"Is it that serious?" Xiao Zhi asked.

"Very serious, my father has been defeated by the monster god and is seriously injured." Kukai seems to be communicating with the Terrans for the first time, and he seems very shy when he speaks, and his voice is full of trills, which is very cute.

When Xiao Zhi was about to speak, suddenly, he sensed the aura of a strange god.

The aura of the strange god is approaching.

They came to the Four Xuanzong Sects.

"Lean! You have attracted the devil! Xiao Zhi's cold words blinded both Kukai and Xianyali.

"The monster god is coming, prepare to fight!" Xiao Zhi was ready to fight, and instantly echoed.

Xiao Zhi's subordinates who came out of the Lightless Zone rushed over in an instant.

More than seventy powerhouses of the realm of out-of-body stood behind Xiao Zhi, and the scene was not to mention how spectacular.

"Master!" More than seventy strong men shouted in unison.

Kukai had never seen such a spectacular scene, and she was completely stunned by this scene.

They also sensed the arrival of the strange god, and they all entered the battle state at the first time.

"Big niece, you hide away first, don't affect you!" Xiao Zhi shouted at Kukai.

Kukai, like a small child, left very obediently.

In fact, if you really talk about age, Kukai's actual age is actually more than thirty years older than Xiao Zhi.

Not only her, but Xian Yali is also older than Xiao Zhi.

Don't look at Xian Yali has always looked like a girl, in fact, she is more than twenty years older than Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi's actual age was actually a little brother in front of them.

"Salted duck eggs, or you can hide too." Xiao Zhi said to Xian Yali.

"No, I have immortal bloodlines in my body, and it is my mission to fight against strange gods." Saying that, Xian Yali grinned, and then whispered, "Actually, I want to fight side by side with you." "

Okay then." Xiao Zhi pulled out the Chengying Sword that buried Tianyu, looked in the direction of the strange god, raised his sword and shouted, "I Xiao Zhi never likes to cause trouble, but I have never been afraid of provoking me." Hmph, how can the strange gods scare me! If they dare to come, I will let them come and go!

"There is no return! There is no return! Xiao Zhi's men shouted.

The strange god has entered Xiao Zhi's field of vision.

Ten monster gods.

The appearance of these ten strange gods is all distorted and strange, beyond ordinary people's imagination.

This is because they are extraterrestrial creatures.

Extraterritorial is a place where there are no rules.

It is a twisted place full of magic energy.

The strength of these ten monster gods among the monster gods is not very strong.

But even so, the strongest of them still reached the terrifying Cave Void Realm.

Cave Void Realm, this is the existence of the same realm as Burial Tianyu.

It is only one realm lower than the Mahayana realm.

Two realms higher than Xiao Zhi now!

In addition to one strange god of the Cave Void Realm, there were also three strange gods of the Combined Body Realm that also made Xiao Zhi feel extremely tricky.

In addition, the remaining six monster gods are all in the same realm as Xiao Zhi, and they are also in the realm of distraction.

Xiao Zhi glanced over, and unexpectedly saw an old acquaintance in this group of strange gods.

Strange god blood evil pupil.

This blood evil pupil Xiao Zhi is too familiar.

When he was buried in the Nine Holes Burial Demon Cave, Xiao Zhi had personally killed a blood evil pupil.

This blood evil pupil is extremely powerful.

It can even be said to be very strong.

As long as he was hit by a blow, even Xiao Zhi would have to be dispersed.

However, the Blood Evil Pupil has a very fatal weakness.

They are very crispy.

Very, very crisp.

Once attacked, death is almost certain.

Its existence is like that of a mage in a fantasy novel, with strong attacks, a brittle body, and a fear of getting close.

When Xiao Zhi saw the blood evil pupil and these strange gods, he began to make a battle plan in his heart.

Although Xiao Zhi has many subordinates, they are all out of the realm, and they are simply not enough to fight against the strange gods.

Moreover, these subordinates are Xiao Zhi's foundation and the mainstay of the Four Xuan Sect.

Xiao Zhi also did not want his foundation to be lost.

In order to minimize losses, Xiao Zhi had to quickly formulate a battle plan.

Having to do this blood evil pupil, Xiao Zhi was ready to let the tooth knife and the black feather deal with it.

The strange gods flew slower and slower, making strange noises as they flew, pausing from time to time, as if performing some kind of ritual.

And their pause gave Xiao Zhi the opportunity to make a battle plan.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly said to Tooth Dao and Black Feather: "Tooth Saber, Black Feather, you two deal with that big eyeball first, it is called Blood Evil Pupil." Its attack power is terrifying, Black Feather you and I have dealt with it before, you should know how powerful it is and its weaknesses. "

Don't look at Hei Yu who is silent all day, the little head is a little bit melon, in fact, it is smarter than anyone, and it immediately understands Xiao Zhi's intentions.

"Master, I will take the tooth knife to stealth together at the beginning of the battle, and then get close to the blood evil pupil, let the tooth knife attack the blood evil pupil, so that I can kill the blood evil pupil in the fastest second, and then we can go and join other battles." Kuroba said.

Xiao Zhi saw that Hei Yu was so smart, and he couldn't be more comfortable in his heart.

It's comfortable to deal with smart guys!

Don't bother.

Heck, I can be considered to have experienced the benefits of the divine beast being able to speak.

Xiao Zhi did not sigh too much in his heart, he activated the pupil of identification and looked at all the remaining nine monster gods.

The pupil of identification is really strong, and at a glance, all the secrets are known.

Xiao Zhi knew the weaknesses of these strange gods.

It is strange to say that these strange gods have a fatal weakness, which Xiao Zhi cannot understand.

Knowing the weakness of the strange god, Xiao Zhi began to arrange his subordinates and make a battle plan for them.

Xiao Zhi's logical and clear plan was conveyed, and each subordinate had his own task.

Seeing Xiao Zhi's appearance of controlling everything, Xianyali's eyes were full of affection, and her love for Xiao Zhi in her heart deepened a little.

"Salted duck egg, your combat effectiveness is weak and you lack combat experience, don't get too close, oh, do you see that strange god that looks like a big squid, you will deal with it with the dryad Aoki, it is most afraid of high-brightness flashes, you will use spells with strong light effects to deal with it." Xiao Zhi said to Xian Yali.

"Well, I know, I won't let you down." Xian Yali said to Xiao Zhi.

"After this crisis, I will train you in the future so that you have combat experience." Xiao Zhi said.

As soon as Xiao Zhi's words fell, the tooth knife spoke.

Toothknife shouted: "Is it in bed, training?"

Xiao Zhi broke his mouth and cursed: "Tooth Dao, you step on the horse and wait for me!"

Xiao Zhi's subordinates all laughed.

Xianyali's little face was crimson, and there seemed to be a heat on her face, and she didn't know what was going on in her little head.

In order to change the topic, Xiao Zhi hurriedly raised the Chengying sword and shouted: "The strange god has arrived, brothers, attack!" "

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