal Binding Lock!】

【Option 2: Women will only affect your sword-drawing speed! Don't be close to women, refuse them ruthlessly, and use the Great Shift to leave! Completion reward: fairy wand!】

【Option 3: Show your true manliness! Promise her! Be cool! Completion reward: Da Chu brand Hehuan powder! 】

The system presented three options in front of Xu Tian.

He glanced at them.

With many experiences in answering multiple-choice questions, he thought of a popular saying in his previous life:...

When in doubt, C is invincible!

Thinking of this, Xu Tian's mouth curled up into an evil smile.

"Actually, it’s not impossible, but you have to wear a hip skirt with black stockings!"

After the words fell, the scene instantly fell silent.

Xu Tian did not deliberately lower his voice, so that everyone around him could hear it!

"Damn! I'm impressed by this old man Xu Tian!"

"Don’t be Bilian!"

"Please let that girl go and let me come!"

"Taking advantage of someone's misfortune! This Minotaur can't stand it anymore!"

"Flax fell!"

There was an uproar around!

Especially the boys, they were all very angry!

Such a pure white lotus was going to be smeared by the mud!

The feeling of reluctance was beyond words!

He Yunhui was stunned at first, and then a bright smile appeared on her face!


Xu Tian was stunned when he saw the smile on He Yunhui's face.


I want to embarrass you, but you are so happy?

Xu Tian just nodded blankly.

Seeing this, He Yunhui's eyes flashed with a touch of pink light!

At the same time.

The pink light around her body gathered and quickly surrounded her, forming a pink silkworm chrysalis.

Xu Tian was stunned because his feet were also trapped.

Pull hard!

Can't move at all!

Damn! How can this seemingly soft thing be so strong?

Three seconds later...


A small hole appeared on the pupa.

A small head popped out from it!

He Yunhui blinked her beautiful eyes.

Then many cracks appeared on the pupa.


The pupa broke, and He Yunhui's whole body jumped out of it!

When Xu Tian saw He Yunhui, he was stunned!

He looked down in disbelief!




Everyone around was also stunned.

The scene was silent for a while!

Not for anything else, just because He Yunhui was wearing a black hip skirt, and also with black stockings, full of temptation!

"Xu Tian, is this the hip skirt with black stockings you mentioned?"

He Yunhui said with a slanted look.

Her voice was cold, completely different from her previous sweetness!

She could be called a sweet girl before!

But now, she is completely different, with an extraordinary temperament, more like a cold queen!

Not only that, her appearance has also added a bit of arrogance!

More beautiful and moving!

It really fits that saying....

Cuteness before sexiness——

XXXX! yyds!!!


Xu Tian was really shocked!

Do you know what it feels like to witness a person go from a cute sweet girl to a cold queen? Do you know how much of a shock this is to the soul! ?

You don’t know!

Because you have never seen it! The pictures are as follows↓

And it doesn't seem like she's pretending, it's more like she is like this!...

How exciting!

Xu Tian couldn't help but sigh and smack his lips!

"Xu Tian, is this okay?"


Xu Tian's speech was a little slurred.


At this moment, a crisp sound rang out.

Along with it came a scolding voice,"I've told you hundreds of times! Don't use supernatural powers in public!"

Bai Xiaoxiao took back the hand that hit He Yunhui's butt.

He rolled his eyes helplessly!

"It's okay, sister, just once!"

He Yunhui did not refute, she turned her body and returned to her original state!

Immediately, she looked at Xu Tian with a burning gaze,"Xu...Master Xu, you must keep your word.~"

"I was spanked by my sister because of you!"

Xu Tian(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ゙

Bai Xiaoxiao─━ _ ─━✧


Xu Tian has ten thousand alpaca horses galloping in his heart (艹皿艹)凸~!



I wanted you to give up!

Why are you getting braver and braver! ?

This makes me lose face!


The cross-dressing just now is really beautiful!

Much more natural than the internet celebrity with level 10 beauty filter on Douyin!

Not to mention wearing a hip skirt and black stockings!

She is totally an otaku assassin!

Xu Tian couldn't help but think in his heart:


Who can stand this?


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