The realm of Pingyao, one of the one hundred and eight realms of the spirit realm, is hundreds of millions of miles away from the realm of Tiannan.

In the realm of Pingyao, there is a powerful race called the Saint Ant Clan.

The strength of the Saint Ant Race far exceeded that of ordinary races in the spirit world.

Among the holy ant clan, there are six people in the Mahayana realm, and there are countless cave void realms.

Legend has it that hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Saint Ant Clan also had a Great Sage and a Scattered Immortal at the same time.

It was the most glorious moment of the Holy Ant Clan.

10,000 years ago, the Holy Ant Clan, the Jinwu Evil Shadow Clan and other great clans besieged the Qingluan tribe and exterminated the Qingluan tribe in the territory of Pingyao.

At this point, the Pingyao Realm was completely controlled by the Saint Ant Clan, the Golden Crow Clan, the Evil Shadow Clan and other great races.

Although the Qingluan tribe has been exterminated, there are still survivors of the Qinglun tribe.

Qingfeng and Qinghuang survived the catastrophe and escaped from the Pingyao Realm, disappearing into the southern departure of the Tiannan Realm.

Although Qingfeng and Qinghuang have disappeared for 10,000 years, the Saint Ant Clan and the Jinwu Clan are still sitting on pins and needles.

If they don't see Qinghuang's body for a day, they won't be at peace for a day.

They are fearful, afraid of the revenge of the Qinglu clan.

Qinghuang is the first genius of the Qingluan tribe in millions of years, and it has an extremely rich bloodline in his body.

If she doesn't die, sooner or later she will grow into the most powerful being in this world.

At that time, the Holy Ant Clan, the Jinwu Tribe and other ethnic groups besieging the Qingluan tribe will all suffer from the disaster.

For ten thousand years, the Saint Ant Clan and the Jinwu Clan have never had peace of mind.

The existence of the green phoenix was like a thorn, piercing their hearts fiercely.

As for Blue Point, it was not in their consideration at all.

They just want Qinghuang to die!

In the realm of Pingyao, in the territory of the Holy Ant Clan, ant nests piled up of special clay towered like mountains.

Inside every nest is a family.

The higher the nest, the more powerful.

Inside the tallest ant nest, a man from the Holy Ant Clan whose body was like gold was holding a huge metal basin on his head.

The large basin was full of fresh flesh and blood.

This is food for the queen ant.

This Saint Ant Clan man is not ordinary, he is one of the six Mahayana powerhouses of the Saint Ant Clan, and his name is Nightmare.

This realm is the top existence of any race.

But in the highly hierarchical Saint Ant Clan, he was just a second-class person.

As strong as him, he must also serve the queen ant.

And the realm of the queen ant is no more than the Yuan baby.

Nightmare held up the metal basin with a serious expression.

In front of him was a fat and plump monster that looked like a human and worm.

This is the queen ant of the Nightmare family.

Suddenly, the tentacles of the nightmare trembled.

He received a message from the White Scale Clan.

"I have found the remnants of the Qinglu clan."

Receiving this transmission, Nightmare was immediately overjoyed.

With this joy, the large basin above his head trembled slightly.

This attracted the dissatisfaction of the queen ant.

"Nightmare, what are you doing?" The queen rant scolded Nightmare.

As a Mahayana powerhouse, Nightmare was trained by an ant queen who only had the realm of the Yuan Infant to dare not move.

"Queen Ant, I'm sorry." Nightmare hurriedly said.

"Hmph, if you dare to displease me again, I will take away your power." The queen ant said to Nightmare.

Nightmare hurriedly explained: "Just now, the White Scale Clan of the Tiannan Realm sent a message, and they said that they had found the remnants of the Qinglu Clan. Hearing

this, the ant became interested.

"The remnants of the Qinglu clan? After hiding for 10,000 years, did they finally appear? The queen said.

"Yes." Nightmare hurriedly said.

"Nightmare, you go and capture the remnants of the Qinglu clan, especially the Qingluan princess of the Qingluan clan, I heard that she has the bloodline from the ancient immortal phoenix in her body, you capture her, I will devour her. As long as I devour her, I will be able to give birth to more powerful children, and then our family will become the first family of the Saint Ant Clan!" The queen said, twisting her fat body.

"Okay, Lord Queen Ant, I'll inform the people of the White Scale Clan first, don't let the remnants of the Qinglu Clan run away." Nightmare said.

"This matter is left to you, and if it is done, I will give birth to a child with you." The queen ant said.

Hearing these words, Nightmare was instantly excited.

He trembled his body and said to the queen ant: "Lord queen ant, I will definitely not let you down!" "

Being able to give birth to offspring with the queen ant is the dream of countless holy ant tribes.

Even Mahayana powerhouses like Nightmare are no exception.

"Serve my work and let others come, you go and deal with this matter, remember, don't let the Mahayana of other families know, they will interfere with it." If you are worried about the accident, contact the Jinwu tribe and ask them to help you. The queen said.

"Obey!" Nightmare couldn't help but be overjoyed, and then moved his tentacles to establish a connection with the old man of the White Scale Clan.

"Are you sure it's the remnants of the Qingluan clan?" As soon as Nightmare asked these words, the old man of the White Scale Clan who was far away in the Tiannan Realm instantly received this transmission.

"Yes, that's right, that's them." The old man of the White Scale Clan said.

"Is Princess Qingluan in it?" This is the problem that Nightmare cares about the most.

"There is a girl-like person, she should be the princess Qingluan you said." The old man quickly replied.

"Good, good, good, you show me them, don't let them run!" If you dare to let them run, we will make your White Scale Clan disappear from the spirit world completely!" Nightmare threatened.

The old man of the White Scale Clan hurriedly said, "I will use all means to subdue them, and I will never let you down!"

"After this matter is completed, my Holy Ant Clan and other great clans will establish diplomatic relations with your White Scale Clan and support your White Scale Clan to become the first race in the land of southern departure." Nightmare said.

"Don't worry!" The old man of the White Scale Clan hurriedly replied.

With that, Nightmare left the ant nest and contacted a Mahayana powerhouse of the Jinwu clan.

The Mahayana powerhouse of the Jinwu tribe arrived, and the two of them left the Pingyao realm together and rushed towards the realm of Tiannan.

The Pingyao Realm was very far from the Tiannan Realm, separated by more than thirty realms.

There are a total of one hundred and eight realms in the spirit realm, and in each realm, there are countless areas like the land of southern departure.

If they flew directly over, when they flew from the Pingyao Realm to the Tiannan Realm, they would have to be in the Year of the Monkey.

Of course, Nightmare knew this, so he had to use the teleportation array.

However, he couldn't directly use the teleportation array of the Pingyao Realm, because it would let the other families of the Saint Ant Clan know.

The holy ant family is based on families, and each family has an ant queen.

There are also several families that covet the Immortal Phoenix bloodline in Qinghuang's body.

For the sake of selfishness, of course, Nightmare would not let the other families of the Saint Ant Clan know about this matter.

He wants to take down the green phoenix and sacrifice it to his queen before the other families know about it.

In order to be able to keep it better secret, Nightmare is ready to go to the Blue Rain Realm next door to the Pingyao Realm, and use the Blue Rain Realm's teleportation array to go to the Tiannan Realm.

At this time, in the Tiannan Realm, after the old man of the White Scale Clan was entangled, he made up his mind.

It is necessary to use all his strength to take down Blue Point and Blue Phoenix before the arrival of Nightmare.

"All the future of the White Scale Clan is here to fight!" The old man of the White Scale Clan clenched his fists, determined.

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