District 9

Chapter 1,764: One person controls the overall situation and three fronts escape from trouble

The Regional Security Bureau is affiliated with the Military and Political Headquarters. During extraordinary times, they have the right to control and investigate any military unit. Therefore, as soon as the person in charge of the Yandao incident issued an order to close the port, the garrison in the port could only respond immediately and notify according to the process. The dispatch station does not allow any ships to leave the port.

In the harbor.

Four helicopters landed, and the person in charge of the Salt Island Project from the Regional Security Bureau quickly walked out of the first plane.


The highest military officer in the port immediately led people to greet him.

"Have you started investigating?" the person in charge of the Yandao project asked.

"The roads are all controlled in different areas, and people from the police station are also helping." The officer immediately responded: "The ships are under surveillance by the dispatch station. As long as people come, they will definitely be able to catch them."

"Okay, let's first investigate the most suspicious one..." The person in charge of military intelligence was about to make arrangements immediately.

"Zi la la!"

At this moment, the intercom hanging on the officer's waist sounded a burst of electric microphone sound, followed by someone shouting: "Captain, there are some situations in the port."

"What's going on?" the officer asked, taking off his walkie-talkie.

"A military supply ship from District 8 has left the port privately and sailed towards Tianjin without listening to the dispatching station's orders." The other party immediately replied.

"Have you left already?" the officer asked, scratching his neck.

"Yes, we have already left the port. We called the dispatch desk three times, but the other party ignored us."

The officer heard the sound and looked at the person in charge of military intelligence: "A military supply ship in District 8 left the post without permission."

"Order the maritime forces to stop him." The person in charge of military intelligence immediately replied.

"This... I'm afraid this won't work. Although the Eighth District is in a state of tension with us, this military supply ship also represents the military combat unit of the Eighth District... If it is stopped, something big will happen." The officer was very cautious. Di replied.

"If you don't stop me now, something big will happen."

"This...I really have no way to make the decision. And to stop their ship, helicopters and the navy have to be mobilized. I...I don't have this right either!" The officer refused again.

"Damn it, then you do this. You send a helicopter to monitor the ship along the opponent's departure route. I will go get the order now." The person in charge of the military intelligence responded quickly and said: "During this period, the martial law in the port will be Don’t relax and continue to check for me.”

"That's no problem." The officer nodded.

After the two communicated, the person in charge of military intelligence walked quickly to the car, dialed Jianfei's phone number, and truthfully reported the situation here to his superiors.

Ten minutes later, the Chief of the General Political Staff of the Military Ministry directly ordered two armed ships from the maritime patrol team to intercept the military supply ship in the Eighth District.

On the sea.

The military supply ship in District 8 was sailing at full speed. The captain took the phone and said to Jiang Xue: "Damn it, this thing is too big. All the armed helicopters in the harbor have followed us and are monitoring us."

Jiang Xue licked his lips: "This way..."

As soon as the direct order from the military and political headquarters was issued, the two armed patrol boats in Nanhu Port immediately set off at full power.

The tonnage of this kind of patrol ship is very small, and its sailing speed is definitely much faster than that of bulky military supply ships.

After a while, the military supply ship from District 8 was stopped near the outer harbor.

The patrol boat in District 7 shouted: "Yun 18, after hearing the shouting, slow down and stop, and accept our inspection."


The alarm on the military supply ship sounded, and two platoons of logistics soldiers rushed out with guns in hand.

With sweat on his forehead, the captain shouted with a loudspeaker microphone: "We are a military unit of the Eighth District, and you have no right to inspect."

The shouts echoed on the sea for a long time, and District 7 replied without giving in: "My last warning! If an emergency occurs in the waters under our jurisdiction, any ship in the port must be inspected before leaving. Port. If orders are not followed, we will board the ship armed."

The captain gritted his teeth and said to the first mate: "Ignore him and rush over."

In this way, the two sides exchanged words on the sea for several minutes. When the military supply ship of District 8 tried to rush over, the other party directly blocked the waterway and fired several shock bombs directly on the ship.

The captain of Area 8 was forced to order the first mate to slow down.

After a while, soldiers from District 7 boarded the military supply ship and inspected it with loaded weapons.

On the deck, the captain of District 8 looked solemnly at the person in charge of the other party without saying a word.

After the soldiers from District 7 checked the ship three times inside and out, a company commander rushed over and reported to the person in charge: "The ship... there is nothing abnormal on the ship."

The person in charge of District 7 was stunned for a moment: "Did you check it clearly?"

"We even checked the water tank at the bottom of the boat. No one is there." The company commander shook his head and replied.

The person in charge of District 7 looked extremely ugly. He stepped aside and reported to the superiors: "We stopped them, but there is no one on their boat."

"Did he run away in a boat on the way?" the other party asked.

"It's impossible. Our helicopters have been monitoring the sky. They don't have this chance." The person in charge replied.

"Damn it, can that person still fly?!" the person on the phone yelled.

Two minutes later, the person in charge of District 7 saluted the captain of District 8: "The inspection is over, you can leave."


The captain of District 8 stepped up and kicked the opponent's person in charge directly away by more than one meter.


"You still dare to take action?!"

"Don't move, don't even move!"


As soon as the captain made a move, the soldiers on both sides became nervous and pointed their guns at the opposite side.

The captain pointed at the person in charge of District 7 and said: "CNM, aren't you willing to check? Okay, I won't leave yet."

The person in charge of District 7 gritted his teeth and did not dare to fight back.

"Call home and tell them that we have been kidnapped by the troops from the Seventh District and cannot go back. We are asking for armed support." The Captain from the Eighth District turned back to his deputy and said: "What the fuck, let's sail the ship and return to the inner harbor. I want you to check everything!"

In Nanhu City, there is a world-famous Yellow River. The essence of Nanhu City’s landscape is gathered on both sides of the Yellow River, which runs through the entire city.

Outside the city gate, at the tail end of the Yellow River, a group of masked men swam out from the live water area of ​​the river and crawled to the shore in a state of embarrassment.

Everyone was sitting on the deserted snow for several kilometers, gasping for air. Many people were in shock due to the cold and were receiving treatment from their companions.

After a short pause, one of the middle-aged men took off his bandit hat, revealing his face.

He was none other than Paulin.

Baolin took out his mobile phone from the waterproof bag in his arms, dialed a number and said: "The boat in District 8 diverted the dog away, and we have landed outside Nanhu City."

"Move quickly and evacuate under Jiang Xue's arrangement." Coco's voice sounded.

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