Zefa looked at the disciple in front of him in surprise, but he did not believe that Sakaski would really be willing to be an instructor at the naval academy.

Whether in Sakarski's ability or in other ways, he was not destined to belong to this military school.

Being an instructor here is not a good thing, and no one with real ideals will choose.

So he was just joking with Sakaski.

Akainu stretched out his hand and said

"Zefa-sensei, do you know how many pirates have been killed under these hands?!"

"For thirty years, I have fought every day on the front line of capturing pirates, gritting my teeth and leading tired soldiers to victory after victory."

"In this way, after graduating from the officer training camp, I climbed step by step to the position of general of the headquarters."

"The hawks see me as a spiritual leader, and the doves see me as a mad dog."

"But no matter how hard I try, the number of pirates is still increasing, and I sadly find that the pirates are killing more and more."

"But now that I have found a way to completely solve the pirates, this path cannot be realized in the current Navy, and I need to cultivate new naval seedlings."

"I hope that the world order will be destroyed in the hands of our generation and re-established in the hands of the seedlings of the Navy."

Zefa involuntarily sat up straight, he had never thought that Sakaski's idea was so amazing.

At most, they wanted to solve the situation of pirates ravaging the world, but they never thought of overturning and rebuilding the world order.

Sakaski's idea really scared the old man.

However, Zefa, who came back to his senses, looked at Sakaski in front of him with complicated eyes and said:

"What can the old man do for you?"

Akainu took a puff of his cigarette:

"Teacher Zefa, you should cultivate those disciples of mine first. In the next two years, the world will be turbulent, and opportunities will be in the future. "

"I'll be leaving Marin Fandor tomorrow, and there are some things that need to be laid out in advance."

Zefa nodded, leading the topic to the other side:

"What do you think of Ain?"

Akainu didn't know why Zefa asked this, so he could only say frankly

"Very good, Colonel Ain, although the strength is not strong, but the IQ is quite high, and the person is also beautiful."

Zefa laughed directly and said with a lewd look

"If you want to go out and run an errand, there must be an adjutant beside you, those adjutants before you, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, they are all hunting pirates in the New World."

"Take Ain, just when she gives you a hand, you can usually guide her training."

Chi Inu was curious: "What about Miles, isn't he in Marin Fandor?" "

Zefa flashed a trace of embarrassment, and said in a muffled voice: "Today when Miles was training at the military academy, he accidentally broke his leg, and the old man sent him to the hospital. "

"Okay then." The red dog did not pay attention to it either.

After all, with his strength, as long as he doesn't go to the four emperors, it doesn't matter if his subordinates are strong or not, anyway, few people can block his shot.

In fact, what the red dog does not know is that Zefa has long known Ain's thoughts about the red dog.

For Ain, Zefa also begged Miles with an old face, and Miles readily agreed, after all, there was nothing bad about either Sakaski or Ain.

Zefa also took care of Ain as if she were her own daughter.

In this chaotic sea, it is not so easy to find a strong and reliable man.

At dinner time, Akainu and Zefa, Ain and the sisters ate in the canteen of the military academy, and the fish caught by the red dog today was extremely delicious, and the sisters who ate had round stomachs.

At the dinner table, Akainu also officially invited Zefa and Ain to stay in his home, taking care of Unbroken Saint Clothes and Unbroken Saint Liuli.

Zefa, who originally liked the sisters, promised that he really regarded these two children as his granddaughters.

On the contrary, Ain, who has always had an excellent relationship with his sister flowers, was flushed, and he agreed after thinking for a long time.

The sisters didn't have any special ideas, and for them, it was enough to stay with Uncle Sakaski.

Akainu also explained some things to them, and said that he would leave tomorrow to do something on the Great Route, and Ain would go with him.

Although the sisters are reluctant, they also know that the burden on the shoulders of the red dog is very heavy, and it is impossible to accompany them often, and their current strength is too weak to follow the red dog to some dangerous places.

Only by hurrying to improve the strength can the red dog agree to follow.

Ain, who lowered his head on the side, felt the accelerated movement of his heart plopping at the moment, but he didn't expect that just after staying in the red dog, he would go out with the red dog two people, which was too happy.

After hearing that the red dog would bring gifts to the sisters after returning, the originally low sisters also became happy.

Early the next morning, after the red dog went to the intelligence department to get a piece of information, he disappeared into Marin Fandor with Ain.


Kingdom of Balquimoa.

A country located on the organ island in the first half of the Great Route.

Known as the "land of geniuses", Begabunk, the current leader of the naval science force, is the country's premier genius scientist.

It is covered in clouds and snow all year round, and the icy weather makes the island surrounded by thick ice that ordinary boats cannot reach.

To get here, there is no other possibility than a monthly transport ship and a special icebreaker.

This difficult condition also facilitates a group of MADS, an organization composed of geniuses and madmen....

It's just that it was a long time ago, and the members of that crazy organization were scattered all over the world.

Vegapunk became the genius scientist of the Navy, the evil and cruel Caesar. Courant became Doflamingo's partner, Vince Mock Gaji returned to be king, and Quinn became one of the big billboards under Kaido.

Akainu came here because he knew that Vegapunk was a man who loved his hometown very much.

He once made a huge device that he hoped would change the climate of the country, but because of energy problems, it failed.

After the defeat, Vegapunk formed the MADES organization and served as its leader.

Secretly absorbing the world's talented scientists, working together on projects that are taboo by the world government.

This group of geniuses and madmen who study weapons, creatures, bloodlines, demon fruits, and everything else in the world.

Even the lineage factor that is called the "life design map" has actually been developed.

Akainu stood at the front of the ship, staring straight at the island exposed in the distance against the cold wind.

Ain next to him stood next to him in a thick coat, occasionally shivering when a cold wind blew a little.

The red dog just let Ain get closer to him, as a user of Magma Fruit.

To a certain extent, it is possible to change the surrounding temperature.

Facing the thick ice, the red dog did not feel difficult, but raised his right hand.

The magma fruit urged with all its might, this time mainly using the temperature of the magma fruit rather than the destructive power.

Big Spitfire!

A blazing light emanated from the right hand of the red dog, and fireballs appeared out of thin air and landed on the thick ice.

The ice is constantly melting, the magma is cooled and croaking, and a channel more than a dozen nautical miles long is melted in this sea that is covered with snow and ice all year round.

Until the Kingdom of Barquimoa on the islands!

The red dog's forehead was already sweating, and the ability to use magma fruits in such a cold environment would indeed increase the physical exertion.

However, the Devil Fruit, which had already been increased by the system, was not so hard after doubling the temperature.

Ain looked at the red dog with adoration, and in her heart, Sakaski seemed to be omnipotent, and there was nothing under the sky that could break him.

In this way, the two men drove the boat and sailed along the road opened to the kingdom of Balquimoa.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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