The heart demon descends.

Scenes from the past emerged in Xiao Zhi's mind.

It hooked the darkness in Xiao Zhi's heart.

The darkness in Xiao Zhi's heart is budding.

First of all, what appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind was the scene of his parents' divorce.

Six-year-old Xiao Zhi stood at the door of the court, looking at his parents who were gradually cutting off, his small fists clenched tightly.

He didn't know why his mother had left him.

He didn't know why his father's eyes were so cold.

He didn't know why the onlookers were laughing at him.

He ran to his mother, but the strange man next to her pushed him to the ground.

The palm of the hand is worn on the concrete floor.

Blood oozed from the palms of the hands.

Relatives on his mother's side were insulting him.

His uncle's cousin gave him a kick.

My father watched all this but was indifferent.

Dark clouds and icy rain fell.

No one feels sorry for this child.

They all saw him as an outlier.

This is something that Xiao Zhi has personally experienced.

It was the beginning of his tragic childhood.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice sounded.

Induced Xiao Zhi with a strange tone.

"Kill them! Kill them! Fast! Kill them!

Xiao Zhi's consciousness was controlled by this voice.

In an instant, everything changed.

The sky turned blood red.

It was the color of killing and anger.

The young Xiao Zhi suddenly grew up and turned into the appearance of the Vengeful Demon Venerable now.

He killed everyone with extreme cruelty.

He strung together all the heads and raised them high.

Blood water bathed Xiao Zhi's body along with icy rain.

In the blink of an eye, everything around him disappeared.

Xiao Zhi turned into a thirteen-year-old boy, wearing a shabby school uniform and curled up on the ground.

A group of punks with colorful hair dressed in dirty board shoes, leaving one footprint after another on Xiao Zhi's clothes.

Xiao Zhi had no ability to resist and could only let them bully.

Classmates and teachers were watching, and no one helped.

The director even smoked a cigarette and laughed on the sidelines, because one of the punks was his own nephew.

There is no doubt that this is a garbage school.

Unfortunately, Xiao Zhi can only be in this school.

Xiao Zhi tightly guarded the five-dollar worn banknote in his hand with his hand.

This is his lunch money for a week.

It was his grandparents who worked hard to farm the land.

But he didn't even keep the five dollars, and was snatched away by this group of little hooligans.

In an instant, the scene changes.

Xiao Zhi's grandmother took Xiao Zhi to find the teaching director theory.

The head teacher smoked a cigarette, his feet on the table, and his face disdainful.

"Why only bully your grandchildren, not other people's grandchildren?" The director of education said with an arrogant attitude.

Xiao Zhi's grandmother even knelt down to the teaching director in order for her grandson not to be bullied.

In exchange, the director of instruction ignored and ridiculed.

At this moment, the voice reappeared.

Xiao Zhi once again turned into a vengeful demon lord and slaughtered the entire town.

The arrogant head burst like a balloon in his hands.

In an instant, the scene changed again.

Xiao Zhi looped through one scene after another.

These are the hardships he has experienced.

It is also the eternal pain in his heart.

Xiao Zhi is also in the consciousness of being controlled by the heart demon in the induction of the heart demon again and again.

The heart demon took this opportunity to devour Xiao Zhi's consciousness.

When it completely devours Xiao Zhi's consciousness, it will control this body instead of Xiao Zhi.

And the real Xiao Zhi will die completely.

This is the horror of the heart robbery.

It didn't roll around and it didn't move.

Just like that, it appeared quietly.

Completely destroy an immortal cultivator.

In the world of immortal cultivation, how many heavenly heroes have not survived this level, and their wonderful lives have withered.

Just when Xiao Zhi's consciousness was about to be engulfed little by little, in the depths of Xiao Zhi's consciousness, a white ball of light suddenly appeared.

This white ball of light is Xiao Zhi's divine beast space.

The heart demon was shocked.

"This can't be !!"

The heart demon howled, wanting to speed up the devouring of Xiao Zhi's soul.

Xiao Zhi's consciousness awakened at this time.

"Thank you for making me reminisce about the suffering and make me recognize myself." Xiao Zhi's consciousness became clearer and clearer, and the power of the heart demon became weaker and weaker.

When Xiao Zhi's consciousness was completely restored, the heart demon no longer existed.

Xiao Zhi survived this calamity.

He uses his clear consciousness to accelerate the division of souls.

The Yang God gradually appeared, existing in Xiao Zhi's Divine Court Cave, like a blazing sun.

The Yin God is tangible, existing in Xiao Zhi's Fengfu cave, like a ghost.

The Yang God and the Yin God already have forms.

Xiao Zhi struck while the iron was hot, breaking through the last obstacle like a broken bamboo, completely dividing the soul into two.

From then on, Xiao Zhi's life expectancy could reach 50,000 years.

The Yang God is immortal, and Xiao Zhi is immortal.

The Yin God does not die, and Xiao Zhi does not die.

Xiao Zhi is now a true and true distraction realm powerhouse.

His realm, even if he looks at the spirit world, can be regarded as a strong one.

At the same time, the spiritual power reserves in his body have also increased exponentially, and with spells of this level like thunder punishment, he can release several times in a row without exhaustion.

Moreover, the power of his spells also became stronger as he increased his level.

If he encountered that worm in the Lightless Land again, Xiao Zhi could kill it with only a spell!

Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, and the tooth knife was still guarding beside him.

At this time, in Xiao Zhi's eyes, everything in the world seemed to be different.

He can see both the light side and the dark side of something.

This is because he has a yang god and a yin god, and he can think about everything in the world with two kinds of thinking.

Xiao Zhi smiled slightly, and his temperament became inscrutable.

As soon as his mind moved, the Yang God came out of his body.

A man who looked exactly like himself appeared next to Xiao Zhi.

He was smiling and kind.

The Yang God is separated from the body, and the divine consciousness can reach tens of thousands of miles.

Through the Yang God, Xiao Zhi could cover the entire Dark Abyss Continent with divine consciousness.

He could sense what was happening in every corner of the Dark Abyss Continent.

Burial Tianyu can know the affairs of the world in the ancient battlefield, perhaps this ability is used.

Xiao Zhi withdrew the Yang God and released the Yin God.

The Yin God is out of the body, there is no appearance, just a shadow, just like Xiao Zhi's shadow.

The Yin God does not have the same powerful divine consciousness as the Yang God, but it can sense the emotions of everything around it, especially evil thoughts.

After experiencing the feeling of the Yang God and the Yin God, Xiao Zhicai finally stood up.

Below his body, the traces of sitting cross-legged have become a small pit, which seems to have passed for a long time.

"Toothknife, how much time did I use this time?" Xiao Zhi suddenly asked.

Toothknife turned around, opened its mouth, and made a human sound.

"It's been about twenty-three days."

"Huh? It's been twenty-three days! So much time has passed. Xiao Zhi nodded, not yet noticing that the tooth knife could actually speak.

"Wrong, it's twenty-three days and four hours." Ben Lei also spoke.

Xiao Zhi realized that something was wrong.

"Wait!! How did you speak!! "

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