District 9

Chapter 1676 Ye Lin hesitates to speak

Qin Yu's hatred for Gao Qiao is no less than that of the people in District 7 and District 9. If he had his previous temperament, he would have destroyed this bastard long ago. But now the equity issue is the most important thing. He can't let the brothers who sacrificed in this matter die in vain, so he can only restrain his emotions a little.

Inside the division headquarters, Qin Yu pointed at Gao Qiao and Galawa and said again: "I don't want to talk nonsense to you. You and my people must handle the equity issue within two days, or I will let you two go to the open-air toilet of the battalion headquarters to collect feces. "

There were beads of sweat on Takahashi's forehead, and he said very sensibly: "Mr. Qin, we are willing to hand over the shares, but can you give us a certain amount of time like Song Yingjun did."

Qin Yu said nothing.

"We are willing to hand over the equity to your agency in the form of share leasing without charging any fees." Takahashi immediately added: "Mr. Qin, this equity is our talisman, and please understand our thoughts. "

Qin Yu picked up the tea cup and still didn't reply.

"I will talk to you about this matter." Kim Tae-soo took over.

"Okay, okay." Takahashi nodded repeatedly.

"Take them away." Qin Yu waved his hand.

After speaking, several guards entered the room and took Takahashi and Galawa away.


Qin Yu let out a long sigh, turned to look at Gu Yan, Lin Xiao, Fatty Teng and others and said, "This trivial matter is so cumbersome. I blame it all on Gao Qiao. I really want to kill him."

"Forget it, people die for money and birds die for food, there's nothing they can do about it." Fatty Teng advised: "The people's sacrifices were not in vain, and the results are still ideal, that's all."

Qin Yu pondered for a long time, looked at Jin Taizhu and said: "Discuss the details with them as soon as possible, and resolve this equity issue within two days."

"Okay." Kim Tae-soo nodded.

"Takahashi has four percent, how much does Galawa have?" Qin Yu asked.

"Nine percent." Kim Tae-soo said softly: "Currently, adding one dollar to the equity, we have 32%. The result is much better than I thought."

Qin Yu got a little angry: "Looking at it now, the result is not bad, but in fact we have reached a dead end. The peripheral scattered stocks have been almost won by all parties, and we are still far away from the halfway point. He Damn, the rest is not easy to handle.”

"Yes." Kim Tae Soo nodded.

"Forget it, we'll have a meeting to study this later." Qin Yu stood up and said, "Brother Teng, the matter is settled. Our troops should withdraw their defenses as soon as possible. There is no sense of security here."

"Okay, let's disarm together." Fatty Teng responded.

EU Region 1, inside a hospital.

When Han Yao saw Ye Lin coming, he chatted with her for a few words alone and then went to the next room to rest.

In the ward, Ye Lin looked at Han Sanqian who looked haggard, and couldn't help but sigh: "You are already dozens of years old. If you have anything to do, can't you delegate the power to the people below?"

"They can't do it." Han Sanqian looked at her: "Are you from District 8?"

"Well, I flew over when I heard the letter." Ye Lin pulled up a chair and sat down, then reached out and helped Han Sanqian peel the fruit.

"Are you having a hard time in Yanbei during this time?" Han Sanqian asked.

"It's okay, I can handle it."

Before Han Sanqian's backer in the Eighth District fell, he had already transferred many of the group's core personnel and industrial focus to the EU. However, Ye Lin was the only one who was unwilling to leave. She would rather suffer political implication in the Eighth District and be constantly criticized. I am not willing to move my family here.

Han Sanqian persuaded Ye Lin several times, and she always replied with a smile: "Winter will eventually pass. I can still persist and don't want to leave."

In fact, Han Sanqian himself knew that Ye Lin was unwilling to follow the group to develop in the European Union, largely because she did not agree with some of the group's decisions in recent years, especially the decision to invest too much in politics.

Facts have proved that Ye Lin's vision is somewhat unique. If Han Sanqian hadn't bet too heavily on the political game in the Eighth District, he might not be in this situation today.

Of course, this does not mean that Han Sanqian's decision was wrong. From his standpoint, there are some things that he can't do to stay out of the situation. And in terms of personal ambition, Han Sanqian has always wanted to be the number one red-top businessman in the three major districts.

Han Sanqian is a smart man. He knew that Ye Lin did not want to follow him to the EU area, so he did not treat her badly. Instead, he allocated some industries to her separately and left a large amount of dividend funds, which can be regarded as giving to Ye Lin for so many years. Contribution, a perfect explanation.

In the ward, Ye Lin stared at Han Sanqian blankly, and called her in a rare private tone: "Uncle, you are so old that you can't even cover your white hair."

"Yes, I'm old." Han Sanqian nodded slowly.

"Listen to my advice and stop fighting." Ye Lin advised softly: "Let go of everything that should be put down and enjoy your old age."

Han Sanqian felt helpless when he heard this: "It's not that I want to fight, it's because I haven't been able to escape for a long time. Before the Yandao equity was acquired, people from the EU area were talking to me and asked me to donate... This This is a signal to kill the donkey. I have no political role. In their eyes, that group is just a piece of fat that must be eaten."

"Even if you get the equity, can you guarantee that District Seven will not treat you like this in the future?" Ye Lin asked.

Han Sanqian was startled, and suddenly asked: "Xiaolin, are you here to see me, or do you want to persuade me to make some decision?"

"Uncle, I don't know since when, you have become more and more suspicious. Many people can't get close to your heart, maybe including me." Ye Lin put the peeled fruit in Han Sanqian's hand, He said softly: "I have been on a plane for more than 20 hours, but you suspect that I am a lobbyist sent by others. Forget it, let's not talk about work, let's talk about other things."

Ye Lin really wanted to persuade Han Sanqian, but the other party's reaction made her swallow her words again.

Yes, Han Sanqian is a smart person. If he can think about it, can he fail to think about it?

Ye Lin didn't say anything more and just took over Han Yao's care.

District Seven.

Not long after the military general administration meeting ended, Chen Jun called Qin Yu and asked him to release the soldiers of the two regiments.

Qin Yu didn't ask the superiors what the reason was, and just followed the plan, quickly withdrew his troops, reasonably picked up some of the opponent's equipment, military vehicles, etc., and ran away.

After this incident was over, the garrison areas of Sichuan Mansion and the Seventh World War II Zone began to fall into the Cold War. Both sides seem to know in their hearts that they may have a battle sooner or later, they just don't know when it will come.

After the affairs in the European Union were temporarily over, Qin Yu fell into another worrying matter, that is, what to do with the remaining shares of Yandao?

After thinking for two days, Qin Yu had no good solution. In the end, he could only call his royal think tanks, Lao Li, Coco, Lin Chengdong, and Kim Tae-soo.

These four people can currently be said to be the f4 in Qin Yu's team, a top-notch brain team.

Within the division.

Qin Yu looked sideways at Coco, who came first, and asked, "Would you like something to drink, sister?"

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