The video continues.

"It turns out that the person you are looking for is him."

"This samurai is famous for standing here blankly, looking into the distance, no one knows what he is thinking."

In the end, he said with some emotion.

As he spoke, the ghost crying and wolf howling around him gradually dissipated, and he became calm again.

"It seems that the tide of demons has also passed."

"Those greedy guys, if they can't find a target to start with, they will naturally move elsewhere."

"But you're leaving."

"You're a walnut, is that Zhongli you said really an immortal?" Finally asked.

"Really, the Great Sage of Demons, Liuyun Borrowing the Wind True Monarch and other immortals, have never denied this."

"So that's the case, then I probably know who he is."

"I actually ran to the Past Life Hall as a guest secretary, this guy is really getting lazier and lazier."

"By the way, how are the other immortals now?" Finally asked.

"They, Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun now..." Paimon couldn't wait to say all the information he knew in one breath.

"In this way, I am not surprised that other immortals live a hidden life."

"But the real monarch of Song Dust Wave City has actually become an old woman, and because of me, this is really troublesome." In the end, he covered his forehead and said with a little headache.

After thinking for a moment, she continued: "In this way, after you go back, tell the real king of Song Dust Wave City, just say that the music law loses to me 460, but if you lose in appearance, then you will lose too completely." "

"At least in terms of looks, I really didn't win against her."

"Okay, I'll bring her a message."

Sora nodded.

He also saw that in the end, these words were not so much a provocation as helping the true monarch of Song Dust Wave City untie his heart.

"Goodbye then, everyone."

Hu Tao slapped his palm to the ground, launched the secret technique of the Past Life Hall, and the group disappeared in place.

Soon, the video with the black border gradually dimmed.

Yonomiya: "It's very good, it's a good end." "

Yoomiya said: "I wish I had seen the video of the end of the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order sooner." "

Dixia: "Haha, I didn't expect Zhongli to be complained about by his old friend." "

Dixia: "I see that the title of drinking tea and walking birds Zhenjun is very suitable for Zhongli." "

Wendy: "Hehe, it seems that the image of my old friend has also collapsed." "

Paimon: "How do you think you smell of schadenfreude." (pointing)"

Zhong Li: "Barbatos, do you want to be beaten again?" "

Charlotte: "Ah, beaten? "

Charlotte: "I seem to smell big news. "

Wendy: "Ahem, it's not really big news. "

Wendy: "In order to deal with the nobles of Mond, I forged a contract with Morax's signature. "

Wendy: "And Morax attaches great importance to the contract, and after knowing this, he naturally cleaned me up." "

Wendy: "Really, I'm here to deal with bad guys, and I'm not reasonable at all." "

Zhong Li: "For whatever reason, only the contract cannot be broken and falsified. "

Keqing: "That's right, the contract is the root of Liyue. "

Keqing: "Without the spirit of the contract, everyone will cheat it, then Liyue's contract will become a dead letter, and many things will be messed up." "

Paimon: "Although it is said that Liyue will usher in the era of human rule, the immortals should have retreated into the background a long time ago. "

Paimon: "But in the group, Keqing will always maintain Zhongli." "

Keqing: "Ahem, I don't have it, it's just a coincidence." "

Thoma: "Next, it's time for the empty space of our world, let's go to Inazuma's video." "

Thoma: "Come on, let me see what he can make." "

However, as the white video border lit up, Toma was dumbfounded.

The next trip is not Inazuma at all.


On Sora returns to Mond, Caitlin tells Sora the startling news.

There was a man who was also blonde and was looking around in Mond for news.

Considering that the other party may be his blood relative, or related to it, Sora begins to look for the other party. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Inside the Angel's Gift Bar, Sora finally met the blond man.

The other party was a tall man, not his sister.

Unexpectedly, when the man saw the empty (bhdc) face, he took the initiative to invite the other person to sit down and asked three questions.

After answering, the man said that his name was Dainsreb, and this time he came to track down the trail of the Abyss Apostle.

Hearing that Dainsreb's target was the Apostle of the Abyss, Sora said that he was willing to help.

The two tracked all the way to the ruins of the wind dragon, empty on a dandelion plant, and were surprised to find the breath of their sister.

Dainsleb also left quickly because he did not find a key clue.

A few days later.

Kong took the next Liyue's commission and came to a ruin, looking for traces of the Abyss Sect.

As he went deeper, he saw an upside-down idol on a dark altar, and a man who fell to his knees and died in a twisted position in front of the idol.

Just when the two were surprised, an Abyss Apostle suddenly appeared and fought fiercely with the air.

However, after a moment of fighting, the Abyss Apostle took the initiative to retreat.

"So it is, you are the one."

"In that case, I shouldn't stay for long."

Saying that, a portal appeared behind the Abyss Apostle, and the whole person disappeared.

Thoma: "How mysterious this guy is." "

Thoma: "Really, the Riddler gets out of Tivat." "

Diluc: "I thought you had found out." "

Xing Qiu: "It doesn't feel like a coincidence. "

"What the hell, when did the group become a large community of Riddlers?" "

Arataki Kazuto: "If you find anything, let's say it quickly." "

Shinobu Kuki: "I'm sorry, the boss has always been this kind of personality. "

Kuki Shinobu: "As a reparation, let me explain." "

Shinobu Kuki: "I found the breath of fluorescent on a dandelion plant just a few days ago in the process of tracking down the trail of the abyss. "

Jiuqi Shinobu: "Plus just now the Abyss Apostle said that there was a similar aura to that one on his body. "

Shinobu Kuki: "This is already clear. "

Kuki Shinobu: "Sora sister, I am afraid that she has joined the forces of the abyss. "

Shinobu Kuki: "Also, the status is not low." "

Paimon: "This, how is it possible. "

Paimon: "But if you think about it, it really can't be refuted." "

Sora: "Sister, join the abyss." "

Empty: "No, how could this be..."

Kamisato Ayato: "Don't get too excited. "

Kamisato Ayato: "Maybe she has some unavoidable bitterness." "

Kamisato Ayato: "If I see her this time, maybe everything will be answered." "

Barbara: "Why did the statue of Lord Fengshen become like that?" "

Barbara: "It's full of ominousness, it's infuriating. "

Jean: "And the young man who died in front of the altar, I'm afraid it is also related to the idol." "

Jean: "The abyss is really an uncomfortable force. "。

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