District 9

Chapter 1682 Border Troubles

In any era, whether it is politicians, factions or forces, there is one thing that they can never control, and that is - human nature.

Especially evil human nature. As long as there are still people around, this thing will always exist. No matter how advanced weapons and laws are, it cannot be eradicated.

I still remember that before the turn of the century, some of America's troops were stationed in Japan, and there were often news of American officers and soldiers raping local female people. There were serious disturbances on several occasions, and the Japanese people even organized large-scale riots. The protests made headlines around the world.

Today, this kind of thing happened in the Pu family area.

After drinking and gambling, 13 soldiers from the Forward Reconnaissance Battalion accidentally met six girls working at the supply station. Their bestiality suddenly became strong, and they directly dragged them into the car and prepared to violence them.

Objectively speaking, the men of the Asan ethnic group have always been relatively backward in their thinking when it comes to treating women, and they are mainly simple and crude in their behavior. Before the first century, news of them abusing and raping women was commonplace, and most Asan men had no feelings about such things, and did not even think it was a wrong thing.

Such bad habits and concepts are related to the culture and environment in which they are received. They cannot be changed by changing the ecology.

Therefore, these 13 soldiers, under the influence of alcohol, began to brutally assault the six girls in the car.

The shrill shouts spread all around, but the 13 people ignored them, beating and scolding them while excitedly committing violence.

"Stay put, bitch! (Biao, be honest!)"

"No... please, help!"


The shouts and cries for help in the car spread all around. The more the girls resisted, the less humane the group became.

Not long after, all 13 officers succeeded, but they did not leave immediately. Instead, they parked the car on the side of the road and continued to smoke, drink and rest. They also imprisoned the girls in the car and did not let them leave. It seemed that Prepare for another round of violence.

The continuous shouting attracted the attention of other people in the workshop. A dozen men who managed the workshop were patrolling around and happened to encounter this group of people.

"Help, help...!"

When the girls saw a familiar person coming, they immediately sat in the car and patted the windows.

On the highway, the leading local man saw his female compatriot in the car with messy hair and miserable appearance, so he naturally knew what happened.

"get off!"

More than a dozen men crowded around, holding inferior firearms, batons and other items used to protect the factory. They banged on the car windows and looked extremely angry.

Ah San was considered a bilingual area before the Christian era. Because they were colonized by the British, many people could speak English. After the year of the Era, they merged with Japan and Korea, so many people knew a little bit of these two languages, but they definitely couldn't speak the dialect of the Old Triangle area, and they didn't bother to learn it.

This resulted in a language barrier between the two parties and huge differences in communication.

The people in the car felt guilty and did not dare to get out of the car for a while. They only shouted and yelled inside, while the local men outside wanted to rescue their female compatriots first and then take these people back to question them.

In this way, the people inside mistakenly thought that the locals wanted to arrest them first and take action, while the people outside thought that the attitude of these people was too bad. What the hell did you do? Still yelling inside.

After the two sides shouted through the car window for more than a minute, more than 20 people rushed out from the other two workshops in Yahui Living Village and surrounded them.

The noise became louder and louder. The soldiers in the car panicked. They reached for their guns, pointed at the crowd outside the car and kept yelling: "You’re stupid swine! You stupid pig!"

"Damn yellow monkey, back up, back up, damn yellow monkey, back up, back up!"


As soon as the person in the car took the gun, the people outside the car became nervous and picked up the gun one after another.

A leading local man held an iron rod and opened the opponent's gun with a bang. He stretched out his hand and pulled his neck collar and shouted in local dialect: "Get off the car and get down!"


In the car, three or four guns were pointed at local men, and the soldiers cursed ferociously.

"You still dare to take action?!" The local man became anxious and pulled the other party's hair: "Get off here!"


Just then, gunfire suddenly rang out.

In the car, a young soldier saw the people crowding him, forcefully opened the car door, pulled himself down, and got angry in a hurry.

This shot was the fuse. One of the people outside was knocked down and the crowd dispersed instantly.

The soldiers became even more arrogant and cursed with contempt: "Go away, yellow monkey! (Go away, yellow monkey!)"

"Kill all of you! (Kill all of you!)"

Poor Ah San didn't know the fighting power of the people in the Old Triangle area. This is an area where all the people are soldiers. Their people have been experiencing war for generations, whether it is before the Era or after the Era.

The sound of a gunshot instantly stirred up a hornet's nest.


Without any warning, a 16.7-year-old boy on the side of the road took a gun while holding a worn-out rifle and fired with great accuracy. He shot the two officers in the lead car on the spot with just three bursts. die.

The officers and soldiers in the car were completely stunned and hurriedly began to fight back.

In this way, the two groups opened fire in the middle of the road without any way to communicate effectively.

The officers and soldiers all went out during their vacations, and the weapons they carried were daily weapons, not wartime equipment. In addition, the people in the Old Triangle area were extremely tough, although they were not tall and their weapons were relatively backward. , but when it comes to doing it, he is someone who dares to kill anyone, including underage boys.

The battle lasted only tens of seconds. Four people were killed on the civilian side, five were killed on the officer's side, and four were captured. The last remaining car, seeing that something was wrong, immediately fled backwards.

The local people were poor and had no cars to drive, so they could only chase him on two legs, but in the end they couldn't run on four wheels. After firing several shots angrily, they had no choice but to let him go.

The four people who were captured were completely unlucky. The girls' families came. After learning what happened, without saying a word, they grabbed gun handles, crowbars, police batons and other weapons, and fiercely attacked the four people. Dry.

The four people were beaten until they were rolling on the ground and howling miserably, but it was of no use. The surrounding people were angry and they all came together to beat them.

After a while, the four people were beaten to death and thrown on the roadside.

At the same time, the officers of the escaping car immediately contacted the troops. When they were so angry that they lost their minds, they each ordered their soldiers to start gathering.

In their eyes, do the people in the Old Triangle area really count as people? Isn’t that just a slave and a lamb to be slaughtered? From the perspective of the region, the Ura faction in the old triangle area is just a dog attached to the fifth region. It is a cannon fodder unit that conducts military operations against the three regions. Then the soldiers and races in their fifth district must all be of noble blood, and they can do whatever they want in the old triangle area.

The prelude to the turmoil unfolded, and the important town of Menghan became a lively scene due to the wedding singing and dancing, but on the border, accidental incidents continued to ferment.


After the dinner, Xiang Zehao went back to his room to rest.

Qin Yu walked slowly in the courtyard of the Autonomous Association, turned to Coco and said: "I originally thought of letting Wu Di communicate with Ye Lin, which would be more convenient, but considering that women may be easier to talk to, you should also contact her. .”

"Shouldn't you contact me?" Coco curled her lips and replied, "How charming you are!"

"Can you please stop being so weird?"

"Hey, do you still have contact with the big star in District 7?" Coco asked deliberately: "I heard that you also wanted to be a cowboy?"

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