Time is like a silent stream, flowing away before you know it.

Xiao Zhi stayed in the Four Xuanzong for a month.

This is his last nostalgia for this world.

The sky of this world is too small for him to spread his wings.

Only the higher spiritual realm was his true destination.

A month later, Xiao Zhi finally took out the jade Jane left by the ancestors of the Four Xuanzong Sect.

This piece of jade is rectangular in shape, one foot long and four inches wide, snow-white throughout, and is made of Lingshu jade that can burn information.

Lingshu jade is very special, similar in appearance to spirit stone, but its function is very different.

The spiritual energy in the spirit stone can be directly mobilized, or absorbed by immortal cultivators, or used to urge various magic artifacts.

However, the spiritual energy in the spirit book jade could not be absorbed, nor could it be transferred normally, even if it was forcibly absorbed, it could not be used.

The aura attribute within Lingshu Jade is too special.

Although it cannot be transferred normally, it can record some information in it according to the arrangement of numbers, and the aura in the Spirit Book Jade will record the information according to the arrangement of numbers and never dissipate.

The method of recording Lingshuyu, according to the most basic gossip method, if it is more popular, is octal programming.

The ancestors of the Four Xuanzong recorded the method of smuggling into the spirit world in the jade Jian.

And Xiao Zhi was the first person in the history of the Four Xuanzong to open the Jade Jane.

He is also the only one who is qualified to open the Jade Jane.

The way to read Jade Jane is very simple, that is, to inject spiritual power into it and read through divine awareness.

Inject spiritual power, close your eyes and concentrate, and sense carefully.

Soon, Xiao Zhi entered a state of concentration.

The contents of the jade Jian were all transmitted to Xiao Zhi's mind.

I, Kun Yuanzi, practiced at the age of three, refined qi at the age of five, built the foundation at the age of ten, and cultivated to the realm of out-of-body at the age of only 100.

With my qualifications, I should have soared into the spirit realm in the Yuan Infant realm.

It is hateful that the sky has no eyes, and a great war four thousand years ago completely cut off the path of ascension of cultivators in this realm.

How many heroes and heroes of the sky have to die depressed, looking at the sky and sighing, unable to soar in their lives, they can only turn into mud and decay in the world.

But I was not willing, and after thousands of years of study, I and the three Daoists of Fengqing Sword Saint, Heyan Shitai, and Red Dragon Tongzi finally found a way to smuggle into the spirit world.

The damage to the heavens, called the Marks of Heaven, is the mutilation left by the separation of this world from the spirit world.

As long as you find the Trace of Heaven, you can enter the spirit world through the Trace of Heaven.

It is very difficult to find the Celestial Mark, which is invisible and elusive, and it can appear anywhere.

Together with three Daoist friends, after thousands of years of research, I found the easiest way to find the Traces of Heaven.

Ru and other descendants, if you reach the realm of out-of-body, you can go to find the Traces of Heaven, and we are waiting for you in the spirit world.

Here's how to find the Traces of the Sky.

The traces of the sky, the lack of the earth, the damage of the heavens, wandering the world, invisible and invisible, difficult to capture.

If you want to find the traces of the sky, you need to find the extremely dark star in the sky at the cloudy time of the cloudy year, the moon and the cloudy day, and the place where the extremely dark star casts the light is the trace of the sky, the light dissipates quickly, it will flash one after another, you must grasp the timing.

After finding the Trace of Heaven, bombarding it with spells can cause a crack in the Trace of Heaven, enter the rift, and successfully sneak into the spirit world.

Extremely dark stars are also difficult to find, and it takes a long time to observe the stars and find the laws of the stars.

Yu Jiannei recorded these contents, and Xiao Zhi was confused.

Traces of Heaven?

When the cloudy year is cloudy, the moon is cloudy?

Extremely Dimming Star?

What kind of broken things are these, I don't understand.

Xiao Zhi rubbed his eyebrows, and he had no clue in his heart.

"How? Are the methods of the ancestors reliable? Zhou Yan and the others had been waiting for a long time on the sidelines.

