The red dog stepped on the ground with one foot, constantly mobilizing the magma underground.

The hot magma constantly tumbled, flowed, and then formed the shape of countless hellhounds.

With a roar, he ran towards Kuzan.

The green pheasant frowned, and a hundred-meter-tall ice and snow giant rose up.

His body exuded an icy aura that was enough to freeze the air, and he held a huge ice sword in his hand.

The ice giant wielded his greatsword and swiped hard in the hellhounds,

The magma hellhound that rushed wildly was directly cut in half.

Wailing and falling to the ground, it turned into magma and flowed on the ground.

Some magma hellhounds jumped up.

Pounced on the ice giant, opened his mouth and bit down wantonly.

But they were grabbed by the big hands of the ice and snow giants, one by one, and then directly crushed with both hands.

Magma dripped from the ice giant's fingers to the ground.

Seeing that all the hellhounds under him were slaughtered, the giant who was just about to raise his head saw it.

The magma turned into by the cerberus under his feet fused together strangely.

A magma giant that is not as tall as an ice giant rises from the ground.

Blazing magma flowed slowly in his torso,

The flickering magma indicates that the giant contains terrifying explosive power.

It's not over yet!

The red dog exerted his strength again, and magma continued to drip from him.

One magma giant after another appeared from behind the red dog, bathed in scalding magma.

After a while, several magma giants appeared.

At the same time, there are also the surrounding magma hellhound legions constantly forming.

With an unstoppable momentum, he rushed in the direction of the green pheasant.

The green pheasant is not afraid of the terrifying offensive of the red dog.

An ice giant appeared behind him, and countless ice birds appeared in the sky.

The legion of magma and the legion of ice and snow collided violently.

Looking down from the sky, dark red and snow-white divide the island into two parts.

The battle between magma giants and ice giants is a face-to-face fight for power.

The huge roar caused by each blow spread far away outside the battlefield.

Sengoku and the others on the warship looked at the giant like Optimus Pillar on the island. 113

The way of fighting that makes people feel the power of terror really makes people unable to resist.

"Is this a battle between generals?!"

"It's incredible, is this still the extent that humans can do it?!"

"This amazing power is simply like a demon god!"

Warring States looked at the islands that each accounted for half and sighed in their hearts:

If it weren't for the pheasant's fight in the new world, plus the special training after returning to Marin Fando.

In this battle, the green pheasant will not have a chance to win the red dog at all.

There are magma giants, twisting off the heads of the ice giants in front of them.

There are also ice giants, a sword cuts the body of the magma giant, and the magma flows everywhere.

Ice birds are constantly rushing down from the sky and pounce on the hellhounds on the ground, tearing their heads apart.

But there were also Cerberus, who had already prepared and jumped to pounce the ice bird from the air and bite on the ground.

From time to time, a giant fell, and there was a huge roar.

But every time a giant fell, another giant was formed in the rear.

Both sides control the battlefield in red and white, only in the middle battlefield.

Magma and ice and snow can no longer tell who has more people, and they have been completely mixed together.

Both generals are strong people who can become an army by one.

The Cerberus Legion led by the Magma Giants and the Icebird Legion led by the Ice Giants seem to be evenly matched.

But in fact, the red dog seems to be at ease, while the green pheasant is already very serious.

The whole island has been completely changed ecologically, half red, half white.

On one side is tumbling magma, and the heat wave rolls. On one side is the icy snow-capped mountains, which are bitterly cold.

Akainu was interested in a battle of this level, and he had never had the opportunity to exert his full strength since crossing over.

I just feel that I am strong, but I don't know how strong I am.

Commanding the Magma Legion battle, he felt like he was playing a game of manipulation, and it would be nice to have a controller.

This kind of scene is naturally a Devil Fruit showdown, and it may only take many years to appear.

The fruit abilities of both people have awakened, and the frozen fruit at this moment is fighting the magma fruit.

It is undoubtedly a fateful duel between needles and wheats.

The giants' battles, every punch, every kick is amazing.

The island under your feet seems to be unable to withstand this amazing force and is about to shatter.

"Bastard, what's going on out there?"

"Go out and see!"

Caesar in the underground laboratory, shaken down by the shock caused by the fierce battle,

The test tube in the hand also fell accidentally,


The angry Caesar cursed.

"It's not good, it's not good, Lord Caesar!"

"There are a lot of giants fighting outside, they have amazing power and terrifying destructive power!"

"Lord Caesar, I see what seems to be a giant made of magma and a giant of ice and snow are fighting!"

The people under him hurriedly came to report the situation.

"What? Giant?! "

Caesar, who had been working on the study of giant potions, was instantly interested,

After hearing that there were giants on the ground.

Regardless of the obstruction of his subordinates, he directly took the elevator to the ground.

Caesar, who had just opened the security door and had not yet had time to observe the situation around him.

It was splashed on the body by a splash of magma.


The research uniform Caesar was wearing caught fire instantly, and the frightened Caesar quickly took off the clothes that were on fire.

But before Caesar could slow down, a huge block of ice roared down in the sky.

Like a meteorite, with unstoppable power.

The frightened Caesar pulled his legs and ran,

Without looking back, he ran back to his underground laboratory.

"My mother is really terrible."

"Everyone close the door and don't let them find us."

At this time, Caesar did not know that the legion of giants he thought was

It was actually just the power of the two top powerhouses Devil Fruit.

However, the two generals in the fierce battle did not notice Caesar,

Their focus is on each other.

The green pheasant's eyes were cold, such a battle,

Apart from the consumption of physical strength, it does not create any effective attacks at all.

