Thunderclouds appeared, and the heavens and the earth changed color.

The wind surged and the electric light flashed.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged under the thundercloud.

Close your eyes and be like a rock.

Now, he wants to cross the thunder tribulation and ascend to the realm.

The next big realm of the Yuan Baby is out of the body.

Out of the realm, but the soul is out of the body, the soul travels thousands of miles, and it does not die for ten thousand years.

As long as the soul does not die, even if the Yuan Baby is destroyed, it can be reborn.

At this level, he can truly be regarded as a top master.

Looking at the entire Righteous Path Alliance, there are only nine people in the realm of out-of-body realm.

The Demon Dao side is slightly stronger than the Righteous Path Alliance, and there are only ten people in the Coming Out Realm.

Only when he reaches the realm of out-of-body can Xiao Zhi be qualified for revenge!

The thunderclouds surged, and a heavenly thunder with a destructive aura fell mercilessly, hitting Xiao Zhimen.

Xiao Zhi stood majestic, like a statue of a god.

The power of heavenly thunder poured into Xiao Zhi's body from the fontanelle, rampaging through Xiao Zhi's body, ruthlessly destroying Xiao Zhi's body.

Do not break and do not stand, break and stand.

Only after experiencing destruction can you be reborn.

As soon as a heavenly thunder fell, I heard several loud rumblings.

The second heavenly thunder followed.

This is followed by the third and fourth paths.

In the blink of an eye, nine heavenly thunders fell, and Xiao Zhi's body was already scarred under the bombardment of the heavenly thunder, and it was not human.

Countless electric arcs surrounded Xiao Zhi's body, crackling, and Xiao Zhi's body turned into char in this instant.

Black smoke rose from the pitch-black flesh.

There is no life in the whole body.

At this time, the thundercloud trembled, and a golden light penetrated the thundercloud.

The golden light hung above Xiao Zhi's head, turning into three golden lightsabers.

These three golden lightsabers, tearing through the sky, seem tangible, but in fact they are invisible.

This is the golden sword robbery, three golden swords one cut life and death, two slash the baby, and three cut the soul.

The Golden Sword Robbery is extremely dangerous.

Throughout the ages, countless Yuan Infant peaks have died under the Golden Sword Tribulation.

Only a few people can survive the Golden Sword Tribulation.

If there are a thousand Yuan Infant peaks crossing the Tribulation at the same time, there is only one person at most who can carry the Golden Sword Tribulation.

The remaining nine hundred and ninety-nine people will all die under the Golden Sword Tribulation.

Only those who survive the three swords can completely free the soul from the shackles of the body and leave the body.

At this time, the Black Feather Tooth Knife squatted around Xiao Zhi, protecting Xiao Zhi and preventing someone from interfering with Xiao Zhidu.

In an instant, the golden sword trembled.

A golden sword descended from the sky, and a sword slashed down, penetrating Xiao Zhi's flesh.

With this sword, the charred shell on Xiao Zhi's body surface fell off, revealing a new and delicate skin.

Immediately, the second golden sword fell, piercing Xiao Zhi's Yuan Baby.

The golden sword penetrated the Yuan Infant and shattered the sea of qi, wanting to completely destroy Xiao Zhi's immortal cultivation foundation.

Xiao Zhi's Yuan Baby instantly lost its luster, and his qi was like a gossamer.

Suddenly, Yuan Ying opened his eyes, and an obscure chant came out of his mouth.

This sound does not belong to any language, no one can understand it.

Hearing this sound, the golden sword instantly dissolved, turning into a golden point of light, merging into Xiao Zhi's Yuan Baby, and the Yuan Baby bloomed with golden light again.

Now, there is only one golden sword left in the sky.

This is the last golden sword.

It is also the most crucial sword.

The golden sword fell, slashing at Xiao Zhi's soul, cutting off the bond between soul and body.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi suddenly regained consciousness.

He felt his body light, very light.

Looking around, Xiao Zhi found that his body was leaving the earth and floating towards the sky.

"What's wrong with this?" Xiao Zhi was still a little dazed.

He suddenly lowered his head and saw his body on the ground.

Moreover, he is now moving further and further away from his body.

"Am I out of my soul?" Xiao Zhizheng was puzzled, his soul had flown dozens of miles away, but his soul was still speeding up.

Out of the body, the soul travels thousands of miles, and thousands of mountains and rivers are in one thought.

Xiao Zhi flew over the Thousand Great Mountains, flew to the west of the Dark Abyss Continent, flew to the Star Evil Horn where the rat and mouse fell, and flew to the Four Xuanzong, where he used to be.

I don't know how far he flew, Xiao Zhi's soul had already crossed the Tianming Continent and came to the vast sea in the west of the Tianming Continent.

At the end of the horizon, a purple light is incomparably dazzling.

In the haze, Xiao Zhi seemed to see another unknown continent.

Just as Xiao Zhi was about to go further and find out, in the sea ahead, a column of water rose up into the sky.

Above the water column, stood a strange man five meters tall, covered with cyan scales, and holding a trident.

The man's body exuded a strong aura.

This breath is even more powerful than Mo Qingwu.

There is no doubt that this is a strong person who is out of the realm.

"This Terran Daoist, it seems that you have just entered the realm of out-of-body realm." The man spoke.

"yes." Xiao Zhi said.

"Look at your soul body, it is already so weak, if you go further, your soul will be completely lost and turned into a lonely soul and wild ghost." The man said.

After being reminded by the man, Xiao Zhi reacted instantly.

As the man said, Xiao Zhi's soul was already extremely weak, and his connection with his body was becoming more and more faint.

The wonderful feeling of wandering the soul made him get carried away, and he almost made a big mistake.

"Thank you for reminding me." Xiao Zhi was grateful and thanked the man.

"Oh, I just don't want to see a new star shine before it shines. Fortunately, you met me, and if you meet other Aquamen, with their hatred of the Terrans, they will never care about you. The man said.

"Haha, this is fate, you and I meet." Xiao Zhi snorted, he didn't want to owe favors, he could fool the past as much as possible.

Hearing this, the man laughed and said, "Since it is fate, then why don't we make a friend?" In the future, maybe there will be a care on the way to Ascension.

"Haha, just like that, my name is Xiao Zhi, and I am now in the Dark Abyss Continent." Xiao Zhi said.

"My name is Broken Wave, and I am the sea king of this sea." The man said.

After the two made friends and introduced each other, Xiao Zhi opened his mouth and asked, "Brother Broken Wave, where is the front?" How do I seem to see a continent?

"There is indeed a continent ahead, called the Wuji Continent. There are many strong people there, and they are extremely exclusive, and it is a forbidden place that our sea tribe does not dare to approach. Broken Wave said.

Hearing the four words of Wuji Continent, Xiao Zhi's eyes narrowed, and he remembered some legends about Wuji Continent.

Wuji Continent is the third continent besides the Tianming Continent and the Dark Abyss Continent.

Legend has it that the strength of the Wuji Continent far exceeds the sum of the Tianming Continent and the Dark Abyss Continent.

But they did not participate in the worldly struggle.

Because they have been suppressing the strange gods who are about to move.

Without their suppression, the monster gods would have broken through the seal and completely destroyed this world!

Of course, these are just legends, what the Wuji Continent looks like, Xiao Zhi does not know.

However, Xiao Zhi did have a magic weapon from the Wuji Continent.

Unreal Trail Map.

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