District 9

Chapter 2503 Where is the hot water?

"You've become acquainted with me, and you're starting to be naughty, right?" Qin Yu pointed at Meng Xi, pretending to be serious and said, "Now I have a narrow escape mission for you..."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, Commander-in-Chief." Meng Xi surrendered immediately and replied with a smile: "I talked with Lao Ye and found that Qianjin Chen is actually quite anxious. He is anxious for us to beg them."

"Well, keep talking." Qin Yu bent down and sat on the chair.

"In the six districts, the political weight of the Advancement Movement is incomparable to that of the Free Movement. They have no support from the EU area and have always been at a disadvantage." Meng Xi replied in a low voice: "If we can unify the regime and maintain good relations with them …That’s also a good thing for them.”

"But now they are pretending to me." Qin Yu emphasized.

"They've got it right. We don't want to give up Beifengkou. We've lost ground and want to fight back. It's going to cost a lot, and it's unclear whether we can succeed." Meng Xi continued: "We definitely have to cut our losses. Their power, but how much they cut now depends on their operation.”

"It's impossible to hand over the land. I can't let future generations dig up my ancestral grave." Qin Yu replied bluntly.

"Commander-in-Chief, let me say something offensive! What's your nickname? That's Qin Laohei. There is no need to give yourself such a stalwart persona in diplomacy." Meng Xi followed the temptation: "... Although it is impossible for us to really hand over territory, we can make a fuss about the terms of the signing! Now Qianjin Chen has determined in his heart that you are the actual leader of the Qin Gulin coalition in the three major districts, so we can, with Sichuan Mansion We will lease a portion of the land to the other side and let them run it on their own, for ten or twenty years. And once the war in the three major districts is over and we stand up completely, there will be no need for them to contain the free movement. When your father-in-law, Commander-in-Chief Lin, comes to power, whether he recognizes this clause or not depends entirely on his mood."

Qin Yu's eyes lit up, and he felt quite satisfied when he looked at his dog-headed military advisor.

"The terms signed in the chaotic era, if they say they count, they will count; if they say they don't count, then they are useless paper." Meng Xi put his palms in his hands and continued: "Of course, these are the worst results. If we move forward and enter Hucha wants to cause trouble militarily and politically, so we can contain him and deal with him in minutes. But if they just want to get some resources, then give them to them, after all, they have helped."

Qin Yu was thoughtful and said succinctly: "Introducing foreign capital to build factories, support the enemy's enemies, and let them restrain each other...is this the intention?"

"That's for sure." Meng Xi nodded immediately: "This is your wisest decision as a leader."

Qin Yu blinked, pointed at Meng Xi and said, "If the war really ends smoothly, I will make you the first land officer of Hucha, responsible for managing the leased land. If there is a problem, I will look for you."

"...Commander, don't do this! Lao Ye and I are friends. I can't do anything that would be sorry for him."

"It's up to you." Qin Yu made the decision and immediately stood up and said, "But we have to give the other side a little pressure on this matter. If you do this, you should contact Brother Yin immediately and tell him to make a move at Beifengkou, and we and Qianjin will The talks have broken down, and he wants to immediately cover the people's evacuation. At the same time, he notifies the ninth district to dispatch some city defense troops, gather in the direction of Erlonggang, and act as if he is covering the Wu clan's evacuation... He will first bluff before moving forward. .”

"Gao, our commander-in-chief really has a tiger in his chest and a good plan in his belly!" Meng Xi gave a thumbs up.

"You have to be strong enough to make iron. We can't put all our hopes on outsiders." Qin Yu lowered his head and looked at Meng Xi: "The war in the Eighth District must end as soon as possible. How are you doing with the card I gave you? ?”

"He said he had to wait a little longer, because he was trying to win over many neutral generals," Meng Xi replied.

"In this case, let the Lincheng Department, Daya Department, and Huo Zhenghua's army continue to attack Gu Taixian's northeastern front and completely defeat the illusions of these neutral officers." Qin Yu said with his eyes wide open.

"Yes!" Meng Xi nodded.

It was about seven o'clock in the evening on the eighth day of the war.

Near Hefengzhuang in Lu District, a company of soldiers had just returned to the camp from the front line. When this group of people came back, their faces were ugly, like a group of gamblers who owed loan sharks, lining up and entering the canteen.

The recent battle is difficult to fight. Xiang Zehao's troops, Xiaobai's troops, and the main forces from Lao Sanjiang are all constantly advancing from the front, oppressing the Zhou defense zone. Troops like He Dachuan and the New 1st Division, which were not very powerful in terms of combat effectiveness, kept attacking the people of the Lu District, sneaking attacks on the defensive strongholds of the Zhou Dynasty, and then running away without finding anyone.

Therefore, soldiers on the front line are under great psychological pressure. They have to be stationed for at least ten hours, staying outdoors in the ice and snow, suffering from the cold, not being able to eat a mouthful of hot food, and being in danger of being attacked or sneak-attacked at any time.

The soldiers were very war-weary. After a day of toil outside, they just wanted to have a quick rest when they returned to the camp, and they didn't like anyone. People inside often got into fights over quarrels, and even used knives and guns.

In the cafeteria.

After the soldiers of the defense company lined up for dinner, they sat at the dining table and ate their dinner in silence. They rarely communicated with each other and seemed to have no energy to even speak.

After a while of silence, a platoon leader sitting in the front row suddenly stood next to the water tank and shouted: "What the hell, where is the hot water? Why is there no hot water?!"

When everyone heard the shouting, they all raised their heads and looked at the platoon leader.

"Where are the people? Where have all the people died?!" The platoon leader shouted again, holding a big teapot.

Inside the meal place, a cooking officer from the Logistics Department came out of the room, raised his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Why is there no water in the water tank?" the platoon leader asked.

"There are too many people. We have run out of water. Our people are putting out water. Please wait for a while. We will heat it and supply it again." The cooking officer replied softly.

When the platoon leader heard this, he smashed the big teapot on the water tank and cursed angrily: "Damn it, we've been freezing outside for a day, can't we even get some hot water when we get back?" ? What’s the point of raising you bullshit logistics soldiers? What do you do every day? It’s time to eat, but you can’t get water?!"

"Why are you scolding people! Do you know how many people eat in this canteen?" The cooking officer replied unhappily: "Can't we work bit by bit?"

"Do your damn job!"

A burly-looking soldier stood up and put the rice directly on the table: "It's time, you have to prepare the hot water!"

"I won't eat it, I won't eat it."

A company of soldiers all stood up in the room.

The long war has tortured people's spirits to the extreme. This kind of thing happens not only in Zhou Dynasty, but also in Sichuan Province. But the situation there is slightly better than here. After all, they are currently at an advantage on the battlefield in the Lu District.

Many people took advantage of the situation, and the logistics department couldn't stop them. After hearing the report, the battalion commander rushed over immediately.

At this time, many soldiers in battalion-level and brigade-level units throughout the Hefengzhuang area suddenly suffered from vomiting and diarrhea while resting...

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