Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1301: Signs of a breakup

"No..." Tong Siyao wiped her tears, "My mother had a car accident, and I am going home now."

"What? Is she okay?" Sheng Yiting asked nervously.

"I don't know yet." Tong Siyao asked calmly, "I just want to ask you, do you want to accompany me back?"

"I..." Sheng Yiting was taken aback and asked apologetically, "Is it okay at night?"

Tong Siyao knows that the president will deliver his inauguration speech in more than ten days, and he is very busy now. She shouldn't have made such an unreasonable request, and she should understand when he regressed.

But how can it work? Now someone is forcing them to break up. I understand him so much, how can there be any signs of breaking up?

She said coldly: "Forget it, I can be alone."

Sheng Yiting was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Yaoyao! You know, I am very busy now. Do you want to go back now? Then you go back first, and I will be there at night."

"It's really not necessary." Tong Siyao whispered, "If you are so busy, you should be busy first. Your future position is so high, so don't be affected by such trivial things."

Sheng Yiting paused, and asked suspiciously: "Are you angry? Your business has never been a trivial matter."

"I know." Tong Siyao said, "You also put it nicely."

Sheng Yiting: "..."

"Hang up," she said coldly.

"Hang it up." Sheng Yiting was helpless, "I know, my aunt is injured, and you feel uncomfortable—"

Tong Siyao hung up the phone.

Sheng Yiting held his forehead, a little irritable, but he could understand. He wants to ask for leave, but...

Everyone knows that he is Sheng Nanxuan's son, and he asks for leave at this time to make people gossiping.

He will compete for the presidency in the future, and of course he must try to avoid these things.

He picked up the phone and called Yao Lan.

Yao Lan quickly picked it up and asked suspiciously: "Yi Ting? What's the matter with you?" Did he also know that he had a car accident?

Sheng Yiting was relieved when she heard her voice. Being able to answer the phone means that there is no danger to life; the voice is also normal, and it is estimated that the injury is not serious.

He asked concerned: "I heard Yaoyao say that you had a car accident? Are you okay?"

"Why did she tell you? I'm fine! I was strolling around by a motorcycle and my feet were broken. Lulu made a fuss so Yaoyao couldn't figure out the situation and made you worry."

"Did you find the perpetrator?"

"Running fast. I thought I was injured, so I was afraid of being responsible, so let's run away. Anyway, it's okay, so I can't find it."

"Yeah... it's Yaoyao saying that he wants to go back to see you, I'm a little worried."

"Come back?" Yao Lan was startled and said hurriedly, "No need to come back, I'm fine. You guys work hard!"

"Okay." Sheng Yiting agreed to hang up and called Tong Siyao again.

Seeing the caller ID, Tong Siyao hesitated for a long time before answering.

Sheng Yiting asked in a low voice, "Why did you take it so long? Really angry?"

"Are you busy?" Tong Siyao asked dissatisfiedly.

Sheng Yiting sighed: "I just called my aunt, and she said that she just got a bite, so don't worry, don't go back."

"It's not your mother, of course you are not worried!" Tong Siyao shouted.

Sheng Yiting frowned, thinking she was incredible.

She was not like this before.

He said, "I know you are worried, but can you calm down? Yaoyao——"

"Leave me alone!" Tong Siyao yelled and hung up the phone.

The driver sighed and wanted to persuade her, but when she saw her bad temper, let it go. (To be continued~^~)

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