"Xiao Zhi, thank you for allowing me to access such a treasure." The Dark Tiger Demon Venerable's eyes were sincere, and it was difficult to hide his excitement.

"Do you have the confidence to refine this magic weapon?" Xiao Zhi asked.

After a short silence, the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable said, "Yes, but the materials required for this treasure are somewhat special.

"Materials are not a problem, I can provide them for you." Xiao Zhi said.

"How many pieces do you want?" Dark Tiger Demon Venerable asked.

"Just design a set for the tooth knife, black feather, dragon, and Benlei, and it is useless if I want more." Xiao Zhi said.

"No problem, I will customize them according to their size and characteristics, and the material will have to be bothered by you." Dark Tiger Demon Venerable said.

"Haha, how many materials are needed, you list it for me, I'll look for it." Xiao Zhi said.

"Please get pen and paper." The Dark Tiger Demon Venerable asked Xiao Zhi to get pen and paper, and then the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable wrote down the materials roughly needed on the paper.

Xiao Zhi picked it up and fixed his eyes.

Oh, these materials are not funny.

"Leave the materials to me." Xiao Zhi said.

"I'll go back to the lava sea first and get ready." Dark Tiger Demon Venerable said.

"Okay, you go back first, I'll prepare the materials." Xiao Zhi said.

After saying goodbye, the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable flew towards the lava sea of the Dark Abyss Continent.

Xiao Zhi took the list of materials and went to his subordinates to find a way to get these materials.

Today and the past are different, and some things no longer need Xiao Zhi to bother himself.

He can leave these things to his subordinates.

Xiao Zhi's subordinates all set out to help Xiao Zhi find materials.

Even so, it took them a full month to find all the materials.

Before I knew it, more than half a year had passed.

In the past half a year, Xiao Zhi went to the Wuji Continent whenever he was bored, and released two strange gods to relieve his loneliness.

They all have their own things.

The toothknife is dedicated to puffing girls, and where it passes, it leaves a thousand styles.

Don't look at it as a wolf, if it turns into a werewolf, it will be much more fierce than the average person.

The dragon and the toothknife smell similarly, but it has more than enough energy, and can only watch from the sidelines and pass the eyes.

Benlei is more dedicated, and its preference is only horses.

It walks on three continents, leaving its own legend in every herd of horses.

And because of its existence, the horse family in this plane will undergo earth-shaking changes.

With the bloodline of Benlei, the foals of the horse tribe have the ability to practice as soon as they are born.

They inherit the power of Benlei and the ability to control thunder and lightning, and also inherit Benlei's stallion physique.

After 10,000 years of reproduction, the Ma tribe has become the third largest race in this plane after the Terran and Sea tribes.

A horse casts a race, and you can imagine how busy Benlei has been in the past six months.

Black Feather didn't wander like the three of them, and Black Feather usually either went out with ghost pupils to play, or dragged a person and asked non-stop.

Among all the divine beasts, Black Feather is the most honest one.

After that, after another month, the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable finally refined the magic weapon and came to Shenzhou Island to find Xiao Zhi.

"Xiao Zhi, I have refined the magic weapon according to your requirements." The Dark Tiger Demon Venerable looked sluggish, looking very tired, in the past half a year, he had never rested, and all his energy was put into the refining of magic weapons.

Seeing the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable like this, Xiao Zhi was very grateful and said, "You worked hard, Dark Tiger Demon Venerable."

"It's not hard, refining magic weapons is my fun, and I enjoy the joy of refining magic weapons very much." The Dark Tiger Demon Venerable took out several sets of golden armor of different shapes and placed them in front of Xiao Zhi, and then he sat down on the chair with his butt, closed his eyes and slept.

Xiao Zhi inspected these sets of golden armor one by one.

The Dark Tiger Demon Venerable deserves to be the strongest alchemist in this plane, and the level of refining can be called a miracle.

He not only perfectly reproduced the refining techniques of the Wuji Family's Curse God Golden Armor, but also added his own understanding on the original basis, making the God God Golden Armor more suitable for them.

"Dark Tiger Demon Venerable is really a god and a person, this means is absolutely perfect." Xiao Zhi was full of praise for the magic weapon refined by the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable.

Then, Xiao Zhi used his divine mind to summon the tooth knife.

The first to return were Kuroba and Oni Hitomi.

"Black Feather, you try this magic weapon and see if it fits." Xiao Zhi took out the Golden Armor of the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable specially refined for Black Feather and handed it to Black Feather.

This set of golden armor was not golden, but was used by the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable to use a black Xuan Iron to make it a pitch-black color.

This black feathers are exactly the same as the feathers of the black feathers, and there is no difference at all.

Not only that, this set of Divine Golden Armor was also extremely light, because the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable added a special metal called Cloud Bubble Steel to it.

Hei Yu put on the Golden Armor of the Gods, flew twice, and then said to Xiao Zhi: "There is no sense of restraint, it's good." The

black feather spread its wings, and the golden armor also opened up, revealing four black metal arrows.

This arrow was like a feather, and it was an attack method specially designed by the Dark Tiger Demon Venerable for Black Feather.

"If you like it, we'll have a bigger battle in a few months, and I hope we can all survive that battle!" Xiao Zhi said.

"Well, I see, master." Black Feather bowed his head in submission.

Xiao Zhi stroked Hei Yu's head and thought: Hei Yu is still honest, much stronger than those three guys, if only those three guys could be as honest as Black Feather.

"Master, why is the sky blue..." As soon as Hei Yu opened his mouth, Xiao Zhi's face changed instantly.

"Don't ask me, you go find someone else to ask!" Xiao Zhi suddenly became fierce.

This is not that Xiao Zhi has a bad temper.

It's that as long as this guy says why three words, its problems will not stop.

It will ask all the questions in the whole day.

This is the only drawback of Black Feather.

Hei Yu was taken away by Xiao Zhi and went to ask the others.

Seeing the arrival of Black Feather, Xiao Zhi's subordinates were all frightened and fled everywhere, screaming again and again.

In the past six months, they have been tortured enough by the black feather.

Hei Yu looked at one person, this person was Zhou Yan, the Zhenshan elder of the former Four Xuan Sect.

I'll ask you today!

Like a falcon catching rabbits, the black feather swooped down with a swift momentum and grabbed Zhou Yan's shoulder with his claws.

That claw was like a shackle, locking Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was powerless to resist and could only accept fate.

Zhou Yan's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

Hei Yu lowered his head, stared at Zhou Yan with dark eyes, and then asked, "Why is the sky blue?" Why are clouds white? Why..."

Zhou Yan trembled all over, like falling into the abyss.

At this moment, his head has been completely occupied by these three words of why.

"No!!!" Zhou Yan's screams resounded throughout Shenzhou Island.

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