Vegapunk, who had returned to God, explained:

"This is my hometown, the Kingdom of Balquimoa, located on Organ Island."

"For as long as I can remember, my hometown has always been covered in snow and ice, and it has always been."

"When I was young, I was known as the most talented scientist in the kingdom, so I had the idea to change this island."

"This heating equipment was also built with the support of the people of the kingdom, but unfortunately I did not find the energy source that could continue to burn, and this heating equipment was also covered in ice and snow in the end."

"This has always been the biggest regret in my heart, and although the people of the kingdom have never blamed me, I have never been able to care about it in my heart."

"Now the energy problem has been solved by General Sakaski, and the people in their hometown finally do not have to wear heavy coats every day and shivering in the cold wind."

The yellow ape suddenly realized, no wonder he seemed to have seen this island from somewhere, it turned out to be the doctor's hometown.

The yellow ape knows that Dr. Vegapunk is a kind and generous person who cares deeply about the people of his hometown.

When he was young, he was very willing to develop inventions that would help them, and he would be saddened that the invention failed.

Because of this, he became the pride of his hometown, very respected and loved.

Sakaski's gift undoubtedly solved something that Dr. Vegapunk regretted for half his life.

Then Vegapunk opened the letter that Sakaski had written to him and read it carefully.

The yellow ape, who felt a little bored, turned to the culture container and looked at the creatures that exuded a powerful aura although their eyes were closed, and they were very curious.

And he also wondered if his own blood could also cultivate a small yellow ape.

However, when he thought of the trumpet yellow ape with the same lewd smile as himself, he couldn't help but say:

"It's so scary!"

Vegapunk looked up and asked

"Borusalino! I heard that you are familiar with Akainu, what kind of person is he? "

The yellow ape replied

"Sakaski is a man to trust and he has shown extraordinary determination and responsibility since joining the Navy."

"We have known each other for more than thirty years, and we have known each other since the beginning of the first naval officer training camp at the military academy of the headquarters of the Navy."

"How to say, Sakaski has always disliked my justice, but our private relationship is still quite good."

"He is a cold-faced and hot-hearted person, and he has always been cold-blooded and ruthless in the face of pirates."

Vegapunk said again

"I heard that he sometimes resorts to very harsh methods in the face of pirates, does this mean that he will stop at nothing to achieve some kind of end?"

Yellow Ape quickly explained:

"No, Dr. Vegapunk, you misunderstood."

"The reason why Sakaski sometimes resorted to harsh measures was because he believed that the most important thing was to protect the soldiers of the navy and maintain order in the sea."

"He understands that there can be no best of both worlds, and he can only choose the side with a small loss to make sacrifices."

"This is done to prevent pirates from threatening him with the lives of people and naval soldiers, not out of personal malice."

"In the face of naval soldiers, he always took care of him, but many times he had to give cold-blooded orders."

In fact, many people think that the red dog only knows how to kill pirates, and the impression is always a mad dog with a gloomy look and a killing intent in his eyes.

But he did not know that when Sakaski was at the headquarters of the Navy, he often went to the Navy Cemetery to send flowers to his friends and subordinates who died in the battle of pirates.

Several times yellow apes have been seen in the naval cemetery, and the red dog sits alone in front of the tomb quietly pruning the flowers.

Holding scissors in one hand and a bouquet of brightly colored rose flowers in the other, he pruned the flowers with a serious and meticulous expression.

The yellow ape's evaluation of Sakaski is: there is a tiger in the heart, and the rose is carefully sniffed.

It is precisely because of this that even the yellow ape, who slipped his head and did not offend, would risk offending Kuzan for Sakaski to support Sakaski as a marshal.

After listening to the yellow ape's evaluation of the red dog, Dr. Vegapunk glanced at the yellow ape meaningfully and said

"General Sakaski is indeed a man to be trusted."

"In addition, he said in the letter that soon, he will come to Egghead Island, hoping that Borusalino will welcome him."


On this great voyage at this time, the red dog was writing something on the ship's desk.

It was a booklet, a cover sewn from animal skin, and parchment paper inside.

Many of this kind of paper is no longer used, and only some books that need to be passed down will be used.

This state of affairs has been going on for several days.

From time to time, Ain walked in to see Sakaski's state, cut some fresh fruit or pour him a cup of hot water.

Ain, who looked at Sakaski who had been writing, was a little curious:

"Brother Sakaski, what are you writing?"

There was an elusive smile on the corner of Akainu's mouth:

"Something that makes the world government feel an extraordinary headache."

Ain stretched out his little head and squeezed in front of the red dog to watch, just as the red dog had finished writing the last line.

The contents of the last page were presented in full in front of Ain.

"We are united, we explore the truth of the world."

"We want the people of the world to live in a free and equal world."

"Even if we've already faced setbacks."

"But the attitude of the world government has been exposed too much!"

"They're afraid of us, and that's just proving that we're right!"

"The seeds of freedom and equality have been planted."

"It is planted in the hearts of unwilling slaves, it is planted in the hearts of passionate people who want to change the world."

"One day, the seeds of revolution will break through the thick haze and grow stronger."


"Will succeed!!"

—Andy Klapham, Peerless Pen.

September 17, 1420 in the Haiyuan calendar.

Just the last page was enough to make Ain cover his mouth tightly, for fear that the sound coming out of his mouth would lead to being discovered by the world government.

After a long time, Ain looked at Sakaski with complicated eyes and said

"Brother Sakaski, if you are discovered."

"I'm afraid the world government is offering you a reward of 10 billion Baileys."

Akainu smiled slightly and handed the book he had just written to Ain:

"You can start from scratch."

Ain carefully took the book and read it from the beginning.

In addition to the sound of flipping books, Ain didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

After reading the book, Ain's heart was already shrouded in fear.

The content of this book is not only as simple as overthrowing the world government, but allowing the people to truly understand the essence and truth of the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as it is a person with a normal IQ.

After reading this book, you will have unhappy thoughts about the world's nobles and royal families.

Why do I have to work hard and pay heavy taxes, when they just have to enjoy it?

As long as there is one thought in the minds of the people, they will unconsciously continue to think.

When this idea spreads in a country, it does not need external support, and just the gathered people can easily overthrow the corrupt royal family.

So what if!

What if this idea spreads around the world?!!

Can't imagine what a huge upheaval it will cause, pirates?

Under this monstrous wave that overturned the world, it is nothing at all.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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