Akainu continued:

"Marin Fando is broken, and it is useless to repair it."

"To show our determination to eliminate the pirates."

"I propose to move the headquarters of the Navy directly to the G1 branch, called New Marin Fandor!"

"The current Marin Fandor is changed to the G1 branch!"

The green pheasant was silent for a long time, and finally agreed with difficulty.

After all, he also hopes to end this pirate era.

The green pheasant and the red dog made an appointment, and tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, they will start another live broadcast.

At the same time, the green pheasant went back and told the news to Sengoku and Tsuru, and of course the Sengoku did not agree.

But what the pheasant has already decided, the Warring States cannot change.

After all, the current marshal of the navy, but a green pheasant!


At 8:50 a.m., Sarkas appeared in the square of Marin Fandor.

Because he had already stepped down as a general, he only had the rank of lieutenant general on his body.

There are many people around, Sengoku, Pheasant, Yellow Ape, Ain and so on.

Miles looked up at his watch:

"Lieutenant General Sakaski, the time is up."

The corners of Akainu's mouth turned up slightly: "Let's start." "

Miles immediately went down to prepare.

Akainu ascended the stage and looked at the reporters from the Navy headquarters below.

Although the red dog has not yet spoken, the camera has begun to flicker constantly, not daring to miss a moment.

With the live stream turned on.

The appearance of the red dog has been seen by people all over the world.

"Oh my God, isn't this General Akainu?"

"Mr. Sakaski, what are you going to do?"

"It looks like propaganda for the Great World Conscription, the same as yesterday's Admiral of the Navy."

"If it's Admiral Akainu, then I will definitely go to the Navy."

"Hey, how did the rank of General Akainu become lieutenant general, get it wrong."

Buzz hum hum

A siren full of killing sounded continuously...

Journalists from the Navy headquarters and the world were shocked.

Could someone be making trouble at this time?

But seeing that the red dog's expression did not show a trace of emotion, people realized that it was background music.

The reporters of the headquarters all breathed a sigh of relief, and their lives were saved.

I saw Chi Inu pick up the microphone, and a deep voice came out of his mouth. 120

"Guys, the war has begun!"

"Be ready for war."

Akainu's words paused slightly, giving people around the world enough time to react.

But...... The world is boiling because of it.

No one expected that the red dog came to power and directly said such a sentence, and the third sentence had already declared war.

The reporters of the headquarters trembled a little, were so excited that they could not speak, and even some people's cameras fell to the ground ...

The red dog slowly spoke:

"On this blue sea."

"There are beautiful scenery that you will never see in a lifetime."

"We who were born in such a beautiful world should have been extremely lucky."


"There is a bunch of lawless people!"

"They see snatching as fun."

"Villages and towns are slaughtered at every turn, and hundreds of thousands of people die every year because of them."

"They see the massacre as righteousness."

"Because of the battle of words, to vent for the so-called companions, to slaughter the country, to destroy the islands."

"They wantonly destroy everything in the world, call it adventure."

"They lawlessly provoke the world government and navy, calling it freedom."?

"The cancer of the world - pirates!"

"Pirates can be traced back to the time when the World Government was formed."

"Eight hundred years."

"The cancer of this world has never been removed."

"Even under the agitation of the sinner of the world, the so-called One Piece Roger."

"Decades of turmoil began."

"Killed by pirates, millions of lives were lost directly or indirectly."

"Indirectly and directly affected the people, tens of millions!"

"This is the garbage that is regarded as a myth by pirates, and the era of sea pirates has begun."

"The old man personally executed his evil bloodline, Fire Fist Ace!"

"However, Whitebeard's words before he died triggered an even more violent wave of pirates."

"Every day people die under the knife of pirates."

"That's why I (CHBC) are standing here today."

"I can responsibly tell the people of the world and the garbage at sea."

"It is urgent to eliminate pirates, there is no soil for the survival of such garbage as pirates in this world."

"Now I declare that the war has officially begun."

"Admiral Xuan Kuzan speaks."

"From now on, the Chambordi Islands, the blockade begins."

"All the coated houses must be forcibly taken over by the Navy."

"Head of the base in the Chambord Islands."

"Succeeded by the former admiral and the current chief instructor of the navy - Akainu."

"Navy headquarters, Marin Fandor was transferred to the G1 branch."

"In the new world, the G1 branch was transferred to a new naval headquarters, called the new Marin Fandor."

"All naval bases in the world, all in a state of readiness!"

"At the same time, with the approval of the world government, a two-year world conscription will begin."

"During the world conscription period, anyone with sufficient strength can be directly promoted to general!"

"On this blue sea, people should have happy smiling faces, not knives and guns, burning and looting marine garbage."

Chi Inu took a deep breath:

"Justice !!"

Below are the soldiers lined up in line, as well as naval officers watching the live broadcast from all over the world.

All of them were flushed and shouted excitedly:

"Victory! Win!! Win!!! "


Holy Land, Mary Joa.

The five old stars looked at the red dog on the screen, a little dignified.

