District 9

Chapter 1,697 This life-saving party

In the corridor on the second floor, Xiao Wei stood up and shouted to Coco: "Sister-in-law, you go inside, we will stop you."

"It's okay, don't panic, there aren't too many of them." Coco stood at the corner and replied calmly: "If you know how to use a gun, block it in the corridor. The Chen garrison camp is very close to us."

I recall that when the three brothers Qin Laohei, Qi Lin, and Lao Mao went to Jiangzhou together, if they hadn't reacted quickly, they might have been dealt with by Coco in the first round. Because at that time, the Yu family had no way to put the pharmaceutical business on the table, so they could only do it secretly. If they wanted to make money, they not only had to win over the desperadoes and old Leizi who were responsible for distributing medicine in each area, but also guard against official encirclement and suppression. , there is a lot of pressure to survive, and to do business in this environment, Keke must not only have an IQ, but also have the courage and courage like a man.

When Xiao Wei saw that Coco did not look panicked, but instead shot, he was surprised and at the same time, his mood stabilized a lot. He immediately ran to the other side of the corridor and shouted: "Shoot, press down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, you could see someone rushing up with an anti-explosion shield below, raised his arms in unison, and immediately shouted: "Spread out, spread out!"

The people at the corner of the corridor immediately dispersed upon hearing the sound.

Several rounds of grenades were thrown up and exploded near the stairs, followed closely by the other gangsters, who began to attack again.

Xiao Wei hid across the corridor, took the gun from his companion, and kicked open the door next to him: "Let them come up and enter the house to fight."


After everyone heard this, they no longer guarded the corner of the corridor. Instead, they kicked open the door of the room next to them, got into the room, and prepared their guns for defense.

The woman was attentive. When Coco was shooting down from the corner of the corridor, she noticed that the other party did not carry any night vision equipment, so when running towards the room, she raised her hand and smashed all the four electric lights on the ceiling of the corridor.

As soon as the nearby lights went out, the light in the corridor suddenly became dim. Coco hid at the door of the room, glanced out with her little head, and immediately shouted to the people hiding in the room: "Put the cabinet down and push it out. "

"Sister, sister, I'm injured..." Yu Jinxun was pulled indoors and was shouting ghostly.

The environment can really change a person. Although Yu Jinxun is a man, he is obviously more protected by his family. He went to Nanhu to go to school at a very young age and has never experienced the family's primitive accumulation period. Therefore, although they have high academic qualifications, their reactions to emergencies are much worse than those of their brothers and sisters at home.

"Hold it back," Kekoda frowned and growled, "Don't shout!"

In the room, a slightly more courageous male clerk knocked down all the cabinets, pushed them out of the room, and blocked them in the corridor.


As soon as the opponent rushed up, Coco, Xiaowei and seven or eight others were stuck at the entrance of the room, and they shot towards the back stairs, hitting them extremely hard.

At the entrance of the stairs, the middle-aged gangster led the team and tried to rush out twice, but was beaten back because there were only sixteen of them in total, and there were four or five brothers who controlled the first floor below.

In addition, the two stairwells at the front and back need to be attacked, and these people also have to divide their troops, so the attack firepower is very limited, and after two charges, they don't have many weapons left.

At the entrance of the stairs, the middle-aged leader of the team gnashed his teeth and cursed: "Damn, those who work in intelligence are all trash. Didn't you mention that there are only ten people with guns in this courtyard? Why are there so many people resisting upstairs?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man in charge of field control in the hall held the headset and shouted: "How is the situation over there?"

"There are at least half as many people upstairs who can hold guns as expected," the middle-aged man said with eyes wide open, "and they are all soldiers. They have micro cs."

"It's impossible. Didn't you say there are only about ten?"

"Fart, there are at least twenty people, that woman can even fucking shoot herself."

"The peripheral ideas have replied to the letter, and the soldiers from the garrison camp have already come out. They will definitely arrive at the scene in three to five minutes." Lao Bao, who was in charge of the field downstairs, replied.

The middle-aged man was sweating on his forehead and hesitant.

"This is too close to the Chen Department. After shooting, the target cannot be captured, and the opportunity disappears." Lao Bao shouted from downstairs: "Withdraw!"

"You move to the outside first and prepare to respond." The middle-aged man immediately replied: "I will arrange to withdraw."


After finishing his words, the middle-aged man waved his hand and said to his companion behind him: "Rush in, buy time for the people downstairs to respond, and then retreat."

Everyone nodded.

Two seconds later, the two men held anti-riot shields and rushed towards the corridor again.


Gunshots rang out in the dim space. The middle-aged man who was stuck at the entrance of the stairs and did not rush in, observed the firepower of Coco and the others, immediately waved his hands and shouted: "Throw away Leiquan, Xiaohu is finishing, and retreat."


The few remaining pistol shots were thrown at Coco, Serena's strongest firepower.


Everyone ran back to their rooms to hide.

The sound of the explosion shook the entire second floor. Xiao Wei waited for two seconds, glanced outside and shouted: "They want to run, entangle them!"

At the same time, the civilian staff in the house also saw gangsters fleeing outside the courtyard: "Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, they ran away."

"Don't chase her," Coco shouted at Xiao Wei with messy hair and a charred pretty face, "Don't chase her."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man who was stuck at the top of the stairs and was responsible for the finishing touches suddenly fired a carbine and shot twice at Xiaowei who had just rushed out.


Xiao Wei was shot in the leg. He staggered forward and took a step forward. He reacted very quickly and pressed against the wall. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "Cnm, is this place so easy to come to?!"


A row of missiles hit him, sparks flew from the wall, and the opponent was pushed back.

"Get up!" Xiao Wei shouted to his brother.

In the room diagonally opposite, the young man who followed Xiao Wei to the fifth district to do errands rushed out immediately and beat him violently at the corner of the stairs, beating him so hard that he did not dare to go downstairs.

"Tap tap tap!"

Serena rushed forward, reached the stairs in the blink of an eye, and jumped out.


Xiaohu, the gangster in charge of finishing the operation, saw a figure coming towards him, cursed in fear, raised his gun and was about to shoot.


Xiaowei jumped on him, grabbed the barrel of his gun with her right hand, and fell to the stairs with him.

The two started fighting, with Serena riding the opponent and punching him twice in a row.


The companions in the corridor came over, took the handle of the gun, and smashed Xiaohu's head.


Xiaohu jumped forward with his upper body and put his head on Xiaowei's chin. He instinctively took out the pistol from his waist and prepared for the last fight.


Above the stairs, Serena's companion was shot to death with three shots.


The sound of footsteps was heard, and Coco ran near the stairs and immediately asked, "Is the person dead?"

"Hoo ho!"

Serena gasped: "Dead...dead."

Downstairs, Lao Bao and others who ran away first drove their car to the entrance of the compound, stood on both sides of the gate pillars and fired at the chasing young man and others with guns.

The middle-aged leader and others ran out and got on the bus first before the others retreated in an orderly manner.

Xiao Sang, Battalion Commander Zhang and others wanted to pursue him again, but found that all the tires of the cars in the hospital were blown out and they could not drive at all.

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