But just as Xu Tian's footsteps moved, the ground shook again.


""Hmm? Why do I feel like I've seen this before?"

Xu Tian turned his head and looked.

His eyes widened suddenly and almost popped out.

He saw that not far behind him, a large group of wild boars were charging towards Xu Tian.

If you look closely, you will find that the eyes of those wild boars are blood red.

And the breath on their bodies is extremely disordered.

It seems that they are faintly out of control.

"Ahhhhhh! Jiumin! Jiumin!"Help! Help!"

A shrill scream reached Xu Tian's ears.

At this moment, he realized that there was a figure in black in front of the wild boars.

Xu Tian looked closely.

""Shit! Bakucha!"

The figure was Bakucha, who had just met Xu Tian.

His face was full of fear.

Tears were flying from his eyes.

Seeing this, Xu Tian silently mourned for him for a second.

At this moment, three virtual panels appeared in front of him.

【Option 1: Considering the situation of the urine, decisively rescue him! Completion reward: realm upgrade five stars!】

【Option 2: Be a bystander who happens to pass by and mourn for him. Completion reward: Skill 'What are you barking at?’!】

【Option 3: As a good friend who has a connection with you, you should share the joys and sorrows with him. Don't be afraid! Join him! Face the wild boars together with him. Completion reward: Equipment 'Electric Motor Screw Legs’!】

"Oh my god! Oh my god!"

When Xu Tian saw the options, he was in a dilemma for a while....

But the wild boars didn't have time to wait for Xu Tian to think.

They rushed over at a very fast speed.

Bakucha, who was running madly, was about to be trampled to death by the pigs.


In an instant, a white light flashed around Bakucha, and his figure disappeared in an instant.


He appeared in front of Xu Tian again.

Bakucha was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to have thought of something.

When he was about to say thank you, his body began to spin uncontrollably.


""Okay, okay! Stop!" Xu Tian said.

After that

, Bakucha's body stopped, but crashed into the tree next to him.

"My child, please don't blame your father. This is the interest I saved you."

Xu Tian sighed.


Or you can send me back?

【Ding! Option 1 mission completed, realm upgraded by five stars! 】


Xu Tian only felt a warm current flowing through his body, extremely transparent!

At the same time, all attributes were greatly enhanced.

It was so comfortable!

At the same time, Xu Tian was also glad for his wise choice!

Because no matter how strong the skills are, without enough spiritual power, they are just decorations.

So improving one's own realm is the kingly way!

【Ding! The host's realm is upgraded to five stars, and the points are +500.】

【Name: Xu Tian】

【Realm: Scrap Iron Nine Stars】

【Talent: F level】

【Awakened ability: Space-related 'Great Shift of the Universe' (can exchange positions with objects or creatures with space marks)】

【Strength: 12 (+10)】

【Speed: 12 (+13)】

【Mental strength: 16 (+16)】

【Defense: 10 (+2)】

【Skills: Come here, Crow on a plane】

【Points: 550 points (you can get points by improving your realm or killing monsters) (can be used to purchase store items)】

【Backpack: The butcher knife of time, the universal pill】

【Shop: (Click to view all)]

Xu Tian smiled knowingly.

His eyes softened as he looked at Bakucha beside him.

"inverse...What is the meaning of"reverse waist"?...What are you going to do? )

Feeling Xu Tian's malicious gaze,

Bakucha felt a chill on his back, trembling all over, and took a step back involuntarily.

Now, even if he was given ten kidneys, he would not dare to be arrogant to Xu Tian.


Really scared!

""Tsk! Boring!" Xu Tian couldn't help curling his lips when he saw Bakucha's cowardly look,"What a coward!"

Then, he turned around and looked at the wild boars with burning eyes.


Xu Tian's realm has reached the scrap metal nine stars.

Most of the wild boars are only scrap metal five stars, and the highest is only seven stars.

For Xu Tian, it is completely easy to control.

Thinking of this,

Xu Tian showed a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Welcome to my world, dear little piggies!"

"Wake up! It's hunting time!"......

In the deepest part of the forest, a huge wild boar was being surrounded by four people.

The two sides were in a stalemate and fell into a fierce cold war.

"Hey! You black-haired beast, you better behave yourself and let me give you a decent death!"

A man in a red Wangzai shirt pointed at the wild boar and challenged him.


Hearing this, the wild boar roared, and its momentum suddenly exploded.

It seemed to understand what he said.

"Wei Meiji, did you eat shit again today? You bite pigs when you see them!"

Wang Hu, who was standing nearby, frowned and retorted

"You jumping cat, do you have the right to speak? Also, my name is Wei Wuji, you don’t have a chicken!"

"What! If you don't agree, come and fight!"

"Oh! I’m afraid of you! Just do it!"

"Draw your sword!"

""Okay! Have you had enough of the trouble?"

Bai Xiaoxiao, who was dressed in white, saw this scene and shouted coldly.

After hearing this,

Wei Wuji and Wang Hu stopped. They just stared at each other in the air, and sparks flew in the air.

"Bai, what should we do now?"

The bald Liu Qiang asked Bai Xiaoxiao with a star-breaking hammer in his hand.

"The only way we can do this is...Just waste time!"

"However, its roar just now should have disturbed the wild boars outside."

"I'm afraid not���In a short time, the wild boars will arrive here."

"By then, we may really have no chance of escape. Is there really no other good way?"

"No way, it's the best way! We have to believe in miracles!"

Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly said this.

Liu Qiang heard this.

His face was full of question marks.(•ิ_•ิ)?

He was puzzled.

Believe in miracles?

Have you watched too many Ultraman movies? Are you suffering from a second-year syndrome?

But these were his inner thoughts and he didn't say them out loud.

On the side.

Bai Xiaoxiao looked a little solemn.

But for some reason, Xu Tian's figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

And the strange words were still echoing in her mind....

"Actually~~I am a gay~~~"

Unable to help herself!

Bai Xiaoxiao's face flushed!

What's wrong with me?

Why do I always think of that stinky bastard?

Ahhhhh! Bai Xiaoxiao! You have to cheer up!

Men will only reduce the time you spend on shopping and self-comforting!

Thinking of this,

Bai Xiaoxiao once again focused on the giant wild boar.

Her eyebrows were tightly furrowed!

After entering the spiritual realm, she began to fight monsters and obtain hunting points.

Unknowingly, she killed all the way to the depths of the forest. After a while, Liu Qiang, Wei Wuji and Wang Hu also arrived one after another.

It happened that the group of pig heroes left the nest together at this time.

The four wanted to go into the pig nest to see if there were any big treasures.

But unexpectedly, there was actually a pig hero with a larger body.

It was estimated that he had reached the silver realm.

After a disagreement, he directly released the big move - pig rush!

Of course, Bai Xiaoxiao and the other four were not to be outdone and fought with them for hundreds of rounds.

But it still ended in a draw.

Now the two sides are in a stalemate....

So he just gave up and waited for the end of the assessment.


It didn't go as he wished.

Because of Wei Wuji's provocation, the wild boar king was directly angry.


It roared and charged directly at Wei Wuji!

The wild boar rushed forward!

The wild boar rushed forward....Advance rapidly!


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