District 9

Chapter 1715 Confrontation between humans and spirits

The reception compound where the ninth district inspection team lives is only three to four hundred meters away from Coco and the others. However, the reason why Pu Xingbang arranged it this way is actually for no other purpose than to take care of it at the same time. Just two groups of people.

In the living room on the second floor of the main building of the compound, when Shen Fei heard that Pu Xiazi's third son had come in person, he immediately stood up and said, "Okay, let's not have the meeting now. Let's disperse. We'll talk later."

Most members of the team immediately stood up and left, leaving only three people who were not moving, preparing to stay with Shen Fei to pick up the guests.

A few minutes later, two young men led five people to the second floor. The leader was about thirty-two or thirteen years old. He was very small, probably less than 1.7 meters tall, and was somewhat bald. In short, he looked unattractive.

Before Shen Fei came, he had done a good job in intelligence work. He had seen Pu Xingquan's photo and recognized him at a glance as the third son of the Pu family legion, so he stepped forward, smiled and extended his hand and said: "Hello, Mr. Pu. "

"Haha, hello, Representative Shen." Although Pu Xingquan is not good-looking, he has been in a high position all year round. He has the heroic spirit of a soldier, and he shook hands with Shen Fei with great aura.

Everyone exchanged brief greetings and sat down one after another.

"Representative Shen, this must be your first time in the Old Triangle area, right?" Pu Xingquan asked casually, "How is it? Are you still adaptable to our environment here?"

Shen Fei couldn't understand the purpose of the other party's visit, so he started chatting with him: "It is indeed my first time to come to the capital area of ​​the Old Triangle. To be honest, it is different from what I imagined. The foundation of the town center The construction and people's living areas are much more advanced than what I thought. Compared with the photos of the old triangle area I saw ten years ago, it is a world of difference."

"Haha, the only thing we can do here is the capital of Menghan. Compared with the towns in your three major districts, other places are still far behind." Pu Xingquan put his hands in and said softly: "We are very poor here. , the food and clothing problem of many people has not yet been solved."

Shen Fei didn't understand what he was going to say, so he just smiled and didn't answer.

"But since you are here, the situation in the old triangle area may be effectively improved in the future." Pu Xingquan looked at Shen Fei with a smile and said: "I am personally happy to see the relationship between the Pu Department and the Ninth District thaw recently. , and I hope that both parties can cooperate closely in various fields in the future."

"Yes, this is what I want to see." Shen Fei was a little surprised because he didn't expect Pu Xingquan to express a clear attitude to him as soon as he entered the room.

"Representative Shen, what do you think of the Sichuan government?" Pu Xingquan asked suddenly.

Shen Fei reacted quickly and replied very cautiously: "My views on Sichuan are definitely not objective, because I don't like the people there either personally or politically."

Pu Xingquan nodded slowly: "I don't like the Sichuan clique either. In recent years, they and the Eighth District Gu clique have frequently had military frictions with us, causing us great losses. For me personally, if the Pu clique really If I have to make a choice again, I would prefer District 9, and I believe that many senior generals of the Pu family also have this idea."

Shen Fei's brain was running rapidly, and he paused for a moment before replying: "Mr. Pu, if you have this idea, of course I am happy to see it. However... we are definitely at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting for the Pu faction. I am very clear about this.”

Pu Xingquan listened quietly without replying.

"Actually, we ourselves also know that most of the senior generals of the Pu Department still prefer not to make a new choice and want to continue to cooperate with the fifth district." Shen Fei said eloquently: "Except for the fifth district, if Pu has to If the Department makes a choice, then the Sichuan Province Department also has an advantage over us. Let’s open the sky and speak frankly. Regarding the equity issue of Yandao, Sichuan Province is far ahead of us. The equity they have accumulated now has exceeded three points. This is something that everyone knows. Geographically speaking, Pu Department and District Nine are in the south and the other in the north. They are separated by the garrison area of ​​District Seven and Sichuan Prefecture. In the future, Whether we want to cooperate militarily or economically, it will be very difficult and we cannot avoid the Sichuan region."

"These are indeed the biggest problems currently blocking the relationship between the Ninth District and the Pu Department." Pu Xingquan nodded and intervened and replied: "However, if the Ninth District can get better cooperation conditions, I believe these difficulties can be overcome It can be overcome. When the headquarters makes a choice, I will fully support your ninth district on behalf of some people."

When Shen Fei heard this, he became more cautious.

"Representative Shen, I can tell you clearly that the main leaders of the headquarters prefer to make a new choice. Representatives of the fifth district, Li Zhixun and Jiang Taimin, requested to see my father five times, but they were all rejected." Pu Xingquan said lowly. "So, your main opponent now is not the fifth district, but the Sichuan family."

Shen Fei was silent.

"Only by letting them out first can District Nine turn its disadvantage into an advantage." Pu Xingquan added again.

When Shen Fei heard this, he suddenly grinned: "Mr. Pu, let me tell you the truth. When I came to Menghan this time, I was pessimistic about the prospects of cooperation between the Ninth District and the Pu Department. The superiors and I both believe that the Sichuan government has an advantage over us when it comes to fighting for the Pu clique, so... I just thought of coming here to broaden my horizons, make some political achievements, and then go back to work honestly."

When Pu Xingquan heard this, he realized that he was a little anxious.

"Of course, I would be happy to see you support the cooperation between the Ninth District and the Pu Department." Shen Fei immediately added: "But personally, I feel very sad about working in the Old Triangle area. I’m nervous. I don’t know anything about the situation here. If I make any choices or actions rashly, I might lose my life if I’m not careful, hahaha!”

"It's not that serious." Pu Xingquan also started fighting with Shen Fei.

About forty minutes later, Pu Xingquan left the residence of Shen Fei and others.

In the conference room.

The middle-aged man who came with Shen Fei said with a very dissatisfied look on his face: "Xiao Fei, Pu Xingquan's intention to show his goodwill is already obvious. You guys had a pleasant conversation before, but I don't understand why you said so much later." Are you talking to death?"

Shen Fei frowned and stood at the window without saying a word.

"If we can get Pu Xingquan's support, we can open up the situation in the old triangle area." The middle-aged man said urgently: "Why don't you just follow his words and continue talking?!"

Shen Fei turned to look at him and replied with a serious face: "He is too impatient and unreasonable."

"What's so urgent?"

"The olive branch was offered too hastily. There was no foreshadowing and no second contact. We were asked to treat Sichuan as our opponent first. There was murderous intent in the words. This is a bit abnormal." Shen Fei said calmly.

Everyone in the room was silent.

Shen Fei waved his hand: "You all go out, let me think about it."

at the same time.

Pu Xingquan dialed Pu Sheng's phone number and said succinctly: "Shen Fei is more difficult to deal with than we thought. His reply to me was that he was pessimistic about the cooperation between the Pu Department and the Ninth District. Attitude, the reason why I came to the old triangle area was just to achieve political success, and I didn’t even think about what results could be achieved through the negotiation.”

Pu Sheng frowned: "This is an excuse."

An hour later, the Sichuan government inspection team was in the compound.

While Coco was looking at the message from Ma Laoer, her phone suddenly rang.

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