At this time, the black wrist was like a prisoner who had been tortured by skinning.

Under the attack of the thunder punishment, his skin was all peeled off, and there was not an inch of skin on his body, all drenched in flesh and blood.

The bright red flesh dripped with blood, and through the flesh and blood, the bones and internal organs of the black wrist could be seen.

He roared and roared, desperately rushing towards Xiao Zhi.

After receiving a thunder punishment, he already understood that in terms of spells, he was not Xiao Zhi's opponent at all.

If he wanted to defeat Xiao Zhi, he could only get close to Xiao Zhi and attack Xiao Zhi with his strong physical skills, so that Xiao Zhi could not release the spell.

However, he was naïve.

Xiao Zhi, who possessed the Chengying Sword, was not afraid of hand-to-hand combat at all.

As long as he dared to get close, Xiao Zhi could let him die under the sword.

The black wrist is already the end of the strong crossbow, and it is no longer a threat to Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi looked at the black wrist that rushed over, sneered and put away the Chengying sword, and then opened his claws, his body slightly lowered, like a wild wolf waiting for an opportunity to attack.

The moment the black wrist approached, Xiao Zhi let out a wolf howl in his mouth, and swung his claws towards the black wrist to kill.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was still in a werewolf state.

He once again used the Wolf Tooth Wind Fist, which he had not used for a long time, and used the simplest physical technique to grapple with the black wrist in close combat.

If Xiao Zhi wanted to, he could just kill the black wrist with a single sword.

But he did not choose to use the Chengying Sword.

The black wrist is no longer a threat, and Xiao Zhi also wants to move his muscles and play with him.

Since becoming stronger, Xiao Zhi's battles have almost all been fought by spells, or by magic weapons, and he has not experienced this kind of fist-to-flesh combat pleasure for a long time.

Although the Wolf Tooth Wind Fist is a low-level spell, in Xiao Zhi's hands today, its power is not inferior to any fourth-order spell.

This is the horror of the strong.

Any low-level spell in the hands of a strong person can turn decay into magic, bursting out with terrifying power.

Of course, this low-level spell is limited to abusive vegetables.

After a fierce hand-to-hand fight, Xiao Zhi's body was covered with scars.

And the overlord of the Black Wrist, the lightless land, has already laid on the ground on all fours, and has no ability to fight.

Xiao Zhi walked slowly to the black wrist, took out the Chengying sword again, pointed the blade at the black wrist lying on the ground, and said, "This is a seventh-order magic weapon, and if you can die under this magic weapon, you can also be considered dead." The

black wrist's eyes had been burst, and he lay on the ground, looked at Xiao Zhi with empty eyes, and said, "And slowly."

"Are you asking for mercy?" Xiao Zhi said.

"Huh, beg for mercy? How can it be! There is no word for mercy in my life. Black Wrist said.

Xiao Zhi did not respond, quietly looking at the black wrist.

Black Fist grinned and said with a smile: "What a hearty battle, I am worth it to meet a strong enemy like you in this life!"

"I am also honored to fight you, but I will not let you go out of respect for the enemy." Xiao Zhi said.

"Hahahaha, I know. But before you kill me, I still have something to say to you, I will tell you the way to leave the land of light, as a reward for your victory over me. Black Wrist said.

"You say, I listen, and whether I believe it or not is my own business." Xiao Zhi said.

"The lightless land is the gap between multiple planes, it is a buffer between multiple planes, and the lightless land we are in now connects nine planes, and I come from the comic plane of these nine planes. Speaking of which, my arrival in the Land of Lightless was also an accident, in the Funny Plane, I was chased and killed by a guy who was good at using blue and silver entanglements, by chance..."

The black wrist chattered, and Xiao Zhi frowned tightly.

When Black Wrist was almost verbose, Black Wrist finally said a way to leave the Lightless Land.

"I came to the Land of No Light nine thousand years ago, and when I came to the Land of No Light, the Land of No Light was empty. I thought I was the first to arrive, but when I explored the Lightless Land, I realized how naïve I was. Before me, there were countless people who came in and out of the Lightless Land, and they were able to use the Lightless Land as if it were their own back garden. Do you want to know how they get in and out at will? "

The black wrist died to the end and deliberately sold it, so angry that Xiao Zhi almost wanted to kill him with a sword.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi did not respond, Hei Fang also knew that this was boring himself, so he got down to business.

"The reason why they were able to enter and exit the Lightless Land at will was because there was a magical formation in the Lightless Land, and those people were all leaving the Lightless Land through the formation. The person who established this formation was not an ordinary person, he called himself Running Path Immortal Venerable, named Han Li, and left a stone tablet that clearly recorded the words he left behind and the method of urging the formation. Black Wrist said.

"Running Immortal Venerable... This name... Xiao Zhi was speechless for a while.

"It's weird, but that's his name." Black wrist looked serious.

Xiao Zhi still didn't believe it, he looked at the black wrist indifferently and said, "Since you found the stone tablet, then why don't you leave?" You've become so strong here, it should be easy to fight that guy who can get blue and silver. Hearing

this, Black Wrist lowered his head and sighed.

"Hey, don't mention it, it's tears when you say too much. I was very weak before, so weak that a random immortal cultivator could defeat me, otherwise I would not have been forced to this point by being entangled in blue silver. Don't look at me so strong now, once I leave the lightless land, I will lose the power of shadows, and then I won't talk about preserving my strength, and whether I can live or not is a problem. For this reason, I stayed in the Land of No Light and did not leave. Black Wrist said.

"Where is that formation?" Xiao Zhi asked.

"You go southeast, there is a black castle, and the formation is just below the castle. I hid it so I wouldn't let anyone know. Blackwrist replied.

"You're bad." Xiao Zhi's wrist was gently pressed down, ready to kill the black wrist.

"Even if I don't hide the formation, ordinary people can't leave the lightless place. Because the Urging Formation requires a very important thing, this thing is in the most dangerous dark area of the Lightless Land. Black Wrist said.

"What?" Xiao Zhi asked.

"There are powerful dark beasts in the Dark Zone who possess fearsome powers and never leave the Dark Zone. I have challenged them many times, each time I have failed, with my strength I can't defeat them, do you think others still have a chance? Hum. Black Wrist said.

"How powerful a dark beast?" Xiao Zhi was interested and kept asking.

Black Wrist shook his head without making a sound.

After a while, the black wrist spoke: "You find the formation, everything is recorded on the stone tablet, and when you see the stone stele, you will understand everything." I already said that I am tired, hurry up and give me a pain.

"As you wish." Xiao Zhi slowly raised the Chengying Sword.

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