After Xiao Zhi watched the animal world for three and a half hours, Ben Lei was finally tired enough to collapse and returned to the divine beast space.

"What a special cow wall! I should really name you Ma Niu Bi. Xiao Zhi muttered twice, got up and continued to fly.

Benlei has not been cultivated, and he has no combat ability for the time being, and the wild land is dangerous, and it can only be a burden to release it, so Xiao Zhi still took Benlei into the space of the divine beast, and when the trip to the secret treasure of the greedy wolf was over, he released Benlei for key training.

An A-quality battle-type divine beast, Xiao Zhi was looking forward to its performance.

Crossing the boundless grassland and crossing the mountains, Xiao Zhi finally came to the northwest direction of the Tianming Continent.

Ahead lies the legendary wilderness.

As far as the eye can see, it is deserted, without a trace of life.

The red earth was like blood stained, and the earth was covered with countless ravines, like scars left by the earth.

The dull sky reflects the barren earth, the dry orangutan wind blows the weathered gravel, and there is a dead silence on the earth, not to mention the traces of animals, not even a single weed can grow.

At a glance, this scene is everywhere you can see.

And behind Xiao Zhi is a normal landscape.

A dividing line runs from northwest to southeast, separating the wilderness from the normal world.

Walking into the barbaric land, Xiao Zhi could clearly feel the thinness of the aura, and it could even be said that there was no flow of aura.

As the legend goes, this is really a forbidden area for life.

"Let me see where the secret treasure of the greedy wolf is hidden." Xiao Zhi picked up the topographic map and compared it.

Fly slowly while comparing.

Unconsciously, Xiao Zhi had gone a hundred miles deep into the barbaric land.

Just when Xiao Zhi had an eyebrow and just put away the topographic map, an extremely dangerous aura hung over Xiao Zhi's head.

This breath made Xiao Zhidu feel dangerous!

Xiao Zhi frowned, and said to himself: "It seems that as the legend says, there is a dangerous guy in this place."

As soon as the words fell, the earth below him suddenly trembled.

Boom, boom, a muffled sound came from afar.

That dangerous aura is also getting stronger and stronger.

In this breath, Xiao Zhi sensed hatred and unwillingness.

At the same time, a choking smell of blood also came.

Xiao Zhi released his divine sense, wanting to see what kind of guy had such a powerful aura.

Divine consciousness is released, covering a hundred miles.

Under the probing of divine sense, Xiao Zhi saw a strange guy.

This guy is no more than one meter seven, his skin is pale, and the clothes on his body have long decayed.

The weirdest thing is that this guy doesn't even have a head!

He had a smooth incision in his neck, from which the head was cut off.

The incision was still fresh, and as the guy ran, blood could be seen spurting out of the incision.

It's just that this blood is extremely turbid, and it is no longer blood red, but the reddish-yellow color that has been purulent.

That terrifying breath and fishy smell came from him.

He was running, running in Xiao Zhi's direction.

"It's not a good comer." Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and did not flinch.

In the Nine Holes Burial Demon Cave, Xiao Zhi had already seen creatures like corpses, and he was already immune to this strange guy.

"Hmph, get a little closer, let me see what the hell you are!" Xiao Zhi took out the magic knife to extinguish the void, and had already entered a combat state.

In less than a moment, this guy without a head entered Xiao Zhi's line of sight.

Xiao Zhi activated the pupil of identification, wanting to see what this thing was!

The pupil of identification is worthy of being the most useful ability, and at the first glance, Xiao Zhi knows the details of this guy.

Resentful corpse, a powerful immortal cultivator who is controlled by a vicious spell after death, turns into a resentful corpse, and will never live. The body of this grudge corpse is the White Scale Clan, one of the ten thousand races in the spirit world, and has the realm of the middle stage of merging before his death. Resentful corpses are difficult to kill, and they need to be surrendered by means of yang to rigidity.

After getting this information, Xiao Zhi's brows furrowed even tighter.


Vicious secret method?

Ten thousand races in the spirit world?

Fit realm?

Strange, so strange.

He is a spirit race and has a combined realm, why did he appear in this world? Who killed him? And who used the vicious secret method?

Without having time to think about it, the grumbling corpse had already rushed over.

"Hmph, even if you die, I can kill you!" Xiao Zhi snorted coldly, and immediately swung out a knife, and a thousand-meter sword light went straight to the grumbling corpse.

The grumbling corpse did not dodge, and the trachea at the cut of the broken neck opened and closed, and it actually roared like thunder.

The grumbling corpse raised its left hand and crushed the sword light with the power of the flesh.

"Kind of interesting." Xiao Zhi swept his knife into the air, and Xiao Xuan cut out a hundred knives in an instant.

In an instant, hundreds of sword lights appeared, like a violent storm, hitting the corpse.

The body of the grumbling corpse burst with white light, and silvery-white scales grew on its body.

These scales are indestructible, and the light of the knife can only make a clanging sound when it falls on the scales, and it is completely incapable of damage.

At this moment, it was Xiao Zhi's turn to be surprised.

"It is worthy of being a race in the spirit world, just the dead body is already so powerful, how strong should it be if it is alive?" Xiao Zhi said, opened his mouth, and spewed out a mouthful of cold ice.

The cold ice spat out, and a hundred miles away instantly entered the cold winter.

The earth is frozen, the clouds freeze, and countless ice slags fall from the sky.

Under the attack of the cold breath, the speed of the grumbling corpse slowed down a little, but it quickly returned to normal.

"Is this trick also useless to you? Hum! Xiao Zhi had black wings on his back, holding a knife in one hand, and approached the resentful corpse with a swooping momentum.

The moment he approached the resentful corpse, the fishy smell made Xiao Zhidu almost faint.

Fighting with such monsters is a very dangerous thing.

But only in this way can the Magic Knife Exterminate Void exert its true power.

The magic knife is sharp and slashes at the grudge corpse.

The silver-white scales were extremely hard, and a knife fell, cutting out only a white print.

The grumbling corpse waved its claws and grabbed it towards Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi walked deftly, saw the timing, and slashed again at the place where he had just chopped.

Xiao Zhi's body is flexible, and the grumbling corpse can't hurt him at all.

The defense of the resentful corpse is amazing, and Xiao Zhi can't hurt the resentful corpse.

For a while, the scene was at an impasse.

Just between Xiao Zhi and the grievance corpse, in the depths of the barbaric land, in a huge cave full of formations, there was a bird's nest stacked with treasures.

In the nest lies a pure little loli with wings and sleeping.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and looked in the direction of Xiao Zhi's battle.

"There's a lot to see, yes." Little Lori suddenly lowered her voice and looked to the side.

Outside the nest where she was lying, a middle-aged man with also wings was closing his eyes, without any breath in his body, like a lifeless sculpture.

"Hehe, while he's not awake, I'll sneak out to play." Little Lori tiptoed, like a thief, and left the nest and left the cave.

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