District 9

Chapter 757 The murderer no one can imagine

inside the room.

Lin Chengdong grabbed the rope with both hands and strangled Gu Yan's neck hard.

A few seconds later, Gu Yan woke up a little, opened his eyes, and saw Lin Chengdong's cheek above him.

"Bang bang bang!"

Gu Yan's face turned purple, he slapped the ground with his left hand, grabbed Lin Chengdong's arm with his right hand, and kept shaking his head at him.

Lin Chengdong felt the power of Gu Yan's palm, but he didn't want to open his eyes. He just kept saying: "Yes... I'm sorry, I... I really can't help it."


Gu Yan growled low in his throat, grabbing his wrist with his right hand and still shaking his head.

Lin Chengdong's spirit almost collapsed, and the strength of his hands unconsciously weakened a bit.

Next to him, Qin Yu, whose hands and feet were handcuffed to death, seemed to have no strength left in his body, but he still moved over little by little and pressed his head against Lin Chengdong's thigh.

"I can't help it, I really can't help it!" Lin Chengdong roared angrily, as if to cheer himself up, and strangled Gu Yan harder with both hands.

Qin Yu inhaled a large amount of ether, and he had no strength. Even opening his mouth was a burden, but he still pressed his head lightly against Lin Chengdong's thigh and murmured intermittently: "...We are friends...why...why?" ...Chengdong...?!"

Lin Chengdong trembled all over after hearing the sound.

"What...has happened to you...you...you can say...if it's for me...then don't touch Xiaoyan...don't touch him...Friends don't kill friends...Chengdong! "Qin Yu stared again and said again in a weak voice.


Lin Chengdong roared angrily, his face covered with tears. He is not a very evil person to begin with. Although in the afternoon, he was tempted by the opportunities mentioned by the young man, and he wanted to sacrifice his friends for the safety of his family, but when it came time to take action, it was completely different. A different feeling.

At this moment, Qin Yu's words, even though they were very slight, resounded firmly in his heart, and he couldn't do it...


Lin Chengdong cried out in collapse, released the rope with his hands, covered his face and said: "I really... can't do it... I'm sorry...!"

After shouting, Lin Chengdong suddenly stood up and rushed to the dirty kitchen, fetched a basin of cold water, came back to the two of them, and poured it directly.

If the amount of ether is adjusted appropriately and the inhalation concentration is not particularly high, the normal waking time is 10-30 minutes. This will have different reactions depending on people's different physiques.

Qin Yu was in better shape than Gu Yan, so he woke up first and his body gradually regained its strength.

Lin Chengdong sat by the wall with dull eyes, tears still in his eyes.

After Qin Yu got up, he did not immediately beat Lin Chengdong or snatch his weapons. Instead, he immediately poured cold water on Gu Yan's face and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong, Chengdong?!"

Lin Chengdong looked at Qin Yu blankly and said succinctly: "There may be people watching outside. You go from the rooftop and don't worry about the rest."

"What the hell!" Gu Yan gradually woke up and asked with his eyes widened: "Someone deliberately messed with you and even wanted to kill me. I can't swallow this. What's going on! "

"Chengdong, if you could solve this problem, you wouldn't choose to bring us in to do this kind of thing." Qin Yu stared at his eyes and said, "What the hell is going on?!"

Under continuous questioning by the two, Lin Chengdong's mood broke down again, and he shouted with extreme hatred: "It's all his damn fault, it's all his fault, otherwise I wouldn't have been involved..."

"Lu Dang?!" Qin Yu asked in confusion, "What does it have to do with him?"

Lin Chengdong grabbed his hair helplessly and told the story of the whole thing.

More than a year ago, Li Yuanzhen, Qin Yu, and Gu Yan were originally assigned to a dormitory, but later Li Yuanzhen switched dormitories with Lin Chengdong on the grounds that he wanted to live with a friend. And it was precisely because of this change of sleep that Lin Chengdong was inadvertently involved in the murder of Lu Dang.

At first, Lu Dang didn't notice such an inconspicuous little character like Lin Chengdong. However, as everyone settled in the school, the students gradually became familiar with each other, and each had their own circle, so the former also had other ideas.

