Distribute Marvel, I Sign In Doomsday at the Start

Chapter 79 Charles, I want to invite you two to make a movie

"The children can be taught, Charles, you can go to school, we don't need to be low-key, we need to be high-profile! I will make you a household name star!"

Chen Xi's idea was that they couldn't hide their good deeds like the previous X-Men, so that the public didn't know them at all, and could only remember the bad deeds Mutant did.

He wants to build a super team, just like the Fantastic Four, to become a popular idol.

If the Fantastic Four were put on hold until now, wouldn't everyone be calling them the same? They would have been assigned to the Mutant camp.

In this era, as long as you are different from ordinary people, you are a Mutant, except for Steve, who was created by the government.

Chen Xi wants to raise Mutant into a super idol, let the children feel that they are heroes and aspire to be heroes, America has a plot drop of serious personal superhero idols!

"Charles, Eric, why don't you two make a movie? Make you guys super idols for the younger generation, I think it will work!""

Chen Xi looked left and right, but these two people were similar to the images in the movie, with proper star appearance.

"Psst, don't, don't tease sir, I can make movies no problem, so handsome, but Eric's rigid image can make movies? Hahaha!

Seeing that Charles was wearing a helmet, he looked like Eric in a role-playing costume, and he immediately smiled, leaning back and forth.

"Fake 420 squid, Charles, you are handsome, you can act, and you are expressive? Go! If I were to make a movie, I would have more fans than you!"

Eric scolded angrily, good you Charles, you are actually slaughtering me here! You don't look at you, a little white face of a playboy with insufficiency of kidney function!

"Nonsense, obviously I'm more handsome than you, and lively and cheerful! You dead fish-eye!"

Eric's words immediately made Charles anxious, don't I want to make more movies than you, a dead fisheye fan?

Chen Xi watched the two squirt each other and smiled, it's good that Charles didn't get scrapped.

If the famous Professor X sits in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, his male function is gone, and he needs help from others in his life, it will be his biggest regret.

Chen Xi was fortunate enough to show up, otherwise the two would have parted ways, and Charles established X-Men, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Magneto Eric hides in the shadows and builds the Brotherhood, becoming a rat that is not a ghost or a ghost, and everyone shouts and beats.

"Okay, why don't you just make a movie, you will all have your own fans, don't worry, radish and cabbage, each has his own love, haha. 39

Chen Xi suddenly thought with some wickedness that Magneto, the scene man, has many fans.

"Well, yes, Mr. is right, a cool man like me is the role model, you? The one who doesn't show a few faces, and the one who doesn't pull a few yellows!"5

When Eric heard this, he was a little proud, and glanced at Charles with disdain.

"Fake squid, Eric, when the time comes, Bibi, if you lose, call me big brother in the future!"

Charles is in a hurry, the man can't say no, and he will compete with Eric immediately!

"Go away, why don't you say what if you lost? Why are you so good?"

Eric is not stupid, this guy only says he counts, co-authoring with me Eric will definitely lose?

"Okay, if I lose, I'll call you big brother in the future, it must be decided?"

"It's a word!"

The two stretched out their hands and struck hard, which means that the bet was made.

Chen Xi looked at these two restless young people, and was quite speechless.

No matter how powerful the young guy is, like all young people, he likes to be in the limelight.

"Okay, don't compare the two of you. After a while, Umbrella will pay to make you saviors and heroes. Chen Xi stopped the two who were still talking harshly.

"Okay, sir, is there any script?"

Charles asked excitedly, this is so interesting, I will be a big star in the future.

(Charles in this period was a libertine before he was scrapped. He went to bars all day, and used his heart (cdbh) inspiration to seduce girls. You can see it in the first battle of the movie cops.)

"Well, this is simple, didn't it stop Xiao's conspiracy before, we just use it!

Chen Xi thought about it, this movie will not be popular all over the world as soon as it is released, there are no special effects in this era, darling, Mutant Ability is directly shot.

That is so eye-catching, and firmly grasp a group of young middle school two sand sculptures!

But don't worry, making a movie is not easy, there is no need for post-production at all, as long as you control it well and don't hurt yourself.

"Okay, let's listen to the gentleman, anytime, anytime!

"Yes, we have a lot of time.

The two quickly said that they have sufficient schedules and are always ready. In order to become a star, they can do anything.

"Well, you just need to know about this, and slowly reverse everyone's impression of Mutant, which is only now exposed, and everyone's impression is not deep at all, and there is not much fear, this is the most important!

Chen Xi feels that At the moment, people don't know what Mutant is, only that Mutant has various super abilities.

Some are also envious, and some are also jealous of why they don't have it, so everyone still desires to have the super ability of Mutant, as long as they are guided a little, then the form will change.

As for the new Mutants, as long as they are educated in a timely manner, they will not harm the world at all, they are just forced by life.

"Okay, now that it's done. Sir, let's go to training with them.

After the two know Chen Xi's plan, they can rest assured, fight crime, and become superhero and super idol!

It changed people's views on Mutant in the early days, and at the same time, once a Mutant was discovered, it was brought back immediately to prevent the new Mutant from being unable to control its own Ability and causing unpredictable damage.

"By the way, wait a minute, this is for you, your body is too weak, even if Eric uses magnetism to exercise, the effect will not work! Go to the underground base of the manor to inject!

Chen Xi gave each of them six new serums to be a fleshy tank master, melee combat, this is the pursuit of men, isn't it?

"Ah, this is the super soldier serum? Didn't expect Mr. to have such a good thing! 99

"Hey, I didn't expect Umbrella's technology to be so advanced, great, we're not afraid of close combat anymore!"

The two got the super soldier serum, and they couldn't stop laughing. Good things, the baby that the master dreamed of!

"Let's go get the super soldier serum now!"5

"Okay, I can't wait too!",

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