District 9

Chapter 1781 True Face

On the south side of Jiujiang, while the defensive battle was fierce, the north side was completely occupied.

The three hundred soldiers brought by Daya, together with Fatty Teng's troops on the outside who were pretending to attack, plus the main force of the Sichuan government, worked together to break through the defensive position of Gap 6.

The second regiment commander of the garrison contacted Xun Chengwei immediately and reported to him the situation on his side.

During the call, Xun Chengwei shouted and asked: "How many people are there on the north side?"

"There are at least 6,000 people. Their vanguard has sneaked into the city from nowhere, stretched out our defensive positions in the gap, and then cooperated with the attack from outside...I...we can't stop it." The second regiment commander He shouted in an urgent tone: "Brigadier, please support me."

"Is anyone coming in?" Xun Chengwei asked again.

"Part of Fatty Teng's division's feint attack troops and Sichuan's troops have already entered the city, and we are exchanging fire with them at the gap." The commander of the second regiment replied.

Xun Chengwei was not a loser. When he heard that some of the peripheral troops had already rushed into the city, he realized that the Jiujiang City Wall could no longer be defended.

Siege warfare and positional warfare, when the forces are unequal, are actually fought in one breath. If the defense is broken at one point, it means the whole game is lost. With a small number of troops, it is almost impossible to stop a larger siege force in a city with complex terrain.

"Listen to me, if you can't hold the north side, then stop holding it. Pull your troops back, pull them back, and block the opponent at each street entrance." Xun Chengwei roared back: "We are at the municipal building. Nearby, build fortifications to delay him.”

"Yes, yes, I understand." The second regiment leader responded immediately.

The two ended the call.

Xun Chengwei shouted to the chief of staff: "Telegram the first group, the defenders of the police system, to withdraw all from the south entrance and shrink towards the municipal building."

“We can still fight on the south side,” the chief of staff reminded: “We can isolate their main force from the outside.

"Once Gate 6 on the north side is penetrated, how can you defend the south side?" Xun Chengwei gritted his teeth and replied: "As soon as thousands of people over there enter the city, they will definitely rush towards us. When the time comes, they will disrupt our In the defense zone, if the surrounding troops put pressure on us, all of us will have to be photographed on the position. Don’t hesitate, withdraw immediately.”

"Okay." The chief of staff nodded.

"Quickly, the people from the brigade headquarter go first and go to the municipal building first." Xun Chengwei rushed out of the camp and shouted with a solemn face: "Inform the senior officials of each government department to take refuge in the municipal building."

At this moment, Jian Fei, Shen Fei and others who were already at the brigade headquarters also learned about the capture of Gate 6. They ran over panting and asked with pale faces: "Why can't we suddenly hold on?"

"The other side didn't know what method they used, but a small group of troops penetrated in, and cooperated with the main force of the feint attack outside, and penetrated the No. 6 entrance." Understand the meaning of defense. Quick, everyone retreat together."

When Jian Fei heard this, he immediately exploded. He shouted at Xun Chengwei furiously and asked: "There are six or seven thousand people in the city, all under your command. How did you prevent it in advance? How could they still let their troops infiltrate?! "

Good brothers in the wind, cnm in the wind.

This is Jianfei's truest mentality at this moment. He used to call him Brother Xun and Brigadier Xun, but when something happened in the city, he no longer had any honorifics, and even the questions contained swear words.

Xun Chengwei was startled for a moment, and then said forcefully: "I'm in charge here. I don't need you to teach me how to fight. Hurry and leave!"

"There are six to seven thousand people, protected by the special zone wall, and equipped with helicopter formations and long-range firepower, but you actually managed to hold on for less than three days. I will report to the military and remove you from your post!" Jianfei's mentality Completely fried, or in other words extreme fear, had destroyed his sanity. He was the one who advocated arresting Coco. Once the city was destroyed, who could protect him?

"Report to whomever you are willing to report to." Xun Chengwei was too lazy to pay attention to him: "Guard Company, send them back to me."


Seven or eight guards rushed over, looked at Jianfei and others expressionlessly and said, "Please leave."

On the north side of Jiujiang, the second regiment of the garrison brigade had withdrawn across the board. The soldiers and small combat units that had not had time to leave were also disarmed and captured by the Sichuan army that rushed in.

Scattered gunshots continued for another twenty minutes before calming down.

Outside the No. 6 gap, more than 20 military vehicles were stationary, and Qin Yu and other main members of the division all rushed down.

"Where's Daya? Where did Daya go?" Qin Yu shouted and asked.

Xiao Sang ran into the special zone wall and shouted for a long time before driving out with Da Ya.

"Reporting to the division commander, we have breached the defensive area in the city. Fifty people have been sacrificed, with minor injuries and serious injuries. One hundred and ten people, please give instructions!" Da Ya's face was scorched black, his palms were covered with blood, and his clothes were torn, showing that they were burnt. skin, the whole person roared horribly.

Qin Yu held his arm and gritted his teeth and said, "You don't have to participate in the battle. Order all the warriors who entered the city to return to the defense area to rest. When the war is over, the division headquarters will express condolences to them."

"Yes!" Da Ya nodded.

Qin Yu patted his shoulder and said nothing more. He only shouted to Staff Wang: "Order the troops to continue to move forward. But there is one thing. No matter what the circumstances, you must not harass the people, even if a small part of them goes too far. People fired at us, but they couldn't fight back, they could only hide."

"Yes!" Staff Wang nodded.

"Communication equipment!" Qin Yu shouted at the guards.

From behind, soldiers holding military communication equipment ran over and handed the microphone to Qin Yu.

"Hey, how's the situation on the south side?"

"Report to the division commander that their main force has withdrawn and we are entering the city." Ou Xiaobin's voice sounded.

"Don't let them retreat so easily. Order the troops who have already entered the city to entangle them to death. Don't give them another chance to find a place to hold on." Qin Yu immediately replied.


After Qin Yu issued orders one after another, he followed the division's convoy and rushed towards the city.

Five minutes later, gunshots were heard everywhere on the street. When Qin Yu was about to contact Chen Jun, his personal cell phone suddenly rang.


"Qin Yu?"

"Yes, who are you?" Qin Yu asked urgently.

"Listen fucking well, if your troops advance further, I will cut that woman into pieces!" Jianfei said in a very gloomy voice.

Qin Yu was not familiar with his voice, so he thought it was a call from some cadre of the garrison, so he said in the same cold voice: "You should know better than me who I, Qin Yu, am. All the troops are fucking coming in." It's impossible to stop moving forward because of someone. But I can tell you clearly, if you dare to touch her, I will kill people when I enter the city. If I don't slaughter all the officers of your garrison, I will write the word "Qin" backwards! "

After saying that, Qin Yu hung up the phone and immediately contacted Chen Jun: "Come in, are you done over there?"

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