District 9

Chapter 2741: Ten Thousand People Who Have All Their Hopes

In the surprise attack on Xia Island, Xiang Zehao took the initiative to challenge Qin Yu and served as a single-arrow unit. It is no exaggeration to say that the victory or defeat of the Yemen battlefield and the battlefields of the four districts almost all depended on this battle.

In order to allow Xiang Zehao to take off, the two large regiments of Yemen and Gu Qi strategically retreated in the past few days. For this reason, a lot of activity space on the Yemen battlefield was lost, and the troops even experienced a certain degree of attrition.

At the same time, in order to cooperate with Xiang Zehao, Fu Zhenguo had been resisting the outflanking of the two fleets in Europe 1, and fought until four battleships sank and more than 3,000 sailors died.

Behind the scenes, troops who had fought in an entire theater, as well as 80% of the air force in the three major regions, were also looking eagerly at the battle on Xia Island, waiting for the final result given by Xiang Zehao.

Based on the above reasons, if Xiang Zehao loses, he himself will not be able to face Jiangdong's elders. But the offensive and defensive battle in front of us cannot be won just by bravery and soldiers risking their lives.

Before Xiang Zehao landed on Xia Island, there were two unexpected situations that he could not guess in advance. Feng Ji led 8,000 men back to defend, and Li Bokang arranged an ambush of 8,000 men on the island. These two sudden situations directly caused the failure of many of Xiang Zehao's station deployments.

When the troops land, there is no way to seize the airport with absolute strength advantage, so they can only fight hard. But in modern warfare, simply daring to risk one's life and make sacrifices is not enough to turn the entire war situation around.

What is a 4-in-2 machine gun position? It was a powerful firepower point composed of more than a dozen squad machine guns and thirty or forty soldiers, positioned in a Zigzag pattern.

The machine gun fires thousands of rounds per minute, and the firepower point formed by a dozen squads can control the firepower output within a diameter of nearly 200 meters around it.

What does this firepower mean? This means that when a company of soldiers rushes over, they may not even be able to see clearly where the enemy troops are, and they will all be beaten into pieces.

Is this a battle that can be won by risking one's life?

There are at least dozens of firepower points like this around the airport, not including helicopter formations and fortress firepower points.

A hard charge is obviously extremely difficult for the attacker!

Xiang Zehao looked at the stalemate meat grinding battle ahead and said through gritted teeth: "Madeh, you can't fight like this. It doesn't matter if we are all dead, but if it leads to the defeat of the entire battlefield, then he who steps on the horse is the sinner of the nation! Quick, inform the troops. Fall back, only harass on the periphery, not advance.”

The commander of the 152nd Division immediately nodded: "Yes!"

Xiang Zehao lay on the back of the hillside and carefully thought about the tactical arrangements behind him. He forced himself to calm down, threw away the psychological pressure, and looked for opportunities for war...

After about three minutes, Xiang Zehao suddenly thought of the time when he had just formed the Self-Defense Force in Fengbei, District 9. At that time, he was responsible for supervising the construction of two important military sites, one of which was a small military airport for the party and government.

At that time, Xiang Zehao was young and high-spirited. He wanted to build up the ranks of the party and government factions and promote the unification of the nine districts, so he did many important things personally. Not only the establishment of the army headquarters, but also the procurement of military equipment and the training methods of the troops, he was involved in it, so he also got a lot of first-hand information on the construction of the military base.

Thinking of this, Xiang Zehao suddenly rushed to the commander of the 152nd Division and said: "Old Tan, hurry up, send me four reconnaissance companies, search around the mountain bag, find me..."

The commander of the 152nd Division frowned and listened to Xiang Zehao's instructions without saying a word.

The other end.

In the basement of the main building of the airport, a senior colonel officer whispered to Zhou Xingli: "Commander, the enemy's attack is not going well. Our defense is not out of position at the moment, but for the sake of safety, I discussed it with Commander Yan and General Staff Li. After a while, we will organize a wave of troops to attack the enemy's artillery positions. If we can build pressure on the opposite side, you will immediately leave by plane and land directly at the headquarters of Yemen Westbrook."

Zhou Xingli frowned and yelled: "I won't go! Eight thousand people versus six thousand people, if you can't win, it's because of your incompetence!"

The colonel immediately advised: "It is safer this way. You are the hope of the Zhou Department. We, the people, must ensure your safety so that we can fight without worries."

Upon hearing this, the staff members also tried to dissuade Zhou Xingli.

The airport is currently under the control of Zhou's troops. There is a certain chance that Zhou Xingli can escape by plane, but there is also a high chance that the plane will be shot down by the artillery and rocket D from the three major regions, so... people from the staff department Nor did he dare to take the risk of sending the Commander-in-Chief on the plane to take a gamble on whether he could successfully take off.

In fact, Zhou Xingli was extremely conflicted at the moment. He said he didn't want to leave. This wasn't a matter of hypocrisy or loss of face, but that he really didn't want to face Westbrook and the accountability of those bastards in District 1. .

No matter how Zhou Xingli explains it, once Xia Dao makes a mistake, Ou Yi District will definitely put the blame on the infighting between the Zhou clique and the Feng clique.

Lao Zhou was also tired. He suddenly felt that the luck of the Zhou family had actually been exhausted during the civil war in the three regions.

The three major regions did not attack Xia Island early or late, but they attacked just when he was dealing with Feng Ji, so that all his plans were aborted. Isn't this a hint of extreme decline?

Yes, Zhou Xingli had already begun to attribute the war situation to luck.

Peripheral command position.

After Xiang Zehao waited for more than ten minutes, a reconnaissance company commander ran back in disgrace, held up the helmet on his head, saluted and shouted: "Report to the commander-in-chief...!"

"Stop lying, have you found the location I asked you to find?" Xiang Zehao asked bluntly.

"Found it!" The company commander nodded: "There is indeed the floor drain you mentioned. There are many. There will be one about two to three hundred meters away, but there are protective nets and drainage facilities."

Xiang Zehao blinked and immediately said to the commander of the 152nd Division: "How many people are there around us?"

"A guard battalion that is not fully staffed has less than 300 people." The commander of the 152nd Division replied clearly: "There are many functional soldiers here. What do you want to do?"

"Gather everyone together and follow me." Xiang Zehao immediately gave the order.

"This won't work! You can't go. I'll bring back the troops from the front."

"Deployment of troops is definitely not possible. There is a battle ahead, and someone suddenly retreats. Can the other side not notice it?" Xiang Zehao lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "It's too late, just use people from the command center to do this. You Then transfer 200 people from the artillery to follow the reconnaissance company commander."

The commander of the 152nd Division hesitated: "I'll go with you too."

"Hurry up!" Xiang Zehao urged.

Five minutes later, Xiang Zehao led more than 200 soldiers from the guard battalion and other officers from the headquarters and penetrated directly to the side of the battlefield.

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