District 9

Chapter 2611 Really sleeping dragon and phoenix chick

One day later, in a boarding and lodging shop outside Yishi in District 5.

When Little White Tiger was about to tell his elder brother Qinglong about his psychological activities, the latter was suddenly called to his room for a meeting by Ke Hua.

In the dilapidated hotel room, Ke Hua's assistant closed the doors and windows and drew the curtains.

Beside the round table, Ke Hua was smoking a cigarette, frowning and cursing: "Damn it, we're in big trouble, we might not be able to leave."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Qinglong couldn't help but ask.

Ke Hua took a puff of cigarette and replied in a low voice: "The superiors suddenly sent down a mission, which is to be carried out in the fifth district, so... we have to do a temporary job."

"What mission?" A sturdy officer immediately asked.

"Kidnapping." Ke Hua said bluntly: "The identity of the other party, the purpose of the kidnapping, and other basic information were not disclosed by the superiors. They only asked us to capture the person and bring him back to Xia Island."

"Fuck, if the higher-ups don't tell us the identity of the target, how can we kidnap him? Do you know how many guards there are? How to judge the security awareness?...!" The sturdy officer asked several questions in succession.

"What is known now is that there are many security personnel around the other party, at least fifteen people, and they have a strong sense of prevention." Ke Hua introduced the basic situation of the other party with a solemn face: "The most important thing is that this time we Without the support of other departments, we had to do it ourselves. And the superiors repeatedly emphasized that we must avoid detection and pursuit by the official forces of the fifth district."

"Isn't this nonsense?!" Xiao Qinglong was also confused: "What kind of person still needs to avoid the investigation and pursuit of District Five? Our relationship with District Five is not very close, why don't we communicate?"

"Who the hell knows this?" Ke Hua shook his head and said, "We have no right to inquire for further information. We can only do our work. This is an order from above."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several core officers in the room were not very good. They originally thought that after escaping to District 5, they could board the ship back to Xia Island and meet their relatives they had not seen for many years. But who would have thought that a job suddenly came to them halfway, and it was very dangerous in nature. .

Everyone was very dissatisfied and complained one after another, claiming that this work should be done by the bottom-level action team, not leaders like themselves. But Ke Hua said that it was just unlucky that they were about to evacuate to District 5, and the job might be urgent, so they needed to do it on a temporary basis.

The order had been issued and it was irreversible, so after everyone finished complaining, they could only listen to Ke Hua arrange the details of the mission, including making plans, checking out locations, how to infiltrate the city, etc.

At the end of the meeting, Xiao Qinglong also cursed. He never thought that his expedition plan had just begun to be implemented, and he might have to devote his life to the Zhou system.

Before leaving, Fu Zhen had a conversation with Xiao Qinglong. The former told him that there was no need to contact the Military Supervision Bureau during the lurking period unless necessary to avoid exposing his identity.

However, Xiao Qinglong sat in the room and analyzed it himself. He felt that since the upper levels of the Zhou Dynasty allowed the command structure of the Seventh District to do this, the target to be kidnapped must be very important, and it might even be the third one. People from the region, so he has to report to the top.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qinglong detached the false molar in the house, took out the cut-out small phone card, used the network with this number, opened a software in his mobile phone, and transmitted the message to Fu Zhen.

Yanbei, District Eight.

Lao Zhan hurriedly found Fu Zhen and whispered to him: "Xiao Qinglong has sent back information."

"Didn't he just leave? Why did he give back information?" Fu Zhen was also confused.

"It wasn't mentioned in the code," Lao Zhan shook his head and replied, "Maybe it's something urgent."

"Has he agreed on a contact time?" Fu Zhen asked.

"eight pm."

"Okay, please make arrangements and I will contact him personally in the evening." Fu Zhen responded.

At about 6:30 p.m., more than a hundred soldiers from the border patrol company affiliated with the Northern Theater Command were performing patrol duties on the Yangdong border in Xibo's no-man's land.

The current military situation on the Yangtong border is that Zichen's troops and Wu Tianyin's northern theater troops each occupy their own sides of the border, but they have not yet penetrated into the Yangtong interior. Because whoever moves first may be judged as land occupation by the coalition government, and this is somewhat detrimental to the overall trend of public opinion.

In the tent of the patrol company, the company commander was eating when he suddenly received a shouting report from the frontline soldiers: "Report to the company headquarters, our No. 1 reconnaissance post discovered a large number of soldiers, driving supply trucks, and entered the Yangdong 023 area, and An iron net was set up there, as if a military defense zone was to be set up."

"Did you come forward to communicate?" the company commander immediately stood up and asked.

"not yet."

"Got it, stay where you are and wait for the order!" After the company commander replied, he immediately turned around and shouted: "Send the order for all personnel to assemble, enter the enemy-occupied area immediately, and report to the superiors, quickly!"

After a series of verbal battles, Free Chan couldn't bear it any longer. They took a step further in military provocation and began to openly enclose territory.

District Five.

While Xiao Qinglong was waiting for a phone call with Fu Zhen at night, his good brother Xiao Baihu came.

After the two closed the door, Little White Tiger sat on the chair and whispered: "You don't really want to kidnap Ke Hua and the others, do you?"

Xiao Qinglong glanced at the other party sideways: "What if we don't kidnap them? They have already received the order, and we must go with them."

"Who told you that you have to go?!" The little white tiger's eyes were as wise as Zhuge Liang's: "...We are sneaking away now, who can find us?"

"Where are you going?" Xiao Qinglong was confused.

"... Damn it, you idiot?! Can't we survive without the Zhou system and the three major districts?" Little White Tiger stared at his eyes and said: "The world is so big, where can't we run? You have money, I have brains, We can't do anything, why do we have to stay and work for them? Damn it, Ke Hua doesn't have any idea about this task. If he really wants to do it with them, if something happens and he dies, who are we going to talk to for reason?"

Xiao Qinglong looked at him speechlessly: "Am I stupid, or are you stupid?! My wife and children are all controlled by that ghost Fu Zhen. What will they do if I run away? Brother, you don't care about you Sister-in-law and eldest nephew?"

"I can't control so much now." Xiao Baihu said bluntly: "I have to run away, otherwise my life may depend on it. You also listen to my advice, my wife and children are gone, we can do it again! But we have to You've lost your life...then do you know whose bed my sister-in-law will lie on in the future? Do you know who the child will call daddy in the future?"

Xiao Qinglong was furious when he heard this: "cnm, are you speaking in human language?!"

North wind outlet.

Anzi found Wu Tianyin and said to him succinctly: "Freedom organized a group of soldiers dressed in civilian clothes, entered Yangdong and began to encircle the territory, clearly raising the defense line and building a military defense zone... "

"What the fuck!" Wu Tianyin stood up slowly and cursed with his hands behind his back: "I don't want to talk to them for the time being, they are not finished yet!"

"Commander, what do you think about this...?"

"You dress up as a civilian, so I don't dare to touch you when I'm on horseback, right?" Wu Tianyin frowned and said, "Inform the Third and Fourth Border Regiments to put them all in civilian clothes, immediately!"

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