Distribute Marvel, I Sign In Doomsday at the Start

Chapter 68: The Cuban Crisis, The Final Battle Comes

There was a sudden tacit understanding in this field, both sides did not move, only the wailing of the rookies came one after another.

Eric controls the tragic riptide, Charles and Delin fight, and the Red Devils have a host of hostages.

"Eric, so let's take a step back, okay, you let the torrents, I let them go.

The Red Devil saw the confrontation between the two sides, but there was no result. Instead, his brain was aching and nervous!

"Okay, you and I release people at the same time, I count three!


Eric finished counting aloud, and the two of them tacitly agreed and didn't let go. They were not fools, how could they easily believe each other!

"Hahaha, Red Devil, you really are ugly and cunning!"

Eric burst out laughing, sneering at the red devil, and attacking!

"Hmph, you're not a good person, you're still not letting people go, and I'm not ugly, it's personality, you blind guy! 35

Let's talk, make trouble, don't talk about appearance, I'm not easy to mess with the red devil!

"Okay, we'll let it go this time, I can swear to God!

Eric said again, his chips are low, and there are too many hostages there, so he has to compromise!

"Okay, count!"


After Eric finished speaking, he kicked the torrent flying, and the red devil teleported to the red devil's side, supporting the inhuman torrent.

"Eric, this time we have a draw, next time we will decide the outcome! 35

The red devil put down his harsh words and ran away with the rapid teleportation.

On the cruise ship, Sebastian was enjoying the sea breeze and drinking red wine.

Suddenly, a faint red mist flashed, and the red devil appeared with the hapless torrent and Delin.

"Heh, the torrent is so miserable, who was beaten? Eric?"

Seeing the tragic torrent, Xiao said speechlessly, this fool kicked the iron plate, pretending to be all day long.

"Black King, it's not to blame the rapids this time. That Eric is really powerful. We are not his opponents, but he can't do anything about us."

The Red Devil forced himself to explain the case, not because we were incompetent, but because the other party was too vicious!

"I don't want to hear this, how's that rookie Mutant going?"9

Xiao waved his hand, it didn't matter whether they failed or not, he only cared about the details of the other party.

"The other group of Mutants are really rubbish, if it wasn't for Charles and Eric to call the scene, Torrent could destroy them all by himself.

Talking about the opponent's fighting power, the red devil pouted and looked dismissive.

"Oh, it turns out that it is like this, then there is nothing to be afraid of, our plan has to be fast!"

Hearing the Red Devil's words, Xiao immediately felt relieved, a group of scumbags could not stop his great plan.

Nuclear war, nuclear radiation, nuclear pollution, hahaha, how many Mutants will be born in the future, this earth will be the world of Mutants.

Only noble and advanced Mutants are higher creatures and are worthy to rule the world, and he is the king of the new world!

Thinking about it, he burst into laughter, complacent, hey, sometimes the happiness of the frog in the well is so unpretentious.

On the other hand, Charles's side was miserable, one by one was like Huahua being beaten by frost, one by one was downcast and gloomy.

Shame, shame, a large group of people were killed by two people.

Little did they know, a more serious crisis was imminent, right inside the CIA.

"Director, forget it, get rid of these Mutants, I don't believe it anymore, dignified America, afraid of a mere Black King Xiao,~?"

In the director's office, DeMonster suggested to Matt that it was too dangerous for his group to be caught between them.

"Hey, I will think about it, let's hold a meeting and study it like this, listen to everyone's suggestions, and tell everyone to go to the conference room.

Matt had a headache and felt that for such a major event, everyone had to work together.

The conference room was quickly filled with CIA leaders of large file size and small, and when they heard that the X team had to change their place, they passed unanimously for the first time.

"Charles, I'm sorry, I'm here to give you some bad news, the bureau wants you to change places, you're too destructive, they don't feel safe...

Charles, who was rubbing medicine for his teammates, was stunned when he heard the news from Mora.

Does this count as crossing the river and demolishing the bridge? Do you and others fight to your death while your teammates stab them in the back?

Just as Charles was about to explain and save himself, Eric grabbed his shoulders and shook his head at him.

"Okay, Miss Mora, please tell them that we quit the CIA and have nothing to do with it again."

Charles understands what Eric means, and it's better to pull out and do it alone if you're tied up here.

