Ain also noticed that the red dog's gaze seemed to be looking out the window.

She also stuck her head out and looked down.

Mel ignored the two people who clashed, but led the crew into the small specialty food shop opposite.

Ain said softly

"This seems to be that gourmet pirate group, isn't it, Brother Sakaski?"

Akainu turned around and said

"Yes, that's them."

"What do you think of them?"

Ain thought for a moment:

"They don't look like bad people."

"And what he did just now was the same as rumored."

"Because with his strength, he can easily kill the two people who spilled him with a drink."

"Not a bad guy."

Akainu nodded:

"Yes, they really aren't bad people."

"They even once rescued two villages from being plundered by pirates."

"There is no record of killing the navy."

"There is also no record of killing ordinary people."

"They are even called heroes in the villages they have saved."

After thinking carefully about their deeds, Ain replied firmly

"Yes, I consider them heroes."

Akainu scoffed:

"Ain, they are heroes."

"So what are we?"

Ain's whole person seemed to have been struck by lightning, and the whole person froze.

These two sentences keep echoing in my mind.

They are heroes.


What are we?

This meal Ain ate absent-mindedly, and since listening to the words of the red dog, the whole person's worldview has been impacted.


Headquarters of the Navy, Office of Admiral Marin Fandor.

The pheasant is already dying.

The devil knows that there are so many documents that will need to be signed.

Because of laziness in my previous self, most of the documents were assigned to red dogs by the Warring States, and the rest were left to the adjutant to deal with.

Now the Warring States intend to make himself a marshal, and naturally many important documents are signed on his head.

And since Whitebeard triggered a more violent tide of going to sea.

Letters of help from all over the world poured into Marin Fandor's offices like snowflakes.

After signing more than two hundred documents in a row requesting reinforcements, weapons and supplies, the pheasant could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at the adjutant who was struggling in the mountains of documents next to him, the green pheasant sighed.

How does it feel that it is not a good job.

It's better to go out and slip away, and the green pheasant who just remembered to slip away felt a resentful gaze fall on him.

It was Smogg, who was temporarily pulled over by him to sign the document.

Smogg saw what the pheasant meant, and spoke angrily:

"General Kuzan, it's a bit excessive."

"My hands are here to capture pirates, not to accompany you here to sign."

"Besides, I'm busy now, General Sakaski has inspired me a lot, and I'm improving my strength every day now."

"You disturbed my cultivation, and now it looks like you're going to sneak away!"

Smog became more and more angry the more he spoke, and he couldn't wait to get up and give the pheasant a blow with ten hands.

The green pheasant put on a bitter melon face:

"Sorry Smogg, I didn't mean it either."

"Then you mentioned Sakaski, let me remember that there is a document here that he has been responsible for before, I have to ask him what he means."

The pheasant held a document and said to Smogg.

Because he was afraid that Smog would expose his lie, he directly pushed the door open and ran at a speed that did not lose teleportation before Smog could open his mouth to question it.


Smogg's voice traveled far away, echoing through the hallway.

The pheasant patted his chest.

Good risk, almost kept by Smogg.

But in fact, it is not a lie to Smogg, he really took a document that Sakaski was responsible for.

It's just that he wants to rest a little more by asking about Sakaski.

For fear that Smog would chase him, he actually knocked on Sakaski's office door.

"Please come in."

A slightly younger voice came out from behind the door.


The pheasant pushed open the door with questions.

It was full of documents, but the number was much smaller than in his office, only a third.

A young man is writing at his desk to sign a book.

"If you come to General Sakaski, you can call him, General Sakaski is not there."

The figure said without raising his head.

"How are you, Miles."

The green pheasant said in surprise.

A completely different scene from what he imagined.

He had thought that the red dog in the office would need to sign many documents like him.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the office, he found that not only did Sakaski's office have much fewer documents than he did.

More importantly, Sakaski he turned out to be not here, only one adjutant was signing the document.

The same adjutant, how the adjutant of the people Sakaski is full of energy.

Smogg, who was pulled over by himself, seemed reluctant.

Smogg: Lao Tzu didn't plan to come! Lao Tzu plans to cultivate domineering and devil fruit abilities in the military academy!

Besides, you TM didn't say so many documents, when will you have to sign in!

If I can't beat you, I'll knock a bag on your head with ten hands!!

"Hey, Miles, where did Sakaski go."

The green pheasant went directly to the sofa like a master, and asked Miles in a lazy tone.

Miles replied

"General Kuzan, General Sakaski said that something went to the Chambord Islands."

"I don't know exactly what happened, but he took Ain out."

The green pheasant covered his head, why didn't he think of this trick.

It would have been nice to have known that I had said that something had run away.

Sakaski, come back quickly!

At this time, just as Sengoku was passing by the green pheasant's office, he pushed open the door when he was thinking about finding something wrong with the green pheasant.

I only saw Smogg, who was working hard in the pile of documents, and was stunned for a moment.

Smog raised his head and saw Sengoku, brushed and stood up, startling Sengoku.

Smog rushed directly to the Sengoku and vomited.

Sengoku asked with a dark face:

"Kuzan, that bastard, where did he run again."

"He just said to go to General Sakaski's office and ask what went."

"Marshal, you must call the shots for me!"

Sengoku angrily pushed open the door of Sakaski's office and looked at the pheasant lying on the sofa.

As soon as he kicked it, the green pheasant who had just put his eyes on his eyes suddenly felt a killing intent.

He didn't have time to think about it, he hurriedly activated the Devil Fruit ability, but it's a pity.

He was greeted by a leg covered with domineering arms in arms.

The green pheasant was directly kicked out and hit the wall hard.

It's just that after all, he is a general, and there is no other abnormality except that his clothes are dirty, and of course, the Warring States did not lay a dead hand.

The green pheasant did not fight back after discovering Sengoku at the last moment.

The green pheasant who was caught by the Warring States said with a wry smile:

"Marshal of the Warring States, I can explain!"

An iron fist hit him directly in the face, and then Sengoku grabbed the green pheasant by the neck collar and carried him out.

Sengoku turned around and glared at Miles, who was signing:

"You didn't see anything, you know?"

Miles quickly said that his mouth was very firm, and no news would leak out of his mouth.

Sengoku came to his office with the beaten pheasant and said:

"Stinky boy, we have done so much foreshadowing for you to be a marshal."

"As a result, you slipped away to be lazy, and even if you were lazy, you were still lazy in Sakaski's office."

"Why, are you afraid that you have competed with him?"

The green pheasant said with a wry smile

"Marshal, I didn't know that there were so many documents, how I signed them, I couldn't finish them."

"I finally signed a pile and sent two more piles."

Sengoku said angrily:

"That's when you were too lazy before, most of the documents were signed by Sakaski and Borusalino."

"Where are you, let's not say how many documents the marshal has to process, let's say Sakaski."

"Since he was promoted to general, there are so many documents to deal with every day."

"You are lazy, Borusalino concentrates on Dr. Vegapunk's side."

"The documents were all signed by Sakaski, how come people haven't complained to me for so many years, you can't stand it for only a few days."

The red dog in the Chambord Islands sneezed a few times, feeling as if a bad old man was mentioning his name behind his back.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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