"Hehe, I don't know if I will scare them when I suddenly go back this time." Xiao Zhi was hidden in the sky of the Four Xuanzong, talking to himself.

He quietly fell and saw Zhou Yan and the others gathered together.

After listening carefully, Xiao Zhi was immediately happy.

Hey, they're talking about me.

Listening to the discussion of Zhou Yan and others, Xiao Zhile's heart burst into flames.

Just when Zhou Yan and the others were talking about the excitement, Xiao Zhi suddenly appeared and stood behind Zhou Yan and the others.

Zhou Yan and the others did not notice Xiao Zhi's existence at all.

"Hehe, what are you talking about?" As soon as Xiao Zhi spoke, Zhou Yan and the others were immediately stunned, and their eyes brushed towards Xiao Zhi.

"Oh, don't look at me like that, I'll be shy." Xiao Zhi scratched his head and smiled, revealing his truest side.

"Xiao Zhi, it's really you!" Before the others could move, Luo Yiyan immediately got up, opened his arms, threw himself on Xiao Zhi, and hugged Xiao Zhi into his arms.

Feeling the squeeze of Luo Yiyan's embrace, Xiao Zhi suddenly blushed shyly.

This is the first time in more than a decade that he has been so close to the opposite sex.

"My apprentice, you can be considered back!" Wang Changqing's face was red with excitement, his words were incoherent, and his eyes were moist.

"Haha, just talking about you, you're back." Zhou Yan sat in place, his voice trembling a little, and it was difficult to hide his excitement.

"Xiao Zhi is back, haha, good, good!" Li Xun stood up excitedly, not knowing what to do.

"Just come back, just come back." Zhao Zhengyao kept repeating this sentence.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi felt the warmth of home.

No matter how strong he became and how far he went, the Four Xuanzong would always be his home.

I don't know when, the corners of my eyes are moist.

Xiao Zhi secretly wiped the corners of his eyes and said to Mo Qingwu: "Oh, I'm almost out of breath."

Luo Yiyan let go of Xiao Zhi and said to Xiao Zhi: "It's been so long to come back, my sister wants to kill you." Hearing

this, Wang Changqing hurriedly said: "Senior uncle, don't don't be different, this life can't be chaotic, you are my senior uncle, Xiao Zhi is my apprentice, you let him call you sister, what a system this can be."

"Hmph, I'd love to, can you handle it?" Luo Yiyan pinched her waist with both hands, looking arrogant.

Immediately, she put her arm around Xiao Zhi again and said, "Call sister, call sister and I'll let go of you."

Being so close, Xiao Zhi was afraid that he would have a bad reaction, and hurriedly said: "Sister, sister, let go of me." Luo

Yiyan just gave up.

Zhou Yan finally got up and said, "Take out the spirit wine spirit fruit stored in the treasure house and let us drink it freely!" "Good

!" Zhao Zhengyao and the others echoed.

Next, the entire Four Xuanzong was busy.

The disciples of the Four Xuan Sect hurriedly arranged the venue, prepared the banquet, and were busy with their hands.

All this is to welcome Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi, Zhou Yan and others sat together, telling their recent experiences.

They were Xiao Zhi's elders, and in front of them, Xiao Zhi had nothing to hide and told all the things he had experienced.

Everything Xiao Zhi has experienced is amazing.

Zhou Yan and the others were shocked to hear it.

Especially when she heard that she was almost killed by Mo Qingwu, Luo Yiyan even cried with distress.

By the time the feast was over, it was already the evening of the next day.

Zhou Yan narrowed his smile, his face solemn, and said to Xiao Zhi: "Xiao Zhi, I have a very important thing for you, this thing is related to the secret of the Ascension Spirit Realm. Hearing

the Ascension Spirit Realm, Xiao Zhi suddenly came to the spirit.

The spirit world, the upper world of the mortal realm.