"Okay, I'll quit the CIA too, Chen Xi forbids me to be an agent, it's too dangerous. 35

Mora took advantage of the situation to talk about her resignation, and when she talked about Chen Xi, she showed a touching smile.

"Congratulations, Mora, you can take care of us in the future!""

As soon as Charles and Eric heard it, they knew that Mora would also be a lady in the future, and their identities were immediately different.

"Don't, everyone is a friend, so there's no need to be so clear about what to take care of and what not to take care of."

Mora quickly said, don't let others think that she is clinging to the powerful.

"Okay, we got it, now we're going to pack up and get out of here!"

Charles smiled and nodded, there is no place to keep the master here, there is a place to keep the master, the Xavier family is not bad for this little money, have to rely on being angry here?

"Are we going to the streets? Charles?" Darwin asked blankly.

"No, we have many better places, let's go and show you guys. 35

Charles mysteriously said to everyone, do you want to go to Umbrella Manor? Everyone guessed so.

New York suburbs, West Chester.

Among the green mountains and rivers, stands a European medieval castle manor.

"Wow, this is where we're going to live? It's so pretty!""

"Charles, your family is too rich, I'm so envious!

"Hahaha, so cool!"

Which of the many Mutants did not suffer from suffering from childhood, hungry and full, and it would be very good to be alive, where have you seen such a luxurious world?

"Don't forget, we're not here to enjoy it, you look at today's battle, it's horrible!

Charles sees them hanging around, and looks like they don't remember to eat or fight, and he gets annoyed, and he has to train them hard.

A few days later, with an agent like Mora, and Peggy also came over, they found a military fighting master and started strict training for them.

Not only train your own variant ability, from control to skilled use, but also train fighting ability and reaction ability.

""々 Charles, you have to feel the fluctuations of your mind, integrate into the entire universe, and integrate into the pessimistic clutching and reunion of human beings.

Go check it out, the sky is high and the earth is different, and the universe is infinite; when happiness is exhausted and sorrow comes, there are a lot of knowledge and emptiness, and understand this sentence well. 35

Chen Xi also came to point out Charles' mind ability. When it comes to mind, the thousand-year-old wisdom of Chinese ancestors can always give an explanation.

"As for Eric, calm your heart down, get close to the earth, and feel the thickness of the earth. When you are strong, the earth is under your control."

Chen Xi only pointed these two people, and the others just let Charles and Eric come.

They are senior Mutants with rich experience, and they have mentored a few rookies.

In this way, a group of rookies started training for nearly a month. With guidance, their Ability has at least risen several steps.

At least he won't rush forward recklessly, and his fighting ability will be greatly improved, so he won't be won by the Red Devil in one round.

Charles is most pleased with the progress of the Mutants.

Since listening to Chen Xi's advice, he has read a lot of ancient Chinese classics, character stories, and understood a lot of incomprehensible problems.

Every day I use Telepathy to understand, feel the joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows of ordinary people, and the effect of empathy is obvious.

Charles' Ability is at least twice as strong as before, and his entire temperament has changed.

In the past, Charles had the impetuousness and impulsiveness of a young man (good Zhao), but now he is more peaceful, his emotional control is stronger and stronger, and he has the appearance of old Charles in advance.

In more than a month, everyone has changed too much, and they have become too much stronger.

"Come on here, there's big news!" 5

Emma suddenly shouted in the living room.

When everyone heard it, they hurried in.

Everyone hurried into the living room. On the TV, the President of the United States is giving a speech.

"The Soviets are deploying nuclear missiles in Cuba, the fleet is about to reach the Caribbean Sea, and war is imminent.

Seeing the picture on the TV, everyone was solemn.

"Everyone, this is all Xiao's conspiracy, we have to stop him! Stop the third world war" Charles suddenly stood up and said loudly

"Always have a spear ready!

Everyone was high-spirited and said in high spirits.

"Okay, X-Squad's first mission, let's go!"

Charles acts as captain, giving orders.

"Follow me, folks, this is my masterpiece, supersonic fighter, come on, guys! Target the Caribbean Gulf!

The Cuban Missile Crisis, a super conspiracy, awaits the young Mutants to stop!

ps: The author has been writing for a day, dizzy, and his poor grades are also his own reasons. I would also like to thank the big guys who supported me, thank you!

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