These two look exactly the same, there is no difference, and their appearance is far from the human form, which is very strange.

Their bodies are made of a translucent gel that flashes with a slight blue light, and when the breeze blows, their bodies twist like ripples, as if there are no bones.

These two are both sea king level powerhouses, respectively the water mayfly sea king and the water fly sea king, the two are twin brothers, from the water mayfly family in the sea tribe.

The Water Fly Sea King smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the Dragon Ball actually let us run into it."

"Hahahaha, destiny is destined, it seems that you and my brothers are about to become dragons." The Aqua Sea King said.

"That guy from Ebony is the closest to the Tianming Continent, but he was stopped by the strong man of the Terran race, it seems that God wants us to get the Dragon Ball." The water mayfly sea king said.

"And a dragon, interesting, really interesting." The Aquatic Sea King set his sights on the dragon.

"I take the dragon balls, you catch the dragon." The water mayfly sea king said.

"That's exactly what I mean." The aquatic sea king said, opened his mouth, and spat out a mouthful of mucus.

This slime falls from the sky like a waterfall, which is the usual method of the sea king, and its stickiness is so large that it cannot break free as long as it is stained with half a point.

Moreover, this mucus is extremely tough, and ordinary means are simply difficult to deal with.

Hualong felt the malice from behind, and after it dodged Niu Chi's Long Yan, it immediately turned the ice prism and blocked it in front of it.

The slime falls on top of the prism, which turns, trying to fold the mucus back.

But this mucus is too sticky, and the reflection function of the prism cannot be exerted at all.

Seeing that the prism was useless, Hualong hurriedly spit out a mouthful of cold ice dragon breath and temporarily froze the mucus.

The dragon let out an unwilling dragon groan.

It glanced at the dragon balls above Niu Chi's head, and its eyes were full of reluctance.

Although Dragon Ball is important, at the moment the Dragon Ball has to give up.

The Dragon is not a tooth knife, and it has not yet been able to match the strength of the top powerhouses.

Moreover, its means are mostly auxiliary in nature, and it is very disadvantageous to fight alone.

Hualong knew that he was not the opponent of the Aquatic Sea King, so he had no choice but to escape.

"Hmph, if you want to escape, it's not so easy." The Aquatic Sea King chased after him, not intending to let the dragon go at all.

Seeing that the Hualong and the Water Fly Sea King left one after another, the Water Fly Sea King sneered and looked at Niu Chi.

"The Dragon Ball actually reached the hands of your Terrans, what a violent thing, bring it to me!" The Water Fly Sea King flicked his hand, and his arm turned into a transparent tentacle and threw it directly towards Niu Chi.

"I am the strongest!" Niu Chi roared hysterically, the dragon ball above his head shone even more, a steady stream of power was injected into Niu Chi's body, and Niu Chi's aura became stronger.

"Oops, Dragon Ball is actually helping him!" The Aquaman Sea King was taken aback.

"I am the strongest, I will kill all of you, all of you must die!" Niu Chi opened his arms, and Long Yan soared into the sky, forming a thousand-meter-high pillar of fire.

Niu Chi was in the pillar of fire, with Long Yan's protective body, and before the transparent tentacles of the Water Fly Sea King approached, they were scorched by Long Yan's heat wave.

"It's really troublesome." The Aquaman Sea King got serious.

Dragon Yan released, the pillar of fire soared into the sky, and this breath from the Dragon Ball spread throughout the Tianming Continent.

The strong people who were fighting all sensed this breath.

"Dragon Ball!" Ebony Sea King was shocked, thinking that someone had obtained the Dragon Ball.

Seeing that the Ebony Sea King was in a trance, the night prince took the opportunity to attack and severely damaged the Ebony Sea King.

"This strange breath, could it be Dragon Ball!" Shinichi also sensed the breath of the dragon ball, and was about to fly over, but was stopped by a sea king holding three prongs and a green-skinned grimace.

"The Dragon Ball belongs to our Sea Clan, and the Terrans want to get it." This sea king stopped in front of Shen Yi, and when Shen Yi saw the person coming, his face immediately changed drastically.

"Yasha Aquaman!! You're still alive! There was fear in Shen Yi's eyes.

In the northeast corner of the Tianming Continent, Lei Yunzi, who had been defeated by Xiao Zhi with an illusory tracking map, was talking to several sea kings.

"I am willing to help you defeat the Terran powerhouses, help you get the Dragon Balls, and even allow you to conquer the land!" Lei Yunzi said.

"Oh? You help us? How can it be? Hmph, Terrans, what intrigue do you want to play. One Aquaman questioned.

"The Terrans have deceived me too much, don't call me a Terran. I can help you, but there is one condition. Lei Yunzi's face was full of grief and indignation, his fists were clenched, his teeth were clenched, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Several sea kings glanced at each other, and they saw Lei Yunzi's hatred, not like they were pretending.

"Then tell me, what are your conditions?" A Aquaman asked.

"Help me kill someone!" Lei Yunzi gritted his teeth.

"Who?" Aquaman asked.

"Revenge Demon Venerable, Xiao Zhi!" When Xiao Zhi's name was spoken, Lei Yunzi directly crushed his white teeth due to excessive force.

It can be seen how much he hates Xiao Zhi.

"Okay, so how are you going to help us?" Aquaman asked.

"I will use my identity to confuse the Terran powerhouses and let you break them one by one!" Lei Yunzi said.

When several sea kings heard this, they laughed, and then asked rhetorically: "Are you not afraid that we will kill them?" And then your Terrans have no one to match, and land becomes the trophies of our Sea Clan? Hundreds of millions of people became slaves of the Sea Clan.

"That's best." Lei Yunzi was indignant.

"Hahahaha, then it depends on your performance, as long as you can satisfy us, we will help you kill that guy named Xiao Zhi." Several sea kings looked at Lei Yunzi like fools, but Lei Yunzi was completely unaware and had been carried away by hatred.

"Damn Xiao Zhi, you're dead!" Lei Yunzi's face was fierce, his broken teeth cut his mouth, and bright red blood oozed from his mouth.

"A-snee, a-sneeze..." Xiao Zhi sneezed several times in a row.

"It's so weird today, who the hell is nagging me behind my back." Xiao Zhi rubbed his nose with his fingers.

At this time, he did not know what happened on the Tianming Continent, and he was now using the resources he carried to cultivate Ben Lei.

Under the accumulation of massive resources, Benlei's cultivation level was like a rocket under the butt, and it was raised from level one to level ten in the blink of an eye, and also fed back to Xiao Zhi several new abilities.

However, these abilities are not of much use to Xiao Zhi, and if you want to obtain useful abilities, you must at least raise Benlei's cultivation level to level twenty.

"Upgrade quickly, ponies." Xiao Zhi stroked the horse's head of Benlei, and his own realm was also improved.

This time, Xiao Zhi's realm was directly promoted from the early stage of coming out to the middle stage of coming out, and Xiao Zhi attributed all this to Ben Lei, but did not know that these were the credit of the tooth knife.

The flesh of the Sea King of the Sea Clan contains infinite power and is a great supplement, and the tooth knife directly increased its cultivation level from level 30 to level 33 after eating the large shrimp kernel of the Sea King.

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