"Tell us what you think, I'll listen here." Xiao Zhi put his elbows on the table, holding his palms on his cheeks, looking listless.

"This war is very necessary, and we must start a war to solve the current problems of our sect." Kun Yuanzi spoke first.

Kun Yuanzi was once also a heroic figure and naturally loved to fight.

Zhou Yan nodded slightly and said, "The ancestor is right, this war is very necessary.

"Then fight, you can fight wherever you want, and I won't stop you." Xiao Zhi said.

With Xiao Zhi's words, Kun Yuanzi, a belligerent who finally showed a smile.

"Yes, master, leave this matter to us." Kun Yuanzi said.

Now, the seniority within the Four Xuan Sect is very strange.

Xiao Zhi had to be called Master Wang Changqing, and Zhou Yan and the others were a generation older than Wang Changqing, but they had to be called Kun Yuanzi and others the ancestor, and Kun Yuanzi and others had to be called Master Xiao Zhi...

This life is really strange.

"You can fight, but you can't move in three places. The first is the Shen'an Sect where Shen Yi is located, and I have promised him not to infringe on Shen'an Sect. The second is the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable and his forces, the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable is my good friend, if you dare to provoke him, don't blame me for being unkind. The third is the Night Prince, who is my lifesaver and my best friend, and you must not provoke him and his forces. Except for these three, you can fight wherever you want, I absolutely don't care. Xiao Zhi said.

"Yes." The crowd answered.

"There is another person, his name is Huru Demon Venerable, this guy is quite interesting, don't bully him." Xiao Zhi said.

Xiao Zhi said and stood up from his seat.

"You can do these things yourself, I have some other things, so I won't care about you." Xiao Zhi walked out of the council hall, and immediately flew out of the Four Xuanzong.

After Xiao Zhi left, the hall became lively again.

Dozens of top powerhouses began to make war plans.

They wanted to take the entire southern region of the Tianming Continent, and at the same time invade the Dark Abyss Continent, taking one-fifth of the territory of the Dark Abyss Continent.

The ambition of the Four Xuanzong is not too big.

This is also in common sense.

War will always be the mainstream in the world of immortal cultivation.

The weak want to pursue peace, and only those who are strong enough yearn for war.

Xiao Zhi did not stop this.

He didn't bother to care about this kind of thing at all, he was not interested in power at all.

Nor is he the so-called Virgin, nor does he have the compassion for the sake of the world.

Now, Xiao Zhi had a place he really wanted to go, that is, the ruins above the sky that he accidentally saw when he was looking for the Traces of Heaven.

Just as Xiao Zhi went to the ruins in the air, the Tianming Continent, the Yuelu area, outside the capital of the Liang Kingdom, among the ruins buried deep underground, that mysterious existence opened its eyes.

"I didn't expect this little guy to be able to cultivate to this point, my Chengying Sword is also in his hand, interesting, it's time to meet him, perhaps, he can play some small roles in my plan." The mysterious being said, standing up from the seat made up of corpses.

He hasn't left here for a long, long time.

For 10,000 years, he has been alone in this dark ancient battlefield, accompanied by loneliness and hatred.

"It's almost time, Taijia they are estimated to have already started to act, White Scale Clan, your death time is coming!" The mysterious being muttered to itself, and the body suddenly disappeared from the ancient battlefield.

At this time, Xiao Zhi had flown thousands of miles into the sky and came to the ruins in the air that he was extremely curious about.

It is an island floating in the air, and under the island are layers of white clouds, which are the foundation of the island and support the island.

Above the island is a once bustling city.

Today, it is full of ruins.

Broken walls and broken bricks.


The moment Xiao Zhi stepped on the island, a heartfelt fear made Xiao Zhi like a piece of wood, completely unable to move.

Xiao Zhi swallowed, his soul trembling.

He felt fear that he had never felt before.

He couldn't make a sound.

His heart was screaming wildly.

What kind of existence is it, with such a terrifying aura?

Xiao Zhi was covered in cold sweat.

Suddenly, a man dressed in rags with a shawl suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes.

There was no breath on his body, just like a mortal who had never practiced.

But as he approached, the fear in Xiao Zhi's heart became stronger.

Every time the man's foot fell to the ground, Xiao Zhi's soul would suffer a blow.

The strength of this man has far exceeded Xiao Zhi's imagination.

"Your name is Xiao Zhi." The man suddenly spoke.

His voice is very peculiar, both clear and husky, giving a feeling that is both comfortable and uncomfortable.

Xiao Zhi wanted to speak, but he was already oppressed by the man and couldn't make any sound.

The man waved his hand, and all the pressure exerted on Xiao Zhi completely disappeared.

Xiao Zhi was able to speak.

"Yes." Xiao Zhi responded.

"You don't have to wonder how I know your name, not only you, I know the names of everyone in the whole world." The man said.

"Who are you?" Xiao Zhi asked softly.

The man suddenly stopped speaking, he just looked at Xiao Zhi like this, and waited for a long time before finally speaking.

"My name is Fu Tianyu, and I am the city lord of the Eternal Sentinel Tower of the Spirit Race." The man said.

Xiao Zhi's eyes widened suddenly.

Spirit World!

Eternal Sentinel Tower!

City Lord!

Wait, could it be that he is the Terran City Lord mentioned in Qingfeng's mouth!

That Terran City Lord who fought against the White Scale Clan!

How could it be him?

How could he be here?

What does he want to do?

Why is he looking for me?

For a while, Xiao Zhi's heart was shaken, and there were endless doubts in his heart.

Funeral Tianyu gently hooked his finger, Xiao Zhi's storage bracelet automatically opened, and the Chengying sword in the storage bracelet flew out uncontrollably and flew into Burial Tianyu's hand.

Fu Tianyu held the Chengying Sword, and his gaze instantly softened.

Xiao Zhi did not dare to speak, he could only stand silently on the side, looking at the burial of Tianyu.

Fu Tianyu's strength was too strong, and he didn't have any chance to resist at all.

Although he felt very sorry for the Chengying Sword, if Fu Tianyu really wanted to take the Chengying Sword away, Xiao Zhi would have no choice.

Today, life or death is left to fate.

But Fu Tianyu suddenly returned the Chengying Sword to Xiao Zhi.

"This used to be my sword, but I don't need it anymore, and you will be its true owner in the future." Fu Tianyu said.

Xiao Zhi took the Chengying sword, but still didn't say a word.

"The spirit beast you raised is very good, I like it very much." Fu Tianyu said.

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