Legend has it that a long, long time ago, immortal cultivators in the mortal realm were able to soar to the spirit realm once they cultivated to the out-of-body realm.

But I don't know what happened, and suddenly one day, the entrance to the spirit realm was closed, and the immortal cultivators of the mortal realm could no longer ascend.

There were also some strong people who wanted to resist the blockade of the spirit world, which eventually triggered the great war more than 10,000 years ago.

That great battle buried countless strong people in the mortal realm, but it ended in defeat, leaving only an ancient battlefield hidden underground.

The four ancestors of the Four Xuan Sect found a different way and decided to find other ways to enter the spirit world by smuggling.

In the end, they succeeded, disappearing at the same time 7,600 years ago and smuggling into the spirit world.

They kept the experience of smuggling into the spirit world for future generations.

However, since then, the Four Xuanzong have never had a strong person in the realm of out of the body, and Xiao Zhi is the first person to reach the realm of out of the body in 7,600 years.

Zhou Yan took Xiao Zhi to the ancestral worship hall of Tianqi Mountain, bowed in front of the four statues, and then lifted the floor, revealing a dark passage.

Follow the passage all the way down to a stone gate.

The stone door is carved with a precise formation.

Zhou Yan stood in front of the stone gate, carefully cracking the formation on the stone gate, not daring to make the slightest mistake.

This formation is extremely mysterious, it can only be cracked through specific steps, and once there is a slight difference, this formation will be completely destroyed with the things stored inside.

The steps to crack this formation were only known to Zhou Yan, and they were taught to him by his master himself before he died.

After a long while, Zhou Yan finally cracked the formation.

And he was already sweating.

The formation was cracked, the stone door slowly opened, and an abnormal decaying aura permeated.

Zhou Yan held his breath and took Xiao Zhi into the secret room behind the stone door.

In the very center of the secret room, there is a stone platform, on which a rectangular jade tablet is stored.

Jade Jian has no words, and the content is all in Jade Jane.

Zhou Yan picked up the jade Jane and handed it to Xiao Zhi, saying, "This is the secret of the ancestor's ascension, now I give it to you, I hope you can fly to the spirit world and go further."

Xiao Zhi took the jade Jian and did not check it immediately, he put the jade Jian away and said, "I will definitely do it."

"That's good." Zhou Yan smiled gratifyingly.

"Let's go out first, it's too stuffy here." Xiao Zhi said.

"Won't you open it and take a look?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Don't worry now, I still have a lot of things to do, I'm afraid I open it now, I can't bear it, or wait until the right time, and then open it." Xiao Zhi said.

"In this way, ascension is a very dangerous thing and requires a lot of preparation." Zhou Yan said.

Xiao Zhi smiled, and while walking out, he said: "What forces have bullied our Four Xuanzong over the years?"

"Since the ascension of the ancestors, the strength of the Four Xuanzong has repeatedly declined, and it has been among the weak for many years, and in this immortal cultivation world, it will naturally be bullied. But that's all in the past, there is no need to be too careful, after all, when our sect was strong, we also bullied other sects. Zhou Yan said.

"What about the Chiyun Sect?" Xiao Zhi said.

"The Chiyun Sect only has Tao Qinglin left, and it won't be a climate, and you are optimistic, it won't be long before the Chiyun Sect itself will perish." Zhou Yan said.

"Okay, okay." Xiao Zhi answered casually.

Zhou Yan suddenly changed his tone and said, "However, there is one thing you need to do. "

What's going on?" Xiao Zhi suddenly became interested.

"Five thousand years ago, Tianyi Pavilion invaded our Four Xuan Sect and stole the magic weapon left by the four ancestors. If you have time, go to Tianyi Pavilion and let the magic weapon left by the ancestor return to the Four Xuanzong. Zhou Yan said.

"Tianyi Pavilion, hehe, it just so happens that I have some contradictions with them." Xiao Zhi grinned, clenched his fists, and prepared to find Tianyi Pavilion to settle the account.

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