Distribute Marvel, I Sign In Doomsday at the Start

Chapter 71 This is the end of betrayal

Xiao died like this, he was arrogant and arrogant for a lifetime, calculating for a lifetime, dust to dust, dust to dust, and the organization was completely empty.

"Xiao, if you go well, history will remember you, and Mutant will remember you."

Chen Xi sighed, the final big boss was just so casually played by himself, and when he shivered, it was really boring!

Before Xiao died, he tried desperately to absorb the energy of the molecular bomb, but unfortunately it was not successful.

Chen Xi walked into the center of the whirlpool and directly cleaned up the remaining energy absorption, saving the island and innocent lives.

"Eric, this is for you, catch it!"

Chen Xi casually threw Xiao's helmet to Eric, and he didn't know that Xiao Cong got the helmet. Xiao blew it up, and the helmet still remained.

"Ah? Haha thank you sir! This is really awesome "One Four Seven"."

Eric hurriedly took the helmet and thanked his boss again and again, this is such a treasure!

In Chen Xi's opinion, Magneto without a helmet is incomplete Magneto, um, it's much more pleasing to the eye now.

"Congratulations, Eric, you will not be afraid of being attacked by the mind ability person in the future!"

Charles stepped forward to congratulate, eh? Why is there a hint of sadness? Originally, he could easily subdue Eric, but now he is completely useless.

"Haha, thank you, this is all a gift from Mr.

Eric grinned and smiled smugly, as happy as a two-hundred-pound little fat man.

"General, I just received an order from headquarters to retreat and return to the mainland.

Mi Li Jian's ship commander soon received the order to withdraw, and the play was over, what else do you want to do?

The two parties who had a tacit understanding were also going to join forces to kill these Mutants, but the chairman of Umbrella came, and he did a shit, go home and take the children!

"Listen to my order, the whole army retreats!"

With an order from the fleet commander, the entire army retreated.

Mi Lijian's entire army retreated, but Lao Maozi didn't. This group of Mi Lijian's Mutants are a serious concern, and they may even be incorporated by the state.

"The whole army listens to the order and prepares to fight!"

Commander Lao Maozi received an order from the upper management and directly ordered to prepare to attack, without any consideration at all.

Taking a deep breath, Eric glanced at the old Maozi fleet in the distance. They were turning their guns, and it was self-evident.

"Sebastian is a total racist, a despicable executioner and a butcher, he wanted Mutant to unify the world and become king of the world, which was wrong, but he did the right thing and fought for power for Mutant.

Yes! Fight for the future of Mutant!

History is like reincarnation, sending away a Sebastian Shaw and ushering in a Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr!

Magneto saw Lao Maozi's turned muzzle, and suddenly a sense of mission surged in his heart. He wanted to be the sharpest knife and dedicate his life to Mr. Mutant!

"Everyone, Sebastian is dead! He died in the hands of the gentleman. It was the gentleman who saved us, saved mankind, and saved the world, but what about now?"

Eric looked into the distance with a grim expression on his face, he stretched out his finger to the sea and pointed to Lao Maozi's fleet in the distance.

"Brothers and sisters, have you seen it? The muzzle of that fleet has been pointed at us. They disregarded the grace of saving the world. This is a blatant betrayal, this is discrimination and fear! 95

"Humanity has declared war on Mutant! Please be our king and guide us, Eric Lehnsherr is willing to be the sharp knife and kill all those who refuse to accept it! 39

After speaking, Eric knelt down on one knee towards Chen Xi with a very firm attitude.

As soon as Chen Xi lifted up, Eric involuntarily stood up.

"Everyone, Eric's words are not without merit, but I'm not a dictator."

Chen Xi paused again, looked around for a week, looked at the group of apprehensive young people, and spoke again

"If you want to join the Umbrella combat department, we welcome you. If you don't like fighting, you can also arrange an auxiliary department. You can definitely leave by yourself.

After Chen Xi finished speaking, he ignored the group of young Mutants who were talking about it. There are still too few people.

Mutant has a long way to go to build a country. He wants to build a country of Mutants, mutants, and super-ability people, where there is no racial discrimination, and there is no massacre and pursuit.

"No! No! No way! How could they, how dare they!

Charles is also in disbelief, he doesn't care who leads who, under Telepathy, finds that the old man has made up his mind to destroy them...

"I can already sense that their guns are aimed at us, Charles!"

Eric snorted and continued, "Charles, are you still running away? Can't you feel it? Are they just trying to get rid of us?

Charles didn't listen to what Eric was saying in his ear, he only heard the old Maozi commander say decisively: "Fire!

"Hey, what is this for? What did we do wrong? We saved the world!

Charles held his head in pain, puzzled, could the war be avoided?

"Power is poison. If there is a crack in the container, the poison will spread. We have the ability to rebel. This is our sin!"

Chen Xi stepped forward, patted Charles on the shoulder, and told him this classic dialogue.

On the sea in the distance, naval guns roared!

The artillery fire shot into the sky, Roar with a small tail of missiles roared, and the Lao Maozi fleet launched an attack.

Countless artillery shells and missiles, densely packed, hit like raindrops, covering the sky and covering the sky, and launched a carpet bombing against the location of Mutant, attacking indiscriminately.

"I thought my arrival would make history go elsewhere. Hey, the fear and greed of people's hearts can't be changed!"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes and looked at the missiles coming from Roar in the distance. He smiled, a mere ants and a frog in the well.

I can't see the vastness of the universe. Human beings in this universe have just learned to walk, so they don't know what awe is!

"Sir, 3.6 their leader made a mistake, the soldiers just obey orders, can you let the soldiers go?"

Charles knew that this could not be done, and he only hoped that Chen Xi would spare the innocent soldiers.

"What do you think? As long as you shoot at me, it means you will never die!

Chen Xi replied with an expression on his face.

Then he took a step forward, his eyes were furious, his eyes flashed red, the sun's line of sight swept up and down, and the missiles from Roar were detonated on the sea.

With a good eye, the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees directly cut the group of battleships smoothly and flat, and the craftsmanship did not say.

sizzle!! crunch, crunch

The sour rubbing sound of metal rubbing is like a soul-killing sound, watching the battleship sink slowly!

The officers and soldiers who fell into the sea screamed in fright. No matter how much they can swim, they can't stop the sinking Adsorbent of the warship! The dog's life is over!

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