Lu Dang had a feud with Qin Yu, and what happened to Xiang'er later made people in Fengbei's circle feel that Qin Yu was drifting away from them, so Lu Dang thought of a trick that was not on the table. He wanted to take advantage of Lin Chengdong's already familiar relationship with Qin Yu and use him as a spy to leak information to him at critical moments.

Among them, Lu Dang also wanted to find out Gu Yan's background, so Lin Chengdong, a person with no background and no money, seemed to be very easy to take advantage of.

Before Lu Dang's accident, he had made an appointment with Lin Chengdong once. He expressed his thoughts and secretly promised that he could get some money for Lin Chengdong, but the latter simply refused. Firstly, he felt that Gu Yan and Qin Yu were nice people and they got along well with each other; secondly, he didn't want to get involved in this kind of intrigue, because he didn't have much capital, and he might not end up being greedy for money. good.

But Lu Dang didn't give up on this matter. He felt that he didn't pay enough for the price, so on the day of the accident, he made an appointment with Lin Chengdong on the grounds that the student union wanted to see Lin Chengdong because he had some business to do. Meet.

But what Lin Chengdong didn't know was that Lu Dang not only made an appointment with him that day, but also made an appointment with Li Yuanzhen and Xuanxuan...

The meeting place was next to a hotel next to the bridge in Dongpu District. Lin Chengdong originally thought that he would go directly into the lobby to find Lu Dang, but he did not expect that he accidentally bumped into him. Lu Dang and Xuanxuan had a violent argument at the entrance of the alley. quarrel.

Lin Chengdong couldn't figure out the relationship between the two, so he didn't show up. He just sat in the car and waited, and vaguely heard Lu Dang calling Xuanxuan what a bitch, coquettish, and sleeping with his best friend Li Yuanzhen... …

Xuanxuan's strength retaliated, causing Lu Dang to almost take action. Li Yuanzhen suddenly walked out of the hotel and pulled them away. Lu Dang then started firing at Li Yuanzhen.

Lin Chengdong was not far from where the three of them were, and everyone had a tendency to gossip. He was also curious about the relationship between the three of them, so he lowered the window and listened.

At the entrance of the alley, a car blocked the bodies of the three of them. Lu Dang furiously scolded Li Yuanzhen: "It's all because of you! If you hadn't been jumping around in the middle, my uncle would have believed Su Zhengdong's words and went to Songjiang to pry Zhang Liang? Can you?! Now my uncle’s arm is disabled, and my dad scolds me every day...what do you want me to do!"

"Do you blame me? Don't I also want you to take over Songjiang's market and make your plate bigger?"

"Fuck you, you are selfish!" Lu Dang yelled with an upright character: "It's been so long, have any of the things you promised come true? Han Tong said he would give us goods, but now my house is over Not even one batch was received, and Su Zhengdong caused trouble in the middle again, and my dad scolded me bloody, do you know!"

When Qin Yu listened to Lin Chengdong's narration of this incident, he suddenly remembered that Lu Dang actually met him on campus on the day of his death, and he heard it by coincidence. Lu Dang seemed to be fighting with his family. Arguing over the phone.

Li Yuanzhen and Lu Dang had a fierce quarrel because of Songjiang's mistake in leveraging Zhang Liang and others. Lu Dang asked Li Yuanzhen to talk to Han Tong to increase the amount of shipments to Fengbei in the future, but the latter kept shirking and quibbling, unable to make an effective commitment at all.

Xuanxuan tried to dissuade her from the side, but Lu Dang became even more angry. He pointed directly at Li Yuanzhen's neck and shouted: "I cnm, you are really not a human being. Everyone knows that although Xuanxuan and I have no definite relationship, we don't know how to sleep with each other." How many sleeps have passed, but you even touch her, and you consider me your fucking friend?!"

When this matter was mentioned, Xuanxuan lost control, and Li Yuanzhen became even more embarrassed.

The more Lu Dang scolded, the angrier he became, and finally he took action directly and fought with Li Yuanzhen into the alley. Xuanxuan, a woman, couldn't keep the two of them apart, so she could only use words to persuade them. But it was okay that she didn't speak. The more she spoke, the more she felt aggrieved. Because of her fat and tall figure, she would beat Li Yuanzhen violently while riding on her.

