Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

These days are all preparing for the marshal campaign, even the red dog who does not plan to campaign is bothered.

Every day, people are promoting how brilliant the pheasant's victory is.

On the contrary, the red dog who finished the battle on the top looked bleak in front of the results of the green pheasant.

For the red dog, there may have been no idea to run for the marshal, so he did not pay attention to it.

But for those around him, this is not a trivial matter, after all, the highest in the navy is the marshal.

The Warring States have been sitting in the position of marshal for more than twenty years, and his power can be said to be incomparable in the navy.

Every navy envies those who sit in that position.

Only Sakaski knew that this admiral was completely different from before.

It can be said that it is a punching bag, and everyone can lose their temper with him.

I was very excited to see Akainu become a marshal and move the entire naval headquarters to the new world.

That domineering declaration made the entire Navy and the world cheer!

Who knew that when he admired himself at the beginning, the vine tiger who came specially smiled and angrily scolded the red dog, and the five old stars even bluntly said that your face is something.

The most incredible thing is that the people above are at least outstanding in strength or have monstrous power.

In the theatrical version, Lu Qi, who has just entered CP0, directly orders the red dog to prepare ten ships for him.

I don't know what the author thinks, according to the character of the red dog, it is good not to beat him into three broken legs.

As a result, Lu Qi was unharmed and left a big spectrum.

Anyway, I will definitely not choose this marshal, I will support Kuzan as this big wrongdoer, I just don't know if Kuzan knows that he has been a big fool after becoming this marshal.

Thinking about it, the red dog couldn't help but laugh.

On the way to fishing, I couldn't help but hum a little tune.

As usual, Akainu drove the boat offshore, only this time he found an outcrop reef to use as a fishing spot.

Because he knew that if the five old stars wanted to win him over, this was the last chance.

The red dog has already put the opportunity here, it depends on when CP0 arrives.

Sure enough, not long after the red dog put down the bait, he saw three people speeding towards him in a small boat.

"It's a little interesting, it seems that the five old stars are really in a hurry."

Akainu thought as he looked at the boat rushing towards him.

The boat stopped steadily, and several people in white suits came down with odd masks on their faces.

One of the not-so-tall figures caught the attention of Akainu.

There was nothing peculiar about that figure, the peculiar thing was a dove standing on his shoulder.

Rob Luckey?

Has this guy actually joined CP0?

But think about it, it's been a few months since the battle for the top.

Rob Lucci joining CP0 is not a very surprising thing, I just don't know if this guy has the original bad temper.

The three people walked towards the red dog with Luki as the center, and it seemed that Luqi was already the head of these two people.

It is worthy of being the strongest and most ruthless killing weapon in the history of "CP9", and its growth rate is fast, almost on par with Wang Lufei.

Lu Qi took out the phone worm from his arms, very respectfully.

However, Akainu knew that this was not respectful to himself, but to the old guys on the other end of the phone.

The red dog picked it up casually, and in the afterlight seemed to see Lu Qi's body move.

Sakaski didn't care, let alone a Luqi, even if there were a few more people, it was a situation of hanging.

One-handed dialing the worm: "Hey, find me something, adults." "

The words are filled with disdain and playfulness, but there is nothing wrong with the wording.

The five old stars, who had planned to be tolerant of the red dog, instantly had their blood pressure rise.

The end of the phone didn't move for a long time, and the red dog thought that the phone bug was broken.

Just about to hang up the phone worm, a voice came out:

"Sakaski, do you really not care about the position of marshal?"

Akainu said directly:

"Adults have what conditions they have to say directly, there is no need to hide it."

"No one will find out about this place where I fish, only me and CP0's three."

The words of the five old stars continued to come:

"I believe you can see that now the Warring States are building momentum for the green pheasant, and his limelight has completely covered you."

"Are you really willing?"

Akainu smiled calmly:

"What about willingness, what about unwillingness, my position in the heart of the Marshal of the Warring States is not comparable to Kuzan, I know very well."

"If you really want to make a mortal enemy, I don't think adults want to see it."

"You are right, the Navy can compete internally, but it cannot be divided."

"After the abdication of the Warring States, he will definitely only be able to sit in the rear, and then there will only be the three of you."

"Whether you are the marshal or the green pheasant is the marshal, there are only two generals left in the three major admirals of the navy, but we prefer you, you know?"

While listening to the tempting words coming from the phone worm, the red dog was fishing for fish, obviously not taking the five old stars seriously.

Lu Qi next to him is about to storm away, he is a qualified dead man.

In his eyes, there is no right or wrong in everything in the world, only whether the task can be completed.

It is precisely for this reason that the cold-blooded and ruthless thing that Lu Qi did when he was a teenager to kill hostages first and then kill pirates seems very strange.

The world government also sees this, and Luqi acts as a lackey of the world government.

Everything is done to better serve the Draco, and the talent is also very strong, which can be cultivated into the strongest shield of the CP0 organization.

The red dog who dared to treat the five old stars incorrectly in front of him had obviously been included in the must-kill list by Lu Qi.

Finally, after catching a sea fish, the red dog spoke:

"To what extent can adults run for marshal?"

The five old stars immediately spoke:

"We have already discussed this, that is, the marshal of the navy is focused on combat power."

"The green pheasant has been frantically catching pirates in recent months, and the Warring States have also created momentum for him, and now his reputation is very high."

"The only thing we can offer you is for you to duel with the pheasant, and whoever wins becomes the marshal of the navy."

Akainu laughed directly:

"The adults are probably teasing me, the adults only need to open their mouths to let the pheasants duel with me."

"If I win, it is in exchange for my loyalty, and if I lose, then you adults will have to pay nothing."

An old voice came from the phone worm:

"What do you want?!!"

Red dog direct showdown:

"I can participate in the election of marshal, but I have a condition."

"No matter if I was injured in the battle at the top, I need a lot of medicinal herbs, and I need a lot of Bailey to collect the hearts of my subordinates."

"If the adults give it to me, then I can definitely defeat the pheasant."

The phone worm fell silent again, but he could vaguely hear what was being discussed fiercely on the other side.

After a while, there seemed to be a consensus among the phone worms.

The old voice came again:

"You give the list of medicinal materials to CP0, and it will appear in Marin Fandor as early as tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"But Bailey can't give you too much, the world government is financially tight, and it can draw up to ten billion Bailey."

"And this money can not be given to you all at once, before running for marshal, you can give you five billion shells to use to win people's hearts."

"Good lord!!" The red dog agreed very happily, but Lu Qi on the side was very confused.

Is this still the five old star adults in his heart? Unexpectedly would be polite to an admiral!

Besides, isn't the Navy a lackey of the world government?

Of course, in Luqi's view, he is also a dog, and he is equivalent to a guard dog in CP0, a dog close to the owner.

And the navy is like a shepherd dog, the wind comes and goes, and often does not see the world nobleman Draco-sama!

After speaking, the red dog smoothly crushed the phone worm.

Lu Qi directly said angrily:

"What are you doing? This is the private phone bug of the five old stars!! "

"You fucking fellow, pay for your stupidity!"

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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