"It's better not to look at it, or you can take a look." Xiao Zhi handed the jade Jian to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, no, we are not qualified enough, and we cannot violate the rules set by our ancestors.

"Look, it's okay, I don't understand the things inside, you may be able to know something after reading it, so it can be considered a help to me." Xiao Zhi said.

After some shirking, Zhou Yan and they couldn't resist Xiao Zhi after all, picked up the jade Jane, and looked at it.

They took turns to finish watching the jade Jian, and they were all silent.

After a long silence, Li Xun took the lead in speaking.

"It is easy to understand that ugly, 卯, 巳, 未, unitary, and hai are the six yin branches. B, D, Hex, Xin, and Dec are five yin stems. The combination of the yin and yin stems is the year of the yin, and this year is the year of the lunar year, which is the year of the lunar. And this month is July, also known as the Jianwu Moon, which is a lunar month. A lunar day is an odd-numbered number of days in each month, such as twenty-one. The yin time is the single time of the day, such as the yin time. Li Xun said.

Xiao Zhimao suddenly opened his mouth and finally understood the meaning of the cloudy year and the cloudy moon.

"But we only know that this is useless, we have to find the extremely dark star, I have lived for so long, and I have also been involved in the stars, and I don't know what the extremely dark star is." Zhao Zhengyao said.

Zhou Yan was silent on the side, and just when everyone was distressed, he finally spoke.

"It would be nice if he could find Fang Qingyi, he knows everything, and these problems are not a problem for him at all." Zhou Yan said.

"Who is Fang Qingyi?" Xiao Zhi had never heard of this person's name.

"Fang Qingyi is the smartest person under the sun, he can deduce everything, he knows everything in the world, and his deduction art can deduce the future and determine a person's destiny. In addition, he is also the most powerful astrologer in this world, and legend has it that he can remember the name of every star, even those that others cannot see. Li Xun hurriedly answered, for fear of being told by others.

"Where is he?" Xiao Zhi was interested.

"I don't know, this person has always been mysterious, there is no trace, no one knows where he is." Zhao Zhengyao said.

"That's going to be difficult, hey." Xiao Zhi sighed helplessly.

Zhou Yan stroked his beard and said, "When I was young, I saw him, he is good friends with the God One of the Righteous Path Alliance, Xiao Zhi, if you really want to find Fang Qingyi, try to find the God One Underworld, maybe he knows where Fang Qingyi is."

"God, hey, that's going to be done." Xiao Zhi smiled.

He got up from his chair and said, "I'm going to find God." With

that, Xiao Zhi got up and flew to the Shen'an Sect where Shen Yi was located.

In the Shen'an Sect, the god operator Fang Qingyi was still eating and drinking here in Shenyi, and he had been staying here for several months.

At this time, Fang Qingyi was reading a novel with Shenyi.

Immortal cultivators have too long lifespans, especially the strong, at least they have thousands of years of life.

Ordinarily, apart from practicing and fighting, they have nothing to do at all.

The only entertainment is playing chess and reading novels.

Most of these novels are written by some low-level immortal cultivators, who have no talent to cultivate, nor do they have the means to refine alchemy, they can only use their imagination and earn cultivation capital by writing something.

Although the writing is not great, these top powerhouses are good at this mouthful.

Their life is too boring, their practice has reached a bottleneck, and they naturally have to have some hobbies.

Those low-level immortal cultivators with big brains, those strange ideas in their heads can always bring some fresh stimulation to these top powerhouses.

As long as this group of strong people is enjoyable and happy to watch, giving a small gift casually is enough for these low-level immortal cultivators to eat for a lifetime.

Shen Yixi and Fang Qingyi looked at it attentively.

"Starship battleships, biological mecha, energy civilization, heh, this group of imaginations for writing novels is really rich, interesting, interesting." God sighed again and again.

"This little devil named Simon rotten man writes well, you will send someone to give him some gifts later." Fang Qingyi said.

"Haha, that's of course, I've seen this kid, he looks very handsome." Shen Yi laughed.

At this moment, Fang Qingyi smiled slightly and said, "A distinguished guest is here." "

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