Li Yuanzhen was beaten until his nostrils were bleeding, and Lu Dang was drunk and did not strike lightly, so he was also beaten anxiously. He picked up the bricks next to him that were covered with frost and pointed them at Lu Dang. Even smashed it n times.

Li Yuanzhen was the person involved, and he was already in a panic, so he didn't realize that he had done something serious. But Xuanxuan, who was pulling next to him, saw with his own eyes that Lu Dang's skull was dented and he screamed.

From Lin Chengdong's perspective, he could not clearly see the details of the fight between Li Yuanzhen and Lu Dang, because there were cars blocking the way and the alley was facing him diagonally, so he could not see what was going on inside at all.

After about a few seconds, Xuanxuan first let out a scream, then ran out of the alley in a panic, holding the car keys tremblingly and saying: "Send...send him to the hospital!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Yuanzhen chased out, grabbed Xuanxuan's wrist, and said tremblingly: "He...he's fucking dead."

Xuanxuan was stunned and stood there at a loss.

Li Yuanzhen pulled her and said: "I... let's get him away quickly. There is no surveillance inside, and no one has seen it."

When Xuanxuan was pulled, she turned her head and looked diagonally across the street, and saw Lin Chengdong in the car window.

In just one or two seconds, Lin Chengdong had already raised the car window and left the scene without hesitation. He did not realize that Xuanxuan had seen him.

Li Yuanzhen went to the police academy and also worked at the grassroots level. He has plenty of experience, but his mentality is very average. After all, he had never done this before, so when he was disposing of Lu Dang's body at the second scene, he was completely panicked when he saw some scavengers passing by. In the end, relying only on his own knowledge, he quickly faked the scene where Lu Dang was killed by a robber, and then left in a hurry.

From then on, Xuanxuan spent more than a year in self-blame and fear. Although she is more open-minded about male relationships and is relatively selfish, she has been well protected since she was a child and has never seen such things. So she started to have nightmares, constantly dreaming about Lu Dang, and suffered from mental torture.

At the same time, she was also afraid of Li Yuanzhen, because the latter's indifference and ruthlessness in handling Lu Dang's body were vivid in her mind, so she was very afraid that Li Yuanzhen would kill her too if he couldn't think about it any day.

No one told her about her mental pressure, so she found Lin Chengdong and wanted to discuss countermeasures with him and express her inner fears to achieve the purpose of reducing stress. However, she did not realize that she had harmed an innocent person again.

Lin Chengdong was also very helpless, because Xuanxuan had seen him before, and he was very afraid that this woman would tell Li Yuanzhen what happened if she had a short circuit in her head. If that happens, Li Yuanzhen will most likely get rid of him. Therefore, with no choice but to do so, Lin Chengdong could only comfort Xuanxuan every time she broke down.

Until Xuanxuan's mental state deteriorated day by day, Li Yuanzhen felt that she had no way to control it, so he chose to let her jump off the building.

The night Xuanxuan had the accident, she had sent a text message to Lin Chengdong and asked him out to meet as a habit. But she didn't expect that not long after the text message was sent, Li Yuanzhen set up a trap to push her downstairs, checked all her daily necessities, and took away the mobile phone.

A few days later, Lin Chengdong was ambushed by Li Yuanzhen at the entrance of the supermarket. By then, he was already sure that he had leaked because of Xuanxuan.

Qin Yu and Gu Yan spent a few minutes and were stunned after listening to Lin Chengdong's narration. None of them expected that Lu Dang would die in Li Yuanzhen's hands.

"...I'm trapped." Lin Chengdong grabbed his hair and said: "Li Yuanzhen came to me this afternoon and asked me to kill you two. Otherwise, I will lose my job and my wife and children may be in danger...I will even have to accept the police inspection." investigation..."

Gu Yan gritted his teeth, reached out and patted Lin Chengdong's shoulder and said, "Li Yuanzhen is a jerk. He is not even worthy of carrying my shoes! Don't worry, nothing will happen to you."

After saying that, Gu Yan turned to look at Qin Yu: "Call and have someone come and pick the three of us out."


This chapter is two in one, with 4,000 words. This chapter pays tribute to Lao Zhao and thanks the astronauts last month.

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