Xu Tian took the lead and rushed out with a frying pan!

Seeing this, Fan Jian wanted to rush out with him!

But he saw that Xu Tian, who had rushed out with great momentum, came back again!

Fan Jian:"???" o(´^`)???

What's going on?

Didn't he just go out?

Why did he come back again?

Xu Tian leaned forward, covering his nose and mouth tightly with his hands!

He said vaguely:

"Be careful, there is poisonous smoke outside!"

Xu Tian quickly opened the system mall and bought four gas masks for 1,200!

Although it was painful!

But there was no time to hesitate now!

He quickly threw them to the three people!

The three people did not hesitate!

Put them on!

Xu Tian felt his body and was surprised to find that his spiritual power had recovered a little!

But it was still suppressed!

Probably with the strength of five stars of scrap metal!

Xu Tian looked at them with an inquiring look!

Fan Jian nodded and said:"Seven stars of scrap metal!"

Nie Yu:"Seven stars of scrap metal!"

Mu Wanqing:"Eight stars of scrap metal!"

Xu Tian:"......."

So my level is the lowest?

"Tell me, what do you think?"Xu Tian asked.

Mu Wanqing frowned slightly,"It should be attacked!"

Nie Yu's peach blossom eyes were also full of solemnity,"The Lingyin Army dared to launch a sneak attack, only the Night Demons could do it!"

Fan Jian thought seriously for a moment, then nodded and said:

"I second the motion!"

Xu Tian:"......"

Good fellow!

You are just talking nonsense, right?

Suddenly, Xu Tian frowned and asked:

"What is a Night Demon?"

Li Yuan had mentioned this name before when he was at the entrance of Tianshui Forest!

Xu Tian originally wanted to ask Wang Yuanfeng, but before he could ask, he was caught!

Hearing this, Mu Wanqing's eyes were full of anger, but she still explained:

"You can think of it as an advanced version of a mafia organization!"

"Their members are powerful, but they are all antisocial!"

"For the sake of profit, do whatever it takes!"

"They even colluded with alien races to murder humans!"

"The Lingyin Army has a special department responsible for dealing with them, but their whereabouts are very secretive. They have existed for hundreds of years and have not been eradicated!"

Xu Tian suddenly realized!

He said why Li Yuan's expression was so solemn at that time!

He mistook it for a night demon!

Xu Tian originally wanted to ask them how they knew, but the situation is urgent now, and there is no extra time to ask these meaningless things

"You will listen to my instructions later and find out what is going on. It is voluntary. Do you agree?"

Fan Jian and Mu Wanqing nodded in unison!

But Nie Yu shook his head in disdain!

He just glanced at him lightly!

"Ha, why should I listen to you? Rude man."

Xu Tian saw this, but he didn't get angry, and walked slowly towards him!

Nie Yu was not to be outdone. Although his realm was suppressed now, he was still very confident that he could defeat Xu Tian!

Even if it was the space system, what about it?

The difference in realm.......You can't make up for it!


Just when Nie Yu was preparing to defend himself, Xu Tian suddenly disappeared from the spot!

Nie Yu was dumbfounded!

He looked around, acting very cautiously!

But there was no trace of Xu Tian!


Xu Tian fell from the sky, and a frying pan hit him on the forehead!

For a moment!

Nie Yu only felt a buzzing in his head and ears!

Double images appeared in front of his eyes!

Fan Jian and Mu Wanqing next to him were both dumbfounded!

What's going on? How come he disappeared in a flash ? And appeared in the sky? Space system

......It was really amazing!

This move caught Nie Yu completely off guard!


He would not have had time to defend himself!

Not to mention dodge!

Nie Yu only felt that his eyes were full of little stars! He felt dizzy!

"Say it again, do you want to hear it or not?"

Xu Tian's words reached Nie Yu's ears!

He slowly came back to his senses! He was furious!


Young people don't have martial ethics!

Relying on cheating!

Relying on sneak attacks!

I was careless just now!

I didn't dodge!

Nie Yu turned around and wanted to fight back, but he was hit on the head again!



Still want to fight back?

You are dreaming!

【Resentment value from Nie Yu +666! 】

Nie Yu didn’t recover for a while after being slapped! He was still in an extremely confused state!

Xu Tian ignored him!

Whatever you want! If you want to reincarnate, then go ahead!

I really don’t care about your bad temper!

Xu Tian put on his gas mask, leaned forward slightly, and walked out!

Fan Jian and Mu Wanqing followed closely behind!

The confused Nie Yu was the only one left in the whole small dark room!

He came back to his senses!

Looking at the empty small dark room!

And the dark corner! He couldn’t help but feel scared! A look of horror on his face!

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you!

He shuddered! He put on his gas mask quickly!

He stood up and followed in a flash!...........

Xu Tian and his companions leaned against the wall and walked slowly forward!

The purple smoke filled the air! It blocked their vision!

They could only see things within three meters around them! They could only cross the river by feeling their way!

They moved very lightly! They were afraid of disturbing something!

And at this moment!

A silver needle cut through the purple air at a very fast speed and shot towards Xu Tian accurately!

But Xu Tian, whose mental power was off the charts!

He was very keen to notice it!

But it was too late to dodge it, so Xu Tian directly raised the frying pan!

Take a gamble!

Swing it hard!


A crisp sound of knocking on iron was heard!

Xu Tian was stunned!


It actually flew away? The three people in the back were all confused!

They didn't notice the silver needle that attacked them at all!

If it weren't for Xu Tian!

They would have died here!

Xu Tian did not relax his vigilance, his body was tense, and his eyes looked at the track where the silver needle shot from!


Countless silver needles shot from the air!

Xu Tian's pupils suddenly shrank!

It was already impossible to dodge!

Even a frying pan would not be able to hit him in time!

Xu Tian could indeed use the"Star Shift" to teleport away!

But Fan Jian and the other two would be pierced through the heart by thousands of needles!

They would be shot into a hornet's nest!

Suddenly, Xu Tian had an idea!

He seemed to have thought of something!

His eyes sparkled (to know what will happen next, please see tomorrow's detailed explanation) (Dog head saves life)


The author has something to say:

Brothers, do you want the following plot to be funny? Or serious? I can make up anything! It depends on what style you like.(*๓´╰╯`๓)...You can leave a message in the comment area on the right, and I will reply to you when I see it →

Finally......I have a beef with the shitty yellow button below, let's all push it hard!!!

ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )Heart!

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