The sky was dark and the wind was blowing.

The coastal areas of the Tianming Continent were drowsy.

The icebergs released by Mo Qingwu that day still did not melt, like tombstones, towering between heaven and earth, seeing these icebergs, the anger in Xiao Zhi's heart burned even stronger.

Now, the four Venerables of the Righteous Path Alliance are trapped in the Star Evil Horn and fighting against the four Demon Venerables.

There were also four Venerable Beings who were rushing towards here, and Mo Qingwu was among them.

And Shen Yixi, who was the strongest of the two true demonic paths, did not move, still on the cliff, playing chess with Fang Qing, but Shen Yixi no longer had the previous concentration and seemed restless.

"Here they are." Luo Yuan raised his hand and pointed a finger, and he sensed the breath of the four Venerables far away.

Xiao Zhi immediately pulled out the magic knife, and without waiting for others to react, he rushed directly up.

"Mo Qingwu, take your life to !!" Xiao Zhi let out a heaven-shaking roar, and the cold light of the magic knife in his hand flickered, longing for the nourishment of blood.

Hearing Xiao Zhi's roar, Mo Qingwu was suddenly startled.

Is he still alive?

Didn't my Ice Calming Curse kill him?

Just when Mo Qingwu was surprised, Xiao Zhi had already flown over.

I saw Xiao Zhi holding a magic knife, and the demonic energy gushed, and the strong coercion belonging to the strong burst out.

"Huh? It's him! No, how did he become so strong! Mo Qingwu exclaimed.

"Take your life!" Xiao Zhi raised the magic knife and slashed at Mo Qingwu.

In an instant, the sword shone a thousand feet, as if it was about to tear everything apart.

"Hmph! Since you are still alive, then I will give you death! This time, I will kill you with my own hands and avenge my brother!" Mo Qingwu snorted coldly, and the icy aura swept a hundred miles, and within a radius of a hundred miles, everything froze.

At the moment when the sword light was cut down, Mo Qingwu raised his hand and waved, and an ice curtain appeared out of thin air, blocking Xiao Zhi's sword light.

Immediately, Mo Qingwu raised his hands and whispered the iceberg hell in his mouth.

As soon as this move was made, the surrounding terrain changed instantly, and icebergs rose one after another, turning this flat plain into an extremely cold place.

Now, this place has become the home of Mo Qingwu.

On the way to the Star Evil Horn, Yegongzi once introduced Mo Qingwu's means to Xiao Zhi and focused on the iceberg hell.

The move of Iceberg Hell is not lethal, its role is to change the terrain and create a combat environment that is not favorable to Moqing.

In the Iceberg Hell, Mo Qingwu's overall strength will increase by three percent, and the environment of the Iceberg Hell can also restrain other Spirit Root powerhouses and affect the enemy.

It can be said that iceberg hell is the stage where Mo Qing has no own.

In the two realms of true devil, except for Shen Yixi and Luo Yuan, no one can defeat Mo Qingwu in the environment of iceberg hell, not even Yegongzi.

However, Xiao Zhi is not worried about this.

Instead of affecting him, Iceberg Hell can also create a favorable fighting environment for him.

Because Xiao Zhi has the ability to cold and ice bloodline, in places with low temperatures, Xiao Zhi will also gain an improvement in strength.

This is the ability that Hualong fed back to Xiao Zhi, a seemingly inconspicuous ability, but able to restrain Mo Qingwu well.

The iceberg hell spreads for a hundred miles, and within a hundred miles, it is a polar scene.

Where the iceberg passed, millions of mortals suffered, and billions of lives were destroyed.

Just as the so-called immortals fight mortals, the battle between the strong, often the most painful are these mortals, because they do not know when they will lose their lives.

This is a world where the strong are honored, and the weak do not even have the power to live.

"Return my brother's life!" Mo Qingwu's black hair fluttered, and his voice was like a fierce ghost.

"Mo Qingwu, take your life!" Xiao Zhi was angry, and his voice was like thunder.

Xiao Zhi killed Mo Qingwu's favorite and only younger brother.

Mo Qingwu killed Xiao Zhi's favorite and the first divine beast he obtained.

The blood sea has a deep hatred, how can it be appeased!

Xiao Zhi was like a cannonball, rushing towards Mo Qingwu.

Mo Qingwu did the same, directly crashing into Xiao Zhi.

The two who were overwhelmed by hatred had no skill in attack.

At the moment, they have only one purpose.

That is to kill each other!

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Xiao Zhi brandished the magic knife madly, and his body did not make any defense, just like a madman.

"Give me !! death" Mo Qingwu used cold ice as a sword, and in an instant, he stabbed out a thousand swords.

Looking at the crazy two, the three Venerables were immediately dumbfounded.

"What's going on with them?"

"I don't know."

"Oh my God, are they all crazy?"

While these three Venerables were talking, Luo Yuan came here with the Demon Dao Demon Venerables.

In the blink of an eye, three Demon Venerables rushed up and fought with these three Venerables.

"Huh? What about God? Why didn't he come? Luo Yuan frowned, looked around, and found no trace of Shenyi.

"Is he afraid of me? Hmph, if you don't come, I'll go find you personally! Luo Yuan snorted lightly, controlled the white jade seat, and flew in the direction where the Shen'an Sect was.

At this moment, the top powerhouses of the two realms of True Demon have already started a full-scale war.

This is a battle that can change the fate of one force, this is a battle between the strong, and the weak are not eligible to participate.

Ye Gongzi stopped in the distance, watching the battle between Xiao Zhi and Mo Qingwu from afar.

Next to the night boy, there was a short man with a leper on his head.

He is the weakest Demon Venerable in the Demon Dao, named Huru Demon Venerable, because his strength is too weak, so he did not participate in this battle.

"Hey, if only I hadn't been injured, watching them fight, I also have itchy hands." Yegongzi said.

"Oh, Ye Gongzi, you don't have a chance if you want to fight, there are so many Venerables of the Righteous Path Alliance, and they have all been divided by them." The Demon Venerable said.

Ye Gongzi raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't have a chance, you don't have the strength, Xiao Ru, come and rub my shoulders." "

The Demon Venerable was jealous of the night prince, so he had to honestly go and rub the night prince's shoulders.

Ye Gongzi looked at Xiao Zhi, who was fighting Mo Qingwu, and said to himself: "Xiao Zhi, I believe in you, I will definitely be able to take revenge!"

After a fierce and chaotic exchange, Xiao Zhi and Mo Qing retreated in unison.

After the confrontation just now, Xiao Zhi already had a preliminary understanding of Mo Qingwu's strength.

Mo Qingwu's heart seemed to set off a huge wave at this time.

How did this kid suddenly become so strong that he actually had the power to compete with me!

This kid is so weird, you must kill him this time, you must not let him live!

Thinking of this, Mo Qingwu raised his hand and pulled up ten icebergs.

The iceberg shattered and turned into thousands of ice blades.

"Frost Thousand Blades!"

Mo Qingwu waved his hand, and thousands of ice blades attacked Xiao Zhi.

Immediately, Mo Qingwu used ice as a sword, cast the art of moth, and approached Xiao Zhi in an extremely strange posture.

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