District 9

Chapter 2387 Hearing

The next day, at the Chongdu Military Airport, Qin Yu got off the special car and said to Chief of Staff Wang of the headquarters: "Jigang, regarding the issue of the 556th and 557th regiments in the Eighth District, you don't have to argue with the other party. If the other party pursues If you want an explanation, just send He Dachuan to Yanbei and ask him to find Meng Xi."

"Understood." Chief of Staff Wang nodded.

"Also, here at home..." Qin Yu said a few more words to Chief of Staff Wang while walking towards the aircraft ladder.

After the two talked, Qin Yu took twenty personal guards and Xiao Sang together and took a plane to Fengbei, District 9.

That afternoon.

The Governor's Office of the Eighth District contacted the Sichuan Army Headquarters and requested that the commander of the 122nd Brigade be sent to the Eighth District for a military conflict hearing to explain the conflict between the 122nd Brigade and the two regiments of the Eighth District.

After Chief of Staff Wang received the news, he strictly followed Qin Yu's instructions and ordered He Dachuan to lead people to Yanbei.

Nothing to say for a day.

At around ten o'clock the next morning, Meng Xi, who represented Sichuan Prefecture in the federation in the Eighth District, led He Dachuan, Jia Bing, Ai Hao and other 122 brigade generals to the Eighth District headquarters.

This border conflict attracted great attention from the Eighth District Governor's Office. Not only Lin Yaozong, commander of the First Theater District, but also Gu Taixian, commander of the Second War District, and other major generals came to the conference hall to participate in the hearing.

In the past year or so, many important personnel changes have taken place in the upper echelons of the military and political affairs of the Eighth District. For example, Lin Yaozong, who was the commander-in-chief of the Second World War Zone, has been reappointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the First War Zone and concurrently serves as the regional security minister, while Gu Taixian has been appointed. For the commander of the World War II area, other generals at military level and above also changed, but the troops followed the generals, and there were no airborne appointments.

This kind of personnel change has a strong political signal. Gu Tai'an's intention to support Lin Yaozong to take over the district is already very obvious.

However, when Lin Yaozong served as the commander-in-chief of the First War Zone, he did not bring all the Lin troops from the Second World War zone, but only brought two armies over. Therefore, many of the military-level combat units under the First War Zone were direct troops of the Gu family. , as well as troops with a more neutral stance.

For example, Huo Ran's father, Huo Zhenghua, was a neutral general in the First War Zone. He used to be a division commander. During the battle for the unification of the Eighth District, because he stood on the right side of the Gu family and because his family also had a strong influence in the Eighth District, he was promoted to the level of military commander and was recruited into his army. Many of the former party and government troops were incorporated, and thus achieved their current status.

Gu Tai'an divided the two war zones in this way not to prevent the Lin clique's forces from forming alliances and expanding in the World War II zone, but to pave the way for Lin Yaozong to balance the powerful Gu clique and prevent senior generals from clumping together, forming groups, and creating under-the-table forces.

The hearing officially began at eleven o'clock. The person presiding over the meeting was the director of the Governor's Office and the special commissioner appointed by Gu Tai'an for this incident. He is not of a high level, but because he is blessed with the Governor's buff, no one among the commanders or senior generals dares to underestimate him.

After a lackluster opening statement, the two sides began to confront each other. Yi Lianshan, the commander of the 956th Division under Wang Zhou, directly asked He Dachuan: "Why did you conduct a military blockade on the open space outside my two regiments for no reason?" , communication blockade?”

He Dachuan's level is no different from Xiao Xiami in this meeting, but the biggest advantage of this person is that he is not shy. He glanced at the other party and replied angrily: "Commander Yi, first of all, I think there is a problem with your understanding of this incident. First, we did not blockade the defense areas of your two regiments for no reason. After the attack on Dongfeng Town in Lu District, the Sichuan headquarters felt that the other party was likely to continue to engage in military conflicts at the border, so it ordered our brigade to strengthen military precautions. I followed the normal garrison order and conducted military operations in the specified area. Activities. Secondly, communication blockade is even more nonsense. We want to guard against attacks that the enemy may launch at any time, so naturally we need to control communications in a specific area! Is there any problem with this? "

"Bullshit!" Yi Lianshan frowned and retorted: "The patrol soldiers of your unit smashed the watchtower of our cordon and beat our soldiers. Is this a normal military activity?"

He Dachuan paused for a while, frowned and asked: "Didn't the soldiers of your two regiments hit anyone? Didn't they participate in group conflicts? We smashed your watchtower. This matter is indeed our responsibility. We can apologize and compensate . But this is not a conflict. Two to three hundred soldiers from both sides participated in the fight. Why do you only blame our side?"

"Don't confuse the situation. When the conflict between the two forces occurred, there was also a military attack taking place. Our liaison officer was shot dead, our regiment leader Wu Feng was kidnapped, and more than a dozen security guards were shot. Kill." Yi Lianshan slapped the table and shouted: "And when the military conflict occurred, it was exactly after you took the initiative to provoke the military conflict. The time points of the two events were so close. You are telling me that it is a coincidence or an accident? This cannot be justified, right? ?!”

He Dachuan looked at each other, thinking silently.

"After our personnel were attacked, your troops immediately blocked the border and prevented our troops from pursuing us. Is this a normal military activity?" Yi Lianshan stood up directly, slapped the table and shouted: "I Look, this is a premeditated and organized military conspiracy! According to soldiers and officers of the 556th and 557th regiments, the 122nd Brigade made many provocations when our country was under military control, and some people even piled up outside the canteen in our camp. Shit, is this a normal military activity?"

After listening to Yi Lianshan's words, Huo Zhenghua added with a gloomy face: "The explanation from the Sichuan government is obviously not convincing enough and even seems perfunctory."

After everyone present heard these words, except for Lin Yaozong who did not nod in agreement, the other generals looked at the Sichuan Mansion with unsightly expressions, which meant that He Dachuan was not being reasonable at all.

He Dachuan's cultural level is limited, and his expressive ability is mostly down-to-earth, so on this occasion, his language organization ability is slightly inferior. So when he was preparing to retaliate, Meng Xi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke: "Let me say a few words."

Everyone heard the sound and looked at Meng Xi.

"First point, after the attack on Wu Feng, the commander of the 956th Division, the troops of the 122nd Brigade blocked the border. That was because they heard the sound of gunfire and artillery, but they did not understand what happened around the garrison area. That’s why we immediately implemented military control on the border of our garrison area to prevent sudden military incidents from happening. Therefore, there is no intention to block the 557th Regiment and the 556th Regiment from pursuing the bandits. The second point is that the patrol post was blocked by a car. Both sides were involved in the military conflict caused by the collision. We, the 122nd Brigade, were not the only ones beating people. What is a fight? It is a fight when both sides physically collide. You accuse us of provoking and engaging in violence. Conflict, this is obviously unjustifiable! Two to three hundred people from Wu Feng's regiment participated in the fight. Isn't this a fact?" Meng Xi thought very clearly. He glanced at everyone with a burning gaze and continued: "There is one last point. You guys I feel that the time when the conflict occurred is too close to the time when the attack occurred, so I infer that this is not a coincidence, but some kind of military conspiracy. You also think that the reasons and facts we gave are perfunctory. Then I will ask, In Dongfeng Town, Lu District, two combat regiments, the 557th and the 556th, failed to defeat one and a half battalions of the Shaxuan Brigade. Several tons of artillery shells were fired at them, and the number of casualties on the opponent's side was in single digits. So this kind of combat method is Isn’t it also possible to be perfunctory? Isn’t the reason you gave for the Shaxuan Brigade’s combat power a bit untenable and unconvincing?”

After the words fell, the conference room became quiet.

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