real world

""Ahhhhhhh!" Xu Tian shouted in horror!

He sat up suddenly!

His head was still buzzing! Was that a dream just now?

Why was it so real?

Moreover, who was that person?

Was that world the earth in the previous life?

Mecha? Light energy converter?

And, the white light outside the window?

What on earth are these?

Many questions attached to Xu Tian's mind!

He was sweating coldly!

And he felt as if his body was hollowed out, and he was powerless all over! He didn't even have the strength to stand up!

He glanced at the time, 4 o'clock in the morning!

It was still pitch black outside, with only a little light!

Xu Tian calmed his mind and lay down slowly, but he couldn't fall asleep for a long time!......

Early in the morning!

Xu Tian staggered out of the bedroom with panda eyes!

"Ouch! Son! Why are you getting up so early today when we have a holiday on Saturday?"

Hearing the noise, Xu Shimei, who was watching TV, turned around and looked!

He was shocked!

"Shit! What happened to you? Did you sleepwalk to yourself?"

Xu Tian:"......"

Ah, yes, yes!

I sleepwalked and had a fight with Tyson!

And I got beaten like this!

He couldn't help but roll his eyes!

"I didn’t sleep well!"

Xu Tian sat down on the sofa and took a big bite of the watermelon on the table!

He couldn’t help but recall the scene in his dream! He couldn’t shake it off! He could only stare blankly!

He stared for three hours!

There were bloodshot eyes!

As soon as he had some strength in his body, he got up and went out!

Xu Shimei looked at the TV and said faintly:

"...Masts and oars were reduced to ashes!"

Xu Tian:(= ̄ω ̄=)Meow target!

You are the one who will be wiped out!

Your whole family......

Hey! Wait!

The words in Xu Tian's mind paused!

Why is it getting more and more wrong?

Xu Shimei looked at Xu Tian's hesitant expression and laughed in his heart:

Hey! Little guy!

Dare to fight with your father?

Practice for a few more years!

After Xu Tian had breakfast, he returned to his room to practice!

Anyway, it's a holiday today!

Nothing to do!

Just seize the time at home to improve the realm!

I don't know what the situation is with the Lingyin Academy?

Who cares!

Come if you want!

If not, I just enjoy the leisure time!

Xu Tian set up a spirit gathering array, sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to practice!......

This holiday only lasted for two days!

During these two days, Xu Tian stayed in his room almost every day!

He reached the silver realm!

Not eating for one or two days would not affect anything at all!

In the blink of an eye!

Two days passed!

Xu Tian went to school with his schoolbag on his back!

During these two days!

He did not have the phenomenon of soul leaving his body again!

So he was full of energy! He was madly improving his realm!

Finally, hard work paid off!

His realm was also improved a little!

He reached the peak of silver one star! He was just a little short of silver two stars!

Although it was very slow!

But there was nothing he could do about it, because Xu Tian had poor talent! He was slow to absorb spiritual power!

But he didn't care too much! With the trump card in hand! I have the world!

Realm and so on!

He was not panicked at all!


During these two days, the system did not react at all!

Whether Xu Tian hit the wall to hang himself!

Jumped off the building and drank medicine!

Or committed suicide by cutting his stomach! Cut his wrists and bit his tongue!

The system did not react at all!

Xu Tian simply gave up!

As for the matter of Chen Zhiyuan and the other nine people!

Li Peng had already told Xu Tian!

These nine people all have criminal records! And they are all fugitives!

As for their verdicts, we have to wait!

And Xu Tian's counterattack is a legitimate defense!

It does not constitute a crime!

Not only that!

He also assisted the Law Enforcement Department in arresting the fugitives!

The superiors decided to award Xu Tian the"brave act" award!

When the time comes, Li Peng will notify him to receive the award!

Hearing that Chen Zhiyuan and nine others were arrested!

Xu Tian was also happy from the bottom of his heart!

He has saved many innocent people invisibly!

I am such a kind boy! o( ̄▽ ̄)dgood!......

Arrived at the classroom!

At this time, most of the students were there!

The classroom, which was a little noisy, became quiet instantly when Xu Tian walked in!

You could hear a pin drop!

You could even clearly hear everyone's breathing!

They all stared at Xu Tian in amazement! They didn't dare to breathe!

Xu Tian was very confused.(☉▽☉"a? ? ?

""Why are you all looking at me like this?"

He asked the question in his mind!


No one responded to him!

They just stared at him in amazement!

Xu Tian:"......"

What the hell? What are you doing?

Are you playing"status"?

Staring at each other? Are you trying to see if I dare to move (or feel touched)?

How childish!

Xu Tian curled his lips with disdain!

Then he opened his eyes wide and stared back!

The whites in his eyes were exposed!


What are you doing?

Finally, someone asked his question

"May...Xu Tian, why are you glaring at us? This is a school, be careful!"

After these words came out!

Xu Tian was stunned!

What are you talking about?

Be careful?

I didn't do anything!

Seeing that the scene fell into embarrassment!

Bai Xiaoxiao walked to Xu Tian's side and whispered in his ear:

"The surveillance video of you fighting gangsters a few days ago was posted online! It became a hot search! Don’t you know?"

Xu Tian was shocked!

I became famous?

I really didn’t know!

Xu Tian shook his head blankly!

He took out his mobile phone, opened Douyin, and the first item in the search bar was...

#A young man in Gouba City used his unique skills to defeat nine gangsters#【Hot】

Xu Tian clicked it!

The video that appeared was...

The scene where Xu Tian knocked down nine people!

It was a pure surveillance video!

There was still time on the screen, proving that this video had not been edited!

Xu Tian was stunned!

He opened the comment section!

Lonely One Cigarette:"Fuck! Awesome brother!"

Hua Suihua:"Brother is so handsome! Love love! (Flower Maniac.jpg)"

The leader of the Zhatian Gang:"Brother! I see you have a unique figure! Come to our Zhatian Gang! I'll give you the position of deputy gang leader for fun! (Hook.jpg)"

Dean Lin:"Young man, come to my hospital if you have nothing to do!"

Yu Dao Ke:"How much is the reward for bravery? (Sincerity.jpg)"

Jiang Laoliu:"Great force can make miracles happen!? Fuck him! (Manual dog head)"

Zhang San passing by:"Self-defense! It does not constitute a crime! Shame! (Thumbs up.jpg)"

Car owner Ye:"......".......

Xu Tian looked at the comment section and was stunned for a moment!

As expected!

Douyin's comment section is not normal!

Then he clicked the plus sign below, took a selfie with Bai Xiaoxiao, and sent it out directly!

@Happy every day!

Another cool day begins! #campus#male high school student#pineapple13pro max Yuanfeng blue 1tb send it directly with one click!


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