"This time, I'm going to catch a bird to cultivate, so that I may be able to get the ability of birds to fly!" Xiao Zhi has a goal and is full of motivation.

"Rat, you help me keep an eye on the surroundings and the sky, and pull my hair as soon as a bird flies by!" Xiao Zhi gave orders like an army commander.

The rat straightened his waist, like a warrior under review.

"Tooth knife, your nose is powerful, after you find the trail of the bird, immediately alert me." Xiao Zhi continued to arrange the tooth knife.

One man, one mouse, one wolf, walking in the deep mountains and old forests.

The deeper you go, the more eerie the atmosphere around you becomes.

Centuries-old trees shade the sky, and the wide canopy blocks the sun, making the forest pitch black.

The humid air carries a smell of decay, the cobwebs between the trees are connected, and the spiders the size of goats lie dormant in the darkness, waiting for the arrival of their prey.

The feet are full of rotting leaves, and the scorpion poisonous insects and vipers are all dormant under the rotting leaves, waiting to release their venom at any time.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes were staring at Xiao Zhi, looking at this man who had intruded into their world.

Suddenly, the tooth knife stopped and sniffed hard.

Then, I saw that the back legs of the toothknife were slightly bent, and the tail was also erect.

Its eyes were staring ahead, full of vigilance.

Xiao Zhi was unaware and did not notice anything abnormal.


A fishy wind hit.


The shrill crow call tore the silence.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Zhi smelled the smell of decaying corpses.

The rat flicked its tail, and a fireball hit the ground, igniting the fallen leaves.

By the light of the fire, Xiao Zhi saw a strange figure.

Like a zombie, he stumbled and approached Xiao Zhi.

The smell of corpse decay was what came from him.


The crow call sounded again.

The figure suddenly landed on all fours and ran wildly like a spider.

At this moment, the figure came to Xiao Zhi.

At this time, Xiao Zhi finally saw his appearance clearly.

This is a dead man.

A dead man whose whole body is already highly decomposed.

There was not much blood and flesh on his face, the white bones of Sensen were exposed, the left eye socket was dark, the eyeball had dried up into a layer of skin, the muscle connected to the eyeball in the right eye socket had lost moisture, hanging an eyeball crawling with maggots, as he shook his body, the hanging eyeball swayed like a pendulum.

He opened his mouth, the muscles connected to his jaw were like taut rubber bands, his dark tongue was full of holes secreting purple-black pus, and the smell of decay choked Xiao Zhi's dizziness.

Xiao Zhi immediately retreated, and when he retreated, Xiao Zhi saw the clothes on this guy's body.

Although the clothes were already torn, Xiao Zhi still recognized that it was the clothes of the Four Xuanzong Feng Xuanshan.

"What the hell!" Xiao Zhi raised his hand and threw a fireball and smashed it at this guy who didn't know whether he was a person or a ghost.

The fireball was precise and ignited the guy's body.

But this guy still didn't know the pain, opened his teeth and danced his claws, and rushed towards Xiao Zhi.

The tooth knife rat entered the combat state, jumped off Xiao Zhi's shoulder, and struck a flame impact, leaving this guy to pieces.

"What the hell is this?" Xiao Zhi covered his nose and looked around.


Another crow call.

In the dark, the sound does not stop.

A walking corpse emerges from the darkness.

Among these walking dead are humans, tigers, and ten-meter snakes, and even large scorpions that are eight meters long.

Without exception, these walking dead are all highly rotten and have no posture of their own.

"Groove! Am I not the Immortal Cultivation Realm that I have crossed? How did it become Resident Evil! Xiao Zhi pinched his nose and shouted.

If it had been before, Xiao Zhi would have fainted when he saw this scene.

But now, Xiao Zhi did not have the slightest fear.

He only felt sick.

This is because all fear stems from insufficient firepower.

"Rat rat, tooth knife, kill!" Xiao Zhi crossed his arms, and the spiritual power in his body mobilized, turning into a crimson flame barrier, wrapping Xiao Zhi's body.

"Rush!" Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and crashed forward.

"Squeak!" The rat followed closely behind, also releasing a flame shock.

The toothknife, on the other hand, did not move, it was still trying to smell the smell in the air, and its sharp eyes seemed to be searching for something.

With the cooperation of Xiao Zhi and the rat mouse, the nearby walking dead were completely emptied.

The ground was littered with fragments of highly decomposed corpses.

The mountains and forests are full of flames, and the whole mountain forest is full of fire.

"There are so many strange things here, I didn't come here if I knew it earlier." Xiao Zhi muttered to himself.

After just walking out of the Four Xuanzong, Xiao Zhi actually had several choices in front of him.

To the east of the Four Xuanzong, there are sparse bushes, all kinds of wildflowers and weeds, and you can see them everywhere.

The north of the Four Xuanzong is a maple forest, and the south is a hilly area.

However, he chose the weirdest deep mountains and old forests in the west of the Four Xuan Sect.

It's not about finding oneself for guilt.

But now that it has reached this point, there is no chance to regret it.

When Xiao Zhizheng was complaining, the tooth knife suddenly emitted a low wolf howl.

I saw it suddenly jump, jumping under a big tree.

"Tooth Saber, what did you find?" Xiao Zhi asked.

The tooth knife did not answer Xiao Zhi, it stretched out its claws, followed the towering tree, clasped the trunk with its claws, and ran vertically towards the canopy.


The annoying crow call sounded again.

A black shadow swooped down from the canopy of the trees, very fast.

The tooth knife hurriedly turned around and shouted at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhigang noticed something, and was about to react, when the black shadow suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Xiao Zhi's shoulder hurt violently, directly breaking a big hole.

The wound was deep in the bone, and even Xiao Zhi's collarbone had scratches.

That black shadow appeared again and appeared behind Xiao Zhi.

Even though the forest was already in flames, Xiao Zhi still couldn't see what it was.


The black shadow made a crow call.

It seems that those walking dead just now are also ghosts of it.

The black shadow disappeared again, disappearing without a trace, without a trace to be found.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly retreated and left the place.

The rat and mouse were covered in hair, and the flames on their bodies burned even more intensely.

The toothknife was still lying on the trunk, motionless.

A sense of danger rose in Xiao Zhi's heart.

In an instant, Xiao Zhi instinctively leaned back.

An invisible blade cut through Xiao Zhi's clothes, leaving a bloody stain on Xiao Zhi's belly.

"I'll make you invisible!" At the moment of dodging, Xiao Zhi launched the Wolf Tooth Wind Fist and smashed it on the black shadow accurately.

The black shadow let out a mournful cry, leaving a bloodstain on the ground.

Only at this time did Xiao Zhi finally see the essence of this black shadow.

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