But he couldn't help it, because the red dog had already submerged into the magma.

Several figures with similar breath interfered, so that the green pheasant could not tell which was the body of the red dog.

There is no way to distinguish the body, and it is impossible to determine the victory with one hit.

Then you can only watch the red dog fight with yourself, but you are not afraid of anything.

At this time, the red dog has sunk deeply in the magma, and he is a magma fruit ability.

By nature, he is close to magma, so he feels comfortable in magma.

Akainu actually doesn't really want to fight this battle with the green pheasant, but how to say it.

If you don't fight a battle with the pheasant, whether it is the world government or other parties, it will not be possible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

To make a play for the five old stars, it must also be done like the real thing.

Originally, I fought for ten days and ten nights, and now I can't be much less than this number.

After seven (CGBB) days and seven nights, the physical strength of both parties has been seriously consumed,

The giant that can be made has also shrunk from the original hundreds of meters to less than thirty meters now.

The Cerberus and Icebird Legion that could have been created with a raised hand,

Now it has also become a few minutes to condense one out.

The red dog was at ease, but the pheasant's face was already a little pale.

In these seven days and seven nights of fighting, the red dog has been letting the green pheasant.

According to the strength of the ice and snow legion created by the green pheasant, control your own magma legion.

However, as things stand,

It is already difficult to inflict damage on the opponent's body through the created combat objects.

The figure of the red dog has emerged from the magma, pretending to look like a green pheasant.

"Good opportunity!"

An ice giant approached the vicinity of the red dog,

It seems that the red dog has stopped seeing and smelling domineering, so he did not notice it.

The ice and snow giant suddenly exerted his strength, and his figure quickly approached the red dog,

At the same time, a punch smashed into the head of the red dog.


Canine Eats Red Lotus!

The red dog smashed the body of the ice giant with one blow, and the cold ice was instantly melted.

Billowing steam permeated the surroundings of the red dog's body, and the white mist was shrouded, and it was impossible to distinguish the direction.


A tall figure appeared instantly, and countless cold qi gushed out from his body.

"Frozen Hour!"

The cold air wrapped the entire body of the red dog, as if to freeze everything in the world.

In an instant, everything within a hundred meters of the surrounding area was frozen by the cold air of the pheasant.

And the red dog in the center, together with the earth and steam under his feet, was frozen together.

With incredulous eyes, it turned into a crystal clear ice sculpture.

The corners of the pheasant's mouth are slightly upturned, not bad.

Finally came into contact with the body of the red dog, and the red dog was tricked because of his own careless negligence.

However, this level of attack is not enough!


The red dog in the ice sculpture emits red light.

The interior of the entire ice sculpture was filled with hot magma, which instantly broke through the shackles of the ice sculpture.

The figure of the red dog was completely revealed.


The ice disappeared, and the red dog's eyes glowed red, twisting his body.

A powerful fist, under the impact of the magma eruption, whistled in the direction of the green pheasant.

The green pheasant sweats all over the place, this trick cannot be resisted!

His muscles tensed, his figure retreated sharply, and without hesitation, he shot an attack.

A huge wall of ice appeared between the red dog and the pheasant.


The red dog's heavy punch smashed directly on the ice wall, and the entire ice wall exploded directly.

The ice in the sky flew everywhere, and then melted by the heat, turning into icy raindrops.



"I don't want to compete with you for the position of marshal."

The red dog said to the pheasant.

"Without further ado, I don't want the battle with you to end like this."

The pheasant shot angrily!

In fact, the green pheasant has always been worried about the red dog in his heart,

He came to compete for the marshal with dissatisfaction and old grudges against the red dog.

Otherwise, with his character, even if the yellow ape goes to run for the marshal, he will not stop it.

From the point of view of a pheasant, anyone can be a marshal, only you Sakaski cannot.

If you become a marshal of the navy, it means that your justice is justice!

It also represents the O'Hara incident many years ago, and you didn't do anything wrong!

This is why the pheasant has to compete with the red dog for the marshal,

The two philosophies are very different in nature.

If Akainu becomes a marshal, then it is possible that he will choose to leave the Navy.

In fact, the pheasant in the original book did exactly that.

During a fight with Akainu, he broke a leg.

Then he fled angrily and took refuge in Blackbeard.

However, many people speculate that the exodus of the green pheasant is actually a bitter meat plan,

But Akainu thought.

Even if it wasn't a bitter meat plan, the pheasant couldn't work under him.

After all, there is no need to do this because of a blackbeard.

Blackbeard is at most a person of the level of the Four Emperors,

Killed by Magellan in the advancing city before the Top War.

If it weren't for the antidote left by Yu Zhixi, the arrogant Blackbeard would have died a long time ago.

Blackbeard's real rise is because the straw hat kid is making a big fuss about advancing into the city,

Because here he received a powerful crew.

It was also because of him that Blackbeard had the opportunity to sneak into the top war and finally collected the maximum result.

That is the shock fruit of Whitebeard, the fruit of Superman's most destructive power.

There's really nothing to say about Blackbeard.

Even if Blackbeard has the Dark Fruit and the Shock Fruit, the red dog does not feel how powerful.

There is no need for the pheasant to leave, only the navy needs to determine the location of Blackbeard.

Directly send two generals plus a group of lieutenant generals to pile up Blackbeard, on this sea.

No one could withstand the siege of the two generals, not even Lokes.

The departure of the green pheasant was actually caused by the different concepts of him and the red dog.

He didn't want to work under the hands of the red dog.

There happened to be an undercover plan, and he went.

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