For Draco, there is nothing to say about Akainu.

Killing one or two is not at all useful, but you will lose your position as a general.

If you really want to engage him, you must do it with one hit.

Together with the group of world government officials in the Holy Land, the Five Old Stars, and Im.

There is no need to be angry with this idiot alone.

Came to the port with the gourmet pirate group, looked back at the Chambord Islands, and had a little headache.

Mel stepped forward:

"Mr. General, our ship?"

Akainu said casually

"Burn the pirate flag, dispose of everything that can be connected with the pirate, and follow our warship back to Marin Fandor."

Mel was relieved, after all, they couldn't abandon the ship.

From going to sea to now, they have defeated the forces of nature together and defeated various opponents, and they are already partners in the eyes of the crew.

Now the red dog only asks to burn things related to pirates, which is already very good.

Mel quickly organized the crew to throw those items related to the pirates into the sea, and removed the sails and burned them.

Following the warship of the red dog, it went all the way into Marin Fandor.

When he returned to Marin Fandor, it was already evening, and the red dog went straight home, not returning to his general's office.

At this time, only the green pheasant was working overtime at the headquarters of the Navy.

Smog had already run away, and after comforting him, Sengoku brought him dozens of documents.

After protesting, the green pheasant was beaten up again by the Warring States, and now he is writing hard with panda eyes.

The canteens of the headquarters of the Navy are all off duty, and the pheasants are still working overtime.

When he realized that he had missed his meal and rushed to the cafeteria, he found that it was closed.

The helpless pheasant could only go back to the office and soak a bucket of soba noodles to eat.

In order to finish grading this pile of documents, the green pheasant did not plan to go home.

Arrange for the soldiers to bring a quilt, intending to correct all the documents all night long.

The office is covered with a quilt, I am a pheasant and I cry!

And at this moment, the red dog is holding a banquet at home.

Find out what the gourmet team has created.

That's right, the Gourmet Pirates have been renamed the Gourmet Team by Red Dog, and Mel is their team leader.

Late at night, Zefa, Ain, the twin sister Flowers, and Miles who signed the documents during the day also arrived.

Plates of beautifully crafted dishes were served.

After the twin sisters ate two bites, their whole eyes lit up.

They had never eaten such delicious food, and even the food in the Navy headquarters was far from good.

It is worthy of being a pirate group famous for its food.

The red dog boldly eats a piece of fish meat and serves dishes to Ain at the same time.

In his spare time, he also frequently clinked glasses with Zefa and drank rum.

Miles was also exhausted, and he couldn't care about the image of eating and drinking there.

He also missed the meal in the cafeteria, but Akainu called him and asked him to sign the last bit of paperwork and eat later.

Miles had two pieces of meat stuffed in his mouth and had to eat another.

"Hmm... It's delicious..."

The twin sister Hana who was watching also tensed up.

After all, the food on the table is being wiped out at the speed of light, and the two of them will not be able to grab anything if they don't eat it.

The young people's appetite is good, and the plates of food are cleaned up and removed from the table, and new delicacies are served.

Zefa and Akainu, who watched, laughed.

"Everyone, please let go and eat, today is the first debut of the food team, if the guests are not full because of insufficient ingredients, it is a great faux pas."

Mel stood aside and smiled at the group of diners.

As a chef, the fact that guests love to eat his food is the greatest compliment.

Twin sisters Flower and Miles have been praising the deliciousness of the food since they started eating.

The stronger the people in the pirate world, the more energy they need, and the greater the amount of food they convert.

On this table, the red dog actually eats the most, he is the strongest, and he is in the prime of life.

Zefa is already old, and he doesn't have to fight, so he eats less.

While eating, Miles suddenly remembered that when he got off work, he seemed to see that the pheasant general did not eat.

But turning around and thinking about it, General Qingji must have someone else to do.

I continued to bury my head in the cooking.

After eating, everyone sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted, and Akainu asked about the recent training of the twin sister Hana.

The strength of the twin sisters has improved quite quickly.

In terms of swordsmanship, he has reached the realm of slashing iron, and he has not yet comprehended the flying slash.

I don't know the specific situation of the devil fruit, and the degree of awakening of each devil fruit is different.

However, the twin sisters Hua Shen said mysteriously, the sisters have comprehended a combination secret technique, and they can completely master it after a while.

As for Miles, the red dog did not hesitate to praise him.

It abruptly raised him to the position of the first person in the new generation of the future Navy.

No way, such simple silly children have not seen the sinister of society.

For young people, the praise and praise of the leader is the driving force for moving forward.

Akainu is also well aware of the young man's thoughts and constantly beats him chicken blood.

When Miles patted his chest and said that he would complete all the tasks assigned by the red dog, the red dog knew that the child had been fooled and lame.

When Miles returned home, Zefa lit a cigar in the study and smiled

"How did I not know that Miles has such a strong talent."

The red dog also said without blushing and his heart did not beat:

"For young people, give the greatest help and encouragement."

"Isn't this exactly what we seniors and seniors should do?"

"Although Miles is indeed less talented in combat, the Navy cannot be all reckless men who can only fight."

"The future navy will rely on the technology developed by Vegapunk to kill all sides on the low-end battlefield."

"Then what we need is officers with brains, not people who beat and forget their tasks when they rise."

"As for the top powerhouses, let's talk about it. Anyway, Sengoku and Karp can still hold on for a long time. "

"After Kuzan became a marshal, I retired to the second line."

"If there are not enough people, then conscription." Anyway, at that time, it will be the green pheasant who will worry about this matter, and there is no need for me. "

Zefa paused, then spoke:

"Why do you have to withdraw from the marshal race, I don't think you will lose to Kuzan."

Red Inu shakes the rum in his hand:

"Kuzan is not as strong as me, so he has no choice for the position of marshal, he can only take the position."

"After all, only the strong can have the right to choose."

"Besides, I really don't think the position of marshal is very good."

"When I became a post, the world government pressed me, and the generals under my hands disobeyed me, and only you supported the pressure too much."

"It's better to be a general, go out when you want to come up with a mission, and sleep at the headquarters of the Navy if you don't want to go out of a mission."

"After a lifetime of exhaustion, it's not bad for me to learn Kuzan."

Zefa laughed:

"Yes, then you will come and be with me, an old man."

"At that time, we can go fishing and teach the disciples by the way."

Akainu also laughed and touched his cup with Zefa:

"If the trouble is left to Kuzan, I will be responsible for lying flat."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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