Xu Tian picked up the black ball tentatively!

It was heavy!

Just like a shot put!

But it was only the size of a fiberglass ball!

He took it in his hand and looked at it!

But he didn't find anything unusual, so he habitually put it into the system space!

I heard from Fan Jian that the Lingyin Legion seemed very powerful!

Then this little thing should also be a treasure!

【Resentment value from Li Qi +666!】


Xu Tian was stunned!

Who is Li Qi?

Why haven't I heard of him?

Is he just idle? Why is he so malicious towards me?

Xu Tian was confused!

But he didn't care too much!

After all, he was too outstanding, and it was normal for him to be jealous of himself!

Fan Jian heard the noise and asked:"Did you find anything?"

"No! It's so dark, I can't see anything!"

Xu Tian didn't say that he picked up a ball!

What if Fan Jian recognized it?

It would be bad if he snatched it away!

Xu Tian still had this little thought!

Then, Xu Tian walked around the room again and found that there was not even a hair!

He sat next to Fan Jian and sighed:

"Damn! It's bullshit!"

This sudden remark gave Fan Jian a shock!

"Damn it! You scared me to death!"

【The shock value from Fan Jian +999! 】

Xu Tian was also stunned for a moment!

This system!

Really capable!

It really adds emotional value!

At this moment, the door opened again, and some light came in from outside!

Xu Tian and Fan Jian looked at each other!

They stood up suddenly!

They rushed to the door!

Fan Jian directly hugged the thigh of the black-clothed figure who wanted to come in!

Xu Tian knocked him out with a knife! He pulled a key off his body!

The two quickly escaped and closed the door of the small dark room tightly!


"Phew~ It’s finally out!"

"That’s right, it’s not easy!"

The two of them leaned against the door, breathing heavily!

【Resentment value from Pang Tong +666! 】

This person should be the black-clothed man just now!

Xu Tian showed a bright smile on his face!

Just when he was about to escape with Fan Jian!

His pupils suddenly shrank when he looked forward!

In front of them!

Many figures wearing black cloaks were silently looking at the two of them! They were holding AK-47 in their hands!

The black muzzles of the guns were accurately aimed at the eyebrows of Xu Tian and Fan Jian!

Xu Tian:"......"

Fan Jian:"......"

Do you want to do this?

"Raise your hands!"

Xu Tian┗( 0﹏0 )┛Surrender!

Fan Jian┗( T﹏T )┛surrender!

"Go! Knock them out and throw them into the small dark room!"

Xu Tian:"......"

Fan Jian:"......"

The two looked at each other!


A warrior can be killed but not humiliated!

Xu Tian's eyes were fierce!

He took a step forward and punched the black-clad man in the face!


A bullet hit Xu Tian's feet!

At the same time, his hands also stopped!

He raised his hands,┗( T﹏T )┛

"I...I just want to surrender in a different way!"


【Resentment value from Zhang Zihan +333!】

【Resentment value from Han Qian +666!】

【Resentment value from Zhou Yuan +999!】

"Beat him! Beat him hard! Especially the one who wants to change his position!"

Xu Tian:"......"

No┗( 0﹏0 )┛!

I really just wanted to change my posture, I was tired of standing!


The many men in black were not soft-hearted!

They knocked the two men unconscious in no time!

Li Qi walked forward and fiddled with Xu Tian for a long time, frowning slightly!

"Captain, what are you looking for?"

"Satellite ball, this guy just took it away......Hey! Why isn't it there? I clearly saw him putting it in his pocket!"

"Captain, isn't he a space-based person? Could he have been transferred away?"

Li Qi was stunned for a moment when he heard this:

"Yes, this guy must be hiding! Don't be a fool!"

"Throw Fan Jian back into the small dark room!"

"As for Xu Tian...Tie him up and take him to the interrogation room!"


Everyone in the back moved together!

Throwing Fan Jian in!

At the same time, they rescued the poor

Pang Tong! Then they tied Xu Tian tightly with tortoise shell ties!

And took him to the interrogation room!..........

"Hahahaha! Don't....do not!...No!"

Xu Tian was tied to a wooden stake with his hands tied to his waist!

He struggled hard!

A thin man in black was tickling his feet with a feather!

This scene was extremely familiar.......

"Tell me! Where did you hide the satellite?"

""Even if I die today, I will not give in even if I am laughed to death!" Xu Tian said stubbornly.

Hearing this, the thin figure was stunned for a moment, and nodded in appreciation!

【Appreciation from Chen Mingzhe +666! 】

Chen Mingzhe put down the feather!

Seeing this, Xu Tian was delighted!

Was he testing me just now? Are you going to let me go now?


The Lingyin Army is not that cruel!

Xu Tian thought to himself.

But dreams are beautiful!

Reality is cruel!

Chen Mingzhe's back suddenly twisted violently! With a swish, four arms stretched out!

He drew a cruel arc!

All six hands picked up feathers!

"Don't obey? Then I'll make you obey!"

As he said that,

Xu Tian was dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

I'm so stupid! I can't afford to play with you! How about playing dirty?

But Chen Mingzhe didn't pay any attention to his little thoughts!

The six hands each did their job!

Two scratched the armpits!

Two scratched the belly!

Two scratched the toes!

Xu Tian was shaking all over! He almost got a stitch in the side and fell backward with laughter!

"I....I’ll give it to you! I’ll give it to you!...Hahaha!"

"Hey! Boy, you finally admitted defeat!"

Chen Mingzhe let go of the feather and laughed.

Xu Tian relaxed and took a deep breath.

Suddenly he shouted:

"I give you......Thousand-year-old phlegm in the mouth!"



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