District 9

Chapter 2425: Capture

Wang Zhou's army, including the logistics troops, has about 35,000 people, but its subordinate troops all have their own garrison areas. During non-war periods, they cannot circle around the military headquarters every day. Therefore, after the Battle of Baishantou started, Yang Zexun mobilized almost all combat units directly under the military headquarters, because these people were direct lineage and die-hard loyalists, and they could dispatch troops quickly, with low risk, and the information would not be easily leaked.

However, after the Battle of Baishantou, a large number of troops directly under the Wang Zhou Army paid a heavy price on the front line, so they immediately retreated. And at this period, Fatty Teng and Daya teamed up, plus more than 2,000 people from the Lin clique's support force, and suddenly targeted the military headquarters of Wang Zhou's army.

This extremely unconventional military move immediately confused Wang Zhou. The troops around them were not deployed enough, and it was obviously too late to request support. All the troops surrounding the military headquarters entered combat status in a hurry. However, due to lack of preparation, many battalion-level and regiment-level units were defeated as soon as they entered the battle.

For example, for the troops who retreated from Baishantou, their ammunition has not been replenished, and all the wounded have not been sent to the military hospital. The entire camp was originally in chaos, but at this time, the Daya troops were already rushing in under the cover of artillery fire from the rear. They reached the front of the garrison area and organized two consecutive charges.

Who the hell can handle this?

Less than half an hour after the battle started, almost all the forward positions of Wang Zhou's military headquarters were lost, and a large number of broken troops turned around and dispersed to the rear. And this kind of collapse can only be formed when Daya and Fatty Teng both intentionally hold back. Otherwise, if you switch to the troops of the Pu family or the troops of the fifth district, then when the two sides are so close, they will not be able to defeat them at all. It may give you a chance to escape.

The bomber group cooperates with the artillery group, and two waves of concentrated fire can turn your fleeing troops into a cemetery. However, this battle was not an external war, or even a civil war. It was just an internal conflict. Therefore, neither the Sichuan Mansion nor Fatty Teng's division adopted the tactics of annihilating Wang Zhou's army.

Wang Zhou's Military Department.

"Commander, the northern defense zone has completely collapsed. Wang Henan's armored troops are no more than 20 kilometers away from our military headquarters." A communications officer said with a trembling voice: "Our military headquarters has been completely exposed to the enemy. It’s within the range of the rocket launcher.”

"Commander, the eastern defense zone can no longer be defended. The two leading regiments of Fatty Teng's division have passed through the last line of defense of our army and are expected to arrive at our military headquarters in twenty minutes."


Reports from the communications department frequently sounded in the room, and the information transmitted back, as well as the battlefield situation, were also changing by the second.

"Damn it!" Wang Zhou stood next to the combat table and shouted with his hands on his hips: "How long will it take for our fastest support force to arrive?!"

"It will take about half an hour just to assemble, and it will take about two hours for the nearest troops to arrive on the battlefield." Someone from the staff immediately replied: "If it is transported by air, it may be faster. But given the current fighting situation, it cannot be ruled out. The Lin Department may continue to increase its troops and conduct air interceptions on our transport aircraft..."

Wang Zhou gritted his teeth and immediately waved his hands and shouted: "Immediately send a telegram to the Governor's Office to inform the upper management that Fatty Teng's division and the Sichuan Army are attacking our military headquarters without any reason. There may be rebellion. Please make an immediate decision from the Governor's Office." Next instructions..."

As soon as the staff team heard this, it was clear in their hearts that Wang Zhou no longer had any hope of holding on to the military headquarters. He could only clarify his position and criticize the Sichuan government and Fatty Teng's division.

Along the highway, Fatty Teng sat in the command vehicle and was constantly issuing detailed combat orders.

On the co-pilot, the Chief of Staff has received no less than twenty calls for mercy and reconciliation since the war started. The people who called are all well-known big shots in the Eighth District, and more than half of them are even higher than Fatty Teng is tall.

The chief of staff faithfully relayed what these people said to Fatty Teng, but after the latter heard it, he just said lightly: "...The governor didn't call, which means he doesn't object to what we are doing. Now is not the time to sell favors. , since the governor has ordered the general, I can only run to the dark side."