The changing shots, the ever-changing soldiers of the naval branch, all have an almost blind worship of the red dog.

It's really frightening.

The five old stars holding the knife frowned slightly:

"Still underestimate him."

"This influence ... It's really disturbing. "

The curly-haired five old stars hold crutches:

"The previous decision was indeed hasty..."

"It's good that he didn't become a marshal of the navy, otherwise we might not have been able to control him at all."

"He has now resigned from the position of general and only holds the position of chief instructor of the Navy, which does not affect us so much."

"We just need to hold the pheasant firmly to control the navy."


Great Route, some remote island.

The only casino in town. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Instead of the hustle and bustle of the past, all gamblers are now gathered at one table.

At the gaming table, the chips of both sides have piled up into a hill.

One of them was completely red-eyed ... Put all the chips piled up into a hill...

"Press white for Lao Tzu."

Why red eye? It was because the chips in front of the person on the opposite side were all won from him.

The blind uncle on the opposite side showed a smile.

"Your Excellency is really courageous."

"In that case..."

Pushed out the same number of chips on his body.

"I press black."

The dealer swallowed his saliva and rang the bell.


"Bet over!"

Immediately afterwards, a roulette wheel slowly spun up... The hearts of countless people were raised in the throat eyes.

The wheel spins slower and slower... The red-eyed gambler on the other side looked incredulous.

"Black 19."

"Black wins!!"

The blind uncle smiled:

"It seems that the luck of the old man today is quite good."

The red-eyed man on the opposite side suddenly flipped over the table.


"You have a thousand !!"

Just wanted to rush over and hit the blind uncle.


The whole person fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Everyone looked at the calm blind uncle, who could... Capable people?!

The blind uncle got up and turned to the dealer:

"Trouble help me exchange it for Bailey."

The dealer was taken aback when he saw this guy talking to himself.

"Yes... Be! "

In a hurry, he exchanged all the chips for Bailey, hoping to send him away...

In remote seas, the capable represent unrivaled strength.

At the same time, most of the capable people are devil-like existences, where are there so many good people.

Outside the casino, carrying a bag of Bailey's blind uncle.

A hint of a smile appeared.

"In this way, the travel fee is enough."

"Completely eliminate the pirates and end justice in the era of pirates."

"What a boldness."

"The old man must go and see for himself..."

The Great Route, an island covered entirely in forest.

A lazy man was lying in a hammock.

The news bird passed by, and he beckoned.

He took out a hundred Baileys from his pocket, took a copy of the news and read it.

After reading it, Green Bull's eyes were full of excitement.

"It's so exciting, Mr. Sakaski."

"War is long overdue, and the only role of such a low-level thing as a pirate is to provide nutrients."

"It's a pity why you're not a marshal, Mr. Sakaski."

"No, I'm going to meet my idol!"

The lazy man got up, and a strange flower suddenly grew on his body.

Between the whirlwinds of the flowers, the lazy man has flown out and headed straight for the Chambord Islands.

Left behind is an island full of forests and various animals that have died after being sucked up nutrients.


The headquarters of the Navy has been changed to the Marin Fandor of the G1 branch.

Preparations for the relocation are in full swing.

There is a fire burning in everyone's heart, and this is for so many years.

For the first time, the Navy sent a clear signal to the world.

Enter a new world!

The Navy has entered a new chapter.

Put the headquarters of the Navy in the New World and the Declaration of War!

Everything can shock the world, when the two things are mixed.

That represents what the Navy is going to do next.

Apparently the Navy is ready for a war with pirates.

However, the four emperors of the new world will definitely not give up.

Since the news came out in the navy, every move of the navy has been closely watched by the pirates.

Any wind and grass will appear on the table of the four emperors at the first time.

It is clear if the Navy insists on starting a war.

The other Four Emperors would not face the naval offensive alone, and joining forces was their only option.



Although in their position, human favor and identity are not so useful when interests are involved.

But in the face of naval attacks, the other side will certainly not stand idly by.

Instead, they will send their own cadres, or even personally present to assist the other party.

In this case, if you want to start a full-scale war, you are likely to face the joint attack of the two four emperors.

Moreover, these two four emperors are still in the prime of life.

Faced with such a complicated situation, of course, it is to throw trouble to the pheasant!

Anyway, the four emperors of the new world know that the marshal of the navy is a pheasant!

After all, the former Admiral Akainu has stepped down and now serves as the chief instructor of the Navy.

In their eyes, the red dog has been disappointed in the navy like Zefa.

Otherwise, he would not have given up his position as a senior admiral to serve as a chief instructor, and also guarded the Chambord Islands.


New World, the territory of the original Four Emperors Whitebeard.

Since Whitebeard died during the war on top, there was no suppression by Whitebeard.

All the pirates poured into this territory.

Everyone is fighting for the territory left by Whitebeard, and wars are waged every day for this.

Although Blackbeard has occupied most of Whitebeard's territory, it still has a lot of territory that has fallen into the hands of other forces.

And these forces also firmly contain Blackbeard's attention, so that he cannot leave this area.

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