District 9

Chapter 1809 Details at the meeting

On the helicopter.

Qin Yu held his chin and asked Gu Yan: "Shen Wanzhou also serves as the director of the regional security department. This is equivalent to Lao He giving him reassurance, right?"

"Yes." Gu Yan nodded: "The director of the regional security department is basically the next highest military officer. Lao He asked Shen Wanzhou to come up, which is equivalent to hand-picking his successor."

"Well, if Shen Wanzhou really comes to power, the situation in the World War II zone will be very difficult." Qin Yu sighed and said, "The Wu family's life will probably not be easy anymore."

Gu Yan was a thief. Hearing that there was something in Qin Yu's words, he said nothing.

"...Hey, big brother," Qin Yu approached Gu Yan affectionately: "Does our commander have any intention of intervening in District 9?"

Gu Yan shook his head when he heard this: "Support Pu Xiazi and attack Jiujiang. We are already very tired from these two battles. The two people from the Military and Finance Department and the Government Affairs and Finance Department slapped the table with my father. Say goodbye. If this continues, they will have to sell blood to maintain their expenses. In the future, when Yandao is used, the navy will need to be strengthened... and troops will also need to be mobilized. We are in our own family now and haven't fully understood this matter yet. How should we control them? Alas, I guess we have to wait until the Eighth District and Sichuan Mansion are stabilized."

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded.

"When we get to District 8, let's go see Uncle Zhu." Gu Yan reminded.

"Definitely go, I brought some gifts for him." Qin Yu nodded.

In District 9, the General Administration Building of the Military Headquarters, in the No. 1 Conference Hall, various official media personnel stood on both sides of the room with long guns and short cannons, taking photos of the rostrum and seats, and collecting news materials.

On the rostrum, Shen Wanzhou was sitting in the center position and was giving a speech. Today is his first day as the head of the regional security department, and it is also the first time that he has taken the lead in convening a regular meeting of the security department in this capacity, so all the top generals from the first and second world war zones are present.

Sitting on the left side of Shen Wanzhou is the head of the Sha Corps, Sha Zhongxing, the father of Sha Yong and Sha Xuan; secondly, the head of the Lu Corps in the First War Zone, Lu Bosen, who is also the father of Lu Jia. Sitting on the right side of Shen Wanzhou is Commander Zhou from the World War II area, and next to him is Feng Chengzhang, the head of the Feng Corps.

This kind of regular meeting is basically Shen Wanzhou's personal performance. The meeting process is divided into three stages. The first stage is Shen Wanzhou's inaugural speech, the second stage is the work deployment of the regional security department, and the third stage is the announcement of the list of newly promoted young officers.

The meeting was very boring, with a total of three coffee breaks and lasted for nearly six hours. But Shen Wanzhou has very good energy and can talk endlessly when giving lectures; during breaks, he can also talk cordially with various military officers.

In the afternoon, the meeting came to an end, and all the leaders took a group photo on the podium.

At this time, Commander Zhou's personal secretary noticed a detail, that is, the head of the Lu Corps. Lu Bosen maintained zero communication with Shen Wanzhou throughout the whole process. After taking the photo with a smile, he was the first to walk out of the conference room.

This move is very abnormal in officialdom. In terms of level, Shen Wanzhou is Lu Bosen's immediate boss, and today is the regional security department. It is the first time for the regular meeting to be held, so the latter should remain enthusiastic no matter what. Even Commander Zhou had a few words with Shen Wanzhou alone for the sake of face, but Lu Bosen didn't seem very happy.

The meeting is completely over.

Commander Zhou left the conference hall and rushed to the special elevator. Zheng Kai, the commander of the First Field Army of the World War II Zone in the rear, and staff members from various headquarters followed closely.

"Commander, today's meeting is a bit unusual, have you noticed?" Zheng Kai said next to Commander Zhou.

"Yeah." Commander Zhou nodded.

"Lu Bosen had a black face the whole time and didn't say a word to Shen Wanzhou. This... this is a bit abnormal." Zheng Kai added.

"Don't talk here, go back and talk." Commander Zhou replied calmly.

An hour and a half later, inside the World War II zone headquarters.

Zheng Kai sat on the sofa and said: "Commander, Lu Bosen's behavior today is indeed too abnormal. You see, even we spoke to Shen Wanzhou alone for a few words, but he avoided the whole process and did not speak at the meeting. In the end, the photo was taken Just took a photo and left... This is kind of interesting."

After finishing speaking, Commander Zhou's secretary adjusted his glasses and said: "I paid attention to the list of the first batch of officers to be promoted, and made a rough estimate. The Feng family has the most officers to be promoted, about thirty people, Sha There are more than 20 people in the Lu department, but the Lu department is relatively small, with less than ten people. I guess this is the reason for Lu Bosen’s dark face today? "

Commander Zhou drank tea and said softly, "This should be the reason. The attitude of the General Administration of Military Affairs and the First War Zone to win over the Feng Clan is obvious, and it is reasonable to give them a relatively generous promotion quota."

Zheng Kai heard this and took over the conversation: "In the past few times, the first war zone has used sand troops. No matter in terms of personal relationships or in terms of military exploits, there is a reason why Shen Wanzhou promoted officers from their faction."

"This is the problem." The Chief of Staff of the World War II Zone intervened and said: "The Feng Faction wants to win over, the Sha Faction wants to give rewards, and the Lu Faction wants to coax... But there are only so many places, even an old fox like Shen Wanzhou can't What a balance, haha.”

Zheng Kai's eyes brightened: "Commander, this is an opportunity for us. Although the Lu family had some interactions with the Shen family before, in the eyes of the outside world, they still stood on a neutral stance. Then the matter of the promotion quota came out , I guess Lu Bosen is also very dissatisfied, we can try to get in touch."

Commander Zhou waved his hand: "It's just a meeting, nothing can be seen yet. Let's wait and see how things develop."

Director Wu of the Fengbei Military Supervision Bureau took a photo that leaked out of the venue today and said softly: "Lu Bosen's face doesn't look good."

"It is said that today's meeting was particularly embarrassing. Lu Bosen did not say a word to Shen Wanzhou during the whole process, and the generals of the Lu family also left the venue as soon as possible after the meeting." Chief of Fengbei Station of the Military Supervision Bureau , replied softly.

Bureau Wu thought about it for a long time: "Pay attention to the news between Lu Xi and Shen Xi."

"Understood!" Stationmaster Fengbei nodded.

Lu family.

Lu Bosen was sitting on the sofa in casual clothes. After thinking for a long time, he said to Lu Jia: "After the list of the first batch of promoted officers was announced, didn't the Army Chief hold some kind of party?"

"Yes." His son Lu Jia nodded and replied, "Dozens of military officers contacted the Academic Affairs Office of the Army University to organize it. The time is 9:30 tonight. It seems... many professors and teachers from the Army University will be there."

"You go too." Lu Bosen said calmly.

Lu Jia nodded slowly and said, "I understand, Dad."

At the same time, the helicopter arrived in Yanbei, and Qin Yu and Gu Yan took military vehicles and rushed to Liangwang Company.

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