The chief of staff moved his lips, trying to persuade him, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that although Fatty Teng was reckless, he would not compromise on issues of principle easily. As his chief of staff, the issue of his position is also crucial. The more sensitive the period is, the more the two of them have to embrace each other to the death. They will live together and die together.

The dissuasion from outsiders not only did not stop Fatty Teng, but made him continue to speed up his attack.

More than 20,000 troops attacked with overwhelming force and reached the outskirts of Wang Zhou's army in an instant.

Within the command position.

A communications officer saluted Fatty Teng and said, "Wang Zhou requests to speak to you."

"I'll have a few words with him! Tell him to come out with the main military officers and I will cease fire." Fatty Teng replied with a frown.

Next to him, Meng Xi immediately interrupted and said: "He is stalling for time. At this juncture, he is probably planning to deal with the people below who know the information, so as to ensure that no one from the lower class will bite after being captured."

When Fatty Teng heard this, he immediately nodded: "It makes sense, we can't let him do dirty things."

"What about our side?"

"Pass my order, and the regiment will be ready to charge, and a separate company will be sent out. While fighting in, use a loudspeaker to shout to me: As long as you surrender and don't resist, there will be no bloodshed." Fatty Teng issued the order. Detailed combat order: "Ten minutes. In ten minutes, I will sit in Wang Zhou's army..."

Before he could finish his words, there were suddenly surging shouts from the outside of the command position.

"In the capital city, my uncle from Sichuan Province parachuted in with 3,000 men. As a matter of fact, he has been kind to our Sichuan Army. Now it's time to repay the favor. The Third Regiment will send me a thousand warriors to break into the military headquarters. , capture Wang Zhou alive and avenge my uncle and the brothers in the special operations brigade!"




The shouts of killing from the outside were loud. Before Fatty Teng could take action, the main force on Daya's side had already selected their elite troops and rushed towards the headquarters of Wang Zhou's army in one go.

Fatty Teng, Meng Xi and others heard the sound and walked out of the command position and looked forward.

"Have you seen, have you seen how abnormal the execution of Wang Henan's troops is? We attacked first, but the pace of their second attack was much faster than ours." Fatty Teng pointed at Daya's troops and said, "Next During this exercise, we used them as imaginary enemies, singled out two regiments, and imitated the Sichuan Army’s combat methods.”

When Meng Xi heard this, he was very embarrassed: "Brother Teng, I'm still here, why don't you say this is bad?"

"As for the army, only by combining the strengths of hundreds of schools can we become a king." Fatty Teng said without any scruples: "Whenever I have free time, I will still imitate and attack the important capital."

"That's too much!" Meng Xi said in a loud voice.

"Attack, quickly!" Fatty Teng ordered again: "Cut in from the enemy's artillery position on the northwest side. Don't give them a chance to fire, and reduce the pressure on the Sichuan government."

"Yes!" the chief of staff saluted immediately.

Another fifteen minutes.

Fatty Teng's two regiments and the Sichuan Army's four regiments took a total of about four hours to directly blockade Wang Zhou's military headquarters and occupy their military compound.

At the end of the blitzkrieg, all the generals of Wang Zhou's army were captured.

Fatty Teng, Daya, Meng Xi and others entered Wang Zhou's army headquarters together.

In the conference room, a staff officer pointed at Fatty Teng and shouted: "You are going to lose your head!"


Fatty Teng put his hands behind his back and raised his leg with a kick: "Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of talking about me? Guard, take him out and kill him."

After the words fell, Wang Zhou immediately stood up and said: "Mr. Teng, don't take it out on your staff officer. If you are angry, come at me!"

at the same time.

Several big bosses from the Alliance met in Yanbei and had urgent discussions.

District 7, Luhuai.

Zhou Xingli looked at the military report at Baishantou. The more he looked at it, the more confused he cursed: "Just because one Yi Lianshan, two divisions, and more than a dozen regiments fought together, even Lin Xiao almost didn't get out of Baishantou? Wang The Military Headquarters has also been surrounded. What is all this? What are you people in the Military Intelligence Bureau thinking about? Can you get me some report that I can understand